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Everything posted by lscilley

  1. Happy Birthday hope you have a wonderful day! Your man is so awesome to remember that you wanted that diaper bag!
  2. I think the strapless looks amazing on you I think you should go for that one!
  3. Congrats Morgan hope you have an awesome wedding!
  4. Happy Wedding Day hope you have the best wedding!
  5. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Aw that sucks my FI does that to me sometimes too and I hate it. Why do they get our hopes up and then disapoint us? I hope your evening gets better.
  7. That is so sad the poor puppy. I donated what I could and I hope it helps.
  8. That is a great necklace I was thinking of something like that for my girls too.
  9. Ann I hope your trip home goes well. I'm sure you will be so thrilled to be at home with your family.
  10. I'm so glad you got it all without it being damaged other than the box haha! I had so much fun shopping for you so I really hope you enjoy all of it! Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I just got my package from Leslie (lscilley)!!! Thank you sooo much! I was so excited. I had just pulled up to my house from being out of town and I saw the UPS guy pull up and I was thinking hmmm I wonder if that is my package.... IT WAS! I couldn't get it open fast enough. I LOVE it all! I really love the glass charms. I have always wanted some and never think to buy them. Here are some pictures... This made me laugh... there was a puncture in the package right next to "Fragile" Everything... Lotion, shower gel, Wine Glass Charms, Body Butter, Floating candles, anklets, chocolate and a premade Album
  11. Welcome back you looked so beautiful! Can't wait to see the pro pics and hear all about the wedding.
  12. Hope you have a great time and a wonderful wedding!
  13. The Notebook! But P.S. I Love You was amazing too I cried like a baby.
  14. Everything looks great hope you have a wonderful wedding!
  15. It's mostly cleaning and cutting the grass and such that causes our disagreements. I am the girl and for some reason I have to do all the housework and the yardwork and my FI and our other male roommate seem to do nonthing unless I yell at them. It really sucks!
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