I have a little rant to get out. A little over a week ago my FBIL was mugged going to the 7-11 by his house and the 2 guys beat him with a gun and then made him go to the bank and get them each $20. They beat him so bad that his eye socket was smashed and he had to go in for like a 6hr surgery yesterday to see if they could fix it and the damage was worse than expected but the surgeon did what he could do but now he will be in the hospital for a little while cause of the extend of the damage. Anyways it turns out 1 of the guys is his neighbour so they were evacuated by the SWAT team and had to come stay with us for a few days till both guys were caught. By Sunday both guys were caught and they went home but then the 1 guy that was their neighbour was released on bail so now of course his family is living with their doors locked and scared to go outside. Plus all that for $40 like come on what is wrong with people? He may have permamnent damage to his face and all for $40 I hope those 2 guys enjoy their time in jail!
Okay now that I have that rant off my chest I just need some happy thoughts and prayers for my FI's brother.