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Everything posted by lscilley

  1. lscilley

    New! :)

    Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  2. Those are great pics I love the piggyback one in the field.
  3. I am getting married there my guests are going for $1667 plus taxes for 1 week all inclusive in November but that is from Canada. I think the resort has pretty reasonable prices.I love the look of this hotel and that is why I picked it. There is a facebook group called Majestic Brides and there are a billion pictures on there if you want to go take a look.
  4. Hope you have an awesome wedding day!
  5. I wanted to do this but the FI hates to dance so I got a big old no from him. But I did eventually convince him to take lessons to learn an American style Viennese Waltz which his family and friends will still be shocked by. I want the whole thing spins, lifts and all.
  6. Well they made that decision easy for you. At least you can say you asked.
  7. Mrs- Erica (cessyboston) cause she's so friendly and helpful to everyone BTB- DaniellenDerek cause she's great and a DR bride
  8. Wow that is alot but you did an amazing job everything looks fantastic!
  9. Those are amazing photos and you looked so beautiful. I love the sunset ones so gorgeous!
  10. They do look lighter but I think they still look good together with your OOT bags!
  11. You looked so beautiful Erica and you guys look like you had an awesome time!
  12. I'm a little worried how it will affect everything but I also have lots of time for it to get back up to par with ths US dollar.
  13. Congrats you looked so beautiful can't wait to see more pics!
  14. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  15. Wow that's a tough situation your FI is feeling very threatened right now and maybe postponing is the best idea for now until you guys have more time to sort everything out. I do understand still caring for your ex as I am in a similar situation and I threw out alot of stuff from my ex and the few pics I wanted to keep not because of who's in them but because of where the pics were taken I have put away in an album just for memories. Also if you don't think you can give him 100% of your heart maybe there is something you don't see maybe you are still carrying more for your ex than you realize it took me a long time to realize that I was doing that. I told myself I would never say yes to the FI asking me to marry him until I knew that my ex was out of my heart in that way. We are still friends and It took my ex taking advatage of our friendship for me to realize that everything in life happens for a reason and that is why me and my ex are not together because we are not supposed to be. I am with a man who is so caring and loving and would never do half the stuff my ex did to me. If you ever need to talk you can PM me anytime cause I can very much relate to your situation.
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