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Everything posted by coreyphil

  1. Hi girls - I ordered monograms from creative montage and I love them ... but I'm having a little trouble ... I ordered them in .pdf format because the website said something to the effect of this format for Mac programs. I wanted to use one with Mac Pages for my welcome letter ... My problem is this - I'm having problems cutting and pasting them into documents - either in word or in pages. When I do, they are really blurry! Should I just bite the bullet and spend the $15 bucks and re-order the .jpg images? Any suggestions?
  2. I think it also depends on how big your wedding is ... I'm getting married March 8th. We got engaged in August and sent out STD's in September. We sent out our formal invites after Christmas. Our RSVP deadline was 2 weeks before we have to release the room block for the hotel. However, the final count for the activities and reception aren't needed until 30 days before. We're only having 35 to 40 people ... so we've been in contact with everyone pretty frequently. But, even with a small group, it's been a lot of work --- so if you've got a bigger group, I would definitely allow a bit more time!
  3. Here's the link ... it's about declaring stuff, but read further in the thread and there's more info about customs! Hope it helps! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6221
  4. I think there are some other threads on this ... let me see if I can find them ... In the meantime, I believe most girls haven't had any problems. I think some have put notices in their luggage that say in spanish something to the effect of "These items are for my wedding and not for sale!" ... Also, most people recommend bringing everything with you rather than shipping them ... apparently, things can go missing if you try to mail them ahead ... I'll post the other threads as soon as I can find them!
  5. SOOOO cute ---- you did an awesome job! I love the photobooth pics!!! What a great idea!
  6. So funny --- for some reason I was holding my breath while reading through this thread --- I'm nervous and excited for you!!! I can't wait to hear how you like it!!! And, of course, will check for pictures tonight!!!
  7. Jill --- You look so beautiful! Can I tell you I've been a little weepy this past week because I'm getting so excited. When I saw the picture of you dad and you about to walk down the aisle, and then the one of him giving you away with tears in his eyes ... that's was it for me ... the tears started flowing! Your pictures are beautiful! And, your cake! amazing!!! I'm glad you had such an amazing time --- thanks for sharing all the planning and details with us! It has really helped me since I've never even been to Cabo and we didn't have time for a site trip! Thanks!!!
  8. I'm so excited for you! Everything looks amazing, Jenn! I love, love, love your colors! Have a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear all about it!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 I like the first one better on you too only because you have the body for it and it's very flattering. I do like the second one too.... Are you doing a trash the dress? You could use one for that or sell it...I Think I remember you said you got a pretty good deal on the one you bought already? That's exactly what I was going to ask ... are you doing a ttd? I really like the first one, too ... but, you look beautiful in both! I'm still looking for a ttd dress because my real one is silk and apparently won't survive ... if your doing it, too, then you could use both! If not, I'm sure you could sell the first one!
  10. Ohhh --- you can TOTALLY tell how happy you are!!! The dress is beautiful and I can tell it feels great on --- your smile says it all! Congratulations!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany AH if I do this I will need a ton - what if you reach the 400 mark - will he lower it even more? Unfortunately, I think that 2.75 is going to be as low as we can get ... and that's pushing it. When I talked to him, I let him know that another group had previously ordered from BDW and asked him to honor their price (and, added that we could be a good source of future business, free advertisement, yada-yada-yada ...) He nicely apologized and said that 2.75 for an order over 300 was as low as he was willing to go ... additionally, he said that he would not be able to do this in the future without a member of the group having a retailer ID or tax ID. His customers are primarily resellers who have become upset at sales being made to "end-users" at the wholesale price. The company is implementing a new ordering / tracking system that will require one of these ID numbers (that's why we need to get the order in ... before the new system goes into place!). The price for the pashs we're getting is about to increase to 4.50 per item wholesale! So - I think we're getting a pretty good deal! BUT --- I searched and searched for anything lower and couldn't find anything ... so, unless someone else knows of a resource - it's likely to be a cheap as you'll find them!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Ok, well, let's wait and see what happens when it comes in. I've got my fingers, toes, and eyes all crossed for you that this works out perfectly. I've been gone all day, so I'm just catching this ... I'm so sorry Michelle! BUT - I'm glad that it was the bigger size that was available since it can always be made smaller vs the other way around ... I'm sure it will all work out! After all the searching ... this is the dress! One size is not that much difference!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 I used Deena as well and remember that she can have email problems. I would just try to call if you can get in touch with her...it's worth the effort because her cakes are fabulous! By the way Jill --- I loved reading your rave reviews about Deena! One of my WC's former brides also said that everyone STILL talks about how awesome her wedding cake looked AND tasted ... 2 years later! I can't wait!
  14. Thanks for all the help girls! We are pre-approved with a bank ... we were just planning on getting a pre-approval from a broker to compare rates. We should have that by this Friday. Then the holidays and the trip happened ... it was so crazy that it had been listed for so long and then was snapped up! I talked to my realtor today and he apologized ... he said that he talked to the seller's realtor to ask why it wasn't showing under contract when we saw it ... apparently there was some sort of system glitch. That's a great idea about talking with an inspector and contractor ... I'll have to look into that! And, I'm realizing pretty quickly now whether or not I like houses we're looking at ... my FI is just VERY cautious (read: SLOW) in making big decisions! (thus, dating for four years ...lol!). Maybe losing this house will be a bit of a lesson for us both and get us moving!
  15. Tammy - Here's what I have: Oscar and Deena Abadiano / Sweet Dreams at [email protected]
  16. Nope ... I've never had the swollen tongue thing ... but good for you Leigh for going. I started back last fall, then got sick and finals and life and million other excuses .... I need to go back in, maybe I'll look up a meeting right now! You're right, though ... it's a great program. I love the fact that you really can have pretty much anything - just in moderation and with careful planning. Good thinking on planning ahead for your trip!
  17. Help! This is the second time we've looked at a house that we really liked and it gets put under contract before we have a chance to go back and look at it again!!! Any suggestions? This last one was a BUMMER because it had been on the market for over 500 days!!! We looked at it the week before Christmas, then the holidays happened and we were out of town for a week. We came back and it's under contract! What do you do? It's scary to think that you have to make a decision the same day you look at something!!!
  18. Thank you, thank you girls! You have all made me feel so much better ... my friends and I have laughed over it! I think it was just the initial shock of it all ... I know it will all work out. So funny that the poll is 50 / 50 for leaving it alone vs. covering it up!!! My WC gave the same advice that many of you have - ask them to send a picture of it covered so that I can decide. I will do that later this week and will post it when I get it. For right now, I'm just going to let it rest! Kiki --- I think it might be a bit of a travel from dreams. It's located in downtown San Jose. We're going to be having the reception at La Panga and we'll be walking as a group with the mariachis to the reception (like a parade! ) If you did something similar, then you would just need transportation to and from San Jose, but not in between the ceremony and reception. And, again, Blanca (at El Encanto) has been SO very nice.
  19. Congratulations to you both and thank you for all you contribute!!!
  20. I just got a response from fashionunic ... they will give us a price of $2.75 if we order 300 or more; and a price of $2.97 as long as our order is $500 or more. I think we are pretty close ... so we'll let you know as soon as we hit 300. For future reference, though ... he said that the new "system" requires a Reseller ID or Tax ID because many of their customers are retailers and have become angry at them selling wholesale to "end-users". He also said that the price will be increasing to $4.50 per item in the near future.
  21. They look great ... I was planning on printing our menus from home, but now I'm reconsidering ... can I ask how much it cost you?
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