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Everything posted by lscilley

  1. Wow great pictures! You looked so beautiful and you guys make an amazingly cute couple!!
  2. Congrats hope you have a wonderful legal day!
  3. Congrats Sunbride you did a great job with that thread!
  4. That is so scary that it happened while they slept and it is so sad.
  5. Thanks girls that's what I was thinking. I was paying $800 towards each of my girls trips I only had 2 but we will see how it goes and I may be down to one in a few weeks.
  6. I love these things! 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? Working 3. Your hair? straight 4. Your mother? stressed 5. Your father? working 6. Your favorite thing? food 7. Your dream last night? interesting 8. Your favorite drink? Water 9. Your dream/goal? Australia 10. The room you're in? dark 11. Your ex? idiot 12. Your fear? Spiders 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Australia 14. Where were you last night? Here 15. What you're not? relaxed 16. Muffins? yummy 17. One of your wish list items? bed 18. Where you grew up? lake 19. The last thing you did? Phone 20. What are you wearing? dressy 21. Your TV? Off 22. Your pets? sleeping 23. Your computer? junk 24. Your life? stressed 25. Your mood? stressed 26. Missing someone? always 27. Your vehicle? dirty 28. something your not wearing? Glasses 29. Favorite Store? Garage 30. Your summer? Alright 31. Like someone? Love 32. favorite color? Blue 33. When is the last time you laughed? Today 34. Last time you cried? Today
  7. Has anyone ever asked someone to step down from being their bridesmaid after asking them already. My one friend I asked her to be a bridesmaid and she was more than happy and her and her husband are trying to have another baby so I had a backup plan in case she was pregnant and could not travel. But now she is asking what happens if they can't afford to come to my wedding and I was like ? I gave her over 2 yrs notice and I am paying $800.00 towards her trip. It really made me mad because I don't need anymore stress with school and wedding planning. I was almost to the point of saying that she was still invited but that maybe it would be easier on both of us if she was not in the wedding party? Do you think that is mean of me? Has anyone else had a similar issue?
  8. Oh no I'm so sad now Beate was a cutie! I also recieved a personal thank you card for my donation and I was so thrilled by that it was such a nice thing to get more than just a receipt for my donation.
  9. I finished mine not very creative but it works. How does everyone center theirs? I have have tried everything I can think of and it doesn't work.
  10. Congrats Kathi you guys look so happy in your pics! Your dress is so cute!
  11. You look so amazing in your dress!! Can't wait to see your wedding day pics!
  12. Everything looks so awesome you did some great DIY projects!
  13. I never heard of it till now but it is a cool idea!
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