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Everything posted by lscilley

  1. Those are hilarious made me have a good laugh on a crappy Monday morning!
  2. My FI and I went to Saona Island last year when we were there and we felt very mislead also. The bus ride was way longer than they told us then we had a crazy bumpy ride on the speedboat to the sandbar and we were not there very long and only saw 1 starfish. Once we got to the island the food not so great. The Catamaran ride back was the best part but by that time I was not feeling to well so spent it trying not to get sick and then had the long bus ride back I spend the rest of my night sick in my hotel room. It was fun at some points but just be careful who you book through and what you are getting. We booked through Turismo Tours I think it was. But I have to say I'm glad we did it I loved the island! I attached some pics for you all to see. **Sorry pics are so big tried to make them smaller and it just wouldn't work* Boat ride there Sandbar Starfish Approaching the Island The Lunch Area The Beach
  3. Happy Wedding Day! Hope you have the best day ever!
  4. I sent out Baby Shower invites once with a charm and everyone got the invites and the charms were fine I say send them anyways.
  5. Never have I ever..been on a train.
  6. Hope everyone is okay I have no idea what an Earthquake even feels like we don't have them in Canada just Tornado's.
  7. That really sucks but hopefully everything works out for you.
  8. Awesome pics looks like you had so much fun!
  9. Sorry to hear about your loss but at least he had a happy life.
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