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Everything posted by coreyphil

  1. So funny - we had this discussion, too. We ended up deciding not to book the private cruise ... I think the max is 40 and we reserved for 35 ... we just figured we would just take our chances! Also, as silly as it sounds ... we thought it might be a chance for some of our single friends to meet other people in Cabo! (after spending most of the the week with all couples!). Depending on the boat size - your group will probably take up the majority of it --- IMO since it's not a rehearsal dinner or welcome dinner --- I don't think that it's as important to book the whole thing.
  2. I think the candles are really beautiful ... I do agree about trying to add a little more color. The other thing that I was thinking was what about using a large round mirror to set the candles on? It really makes the candlelight amazing and it's a super-cheap way to add some sparkle. I think the round mirror would be nice because it repeats the circular shape of the candle holders and the round candles. I've seen some arrangements with the mirror and candles and then just a single bud - like a stargazer lilly, a calla, etc. - it's a nice alternative to petals. If you wanted maybe tie a brown ribbon around the flower to tie into your color scheme? You're definitely on the right track! Good luck!
  3. Great job! I love the colors and the fonts that you used! Congratulations on getting them done!!! (For me I'm always excited when I start a project, but by about the 5th or 6th one I'm always wondering what I was thinking!!)
  4. So pretty! Congratulations ... it's great to have found the perfect one! I also really love the back of the dress --- simple and a beautiful cut!
  5. Just browsed it, so don't know much about it ... but what I did read was hilarious! Especially about the artificial sweetners in diet sodas ... it made me think twice and i've definitely cut down (but I confess I can't completely give them up and I LOVE splenda ...). Since I haven't read it, I'm not sure how "accurate" it is thought ... I think after reading that part about artificial sweetners, the New England Journal of Medicine came out with a long-term study that showed that saccharin doesn't cause cancer and isn't as harmful as once thought ... Regardless - find whatever works for you! Thanks for the recommendation!!
  6. Too cute! What a fun idea! Congratulations on finishing --- isn't it nice to be able to check something off your list?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by starfish kate I thought about doing this, but it would be 200+ people and that sort of defeats the purpose... I have a pretty large family and most of us are really close, but Mike's is small. I think he's worried that my family will be overwhelming. I'd love to cut the list, but I don't think that's an option. I've got a few months before I do STD's, but I'd like to try to have all of this figured out now. If your family is really close ... then absolutely invite them! The way I see it is --- if it is a person that you even THINK you would miss being there on your wedding day, then you need to invite them. I can honestly say that we have made sure to include all of the people that we truly feel that way about. We have had a few "I wonder if we SHOULD have invited so-and-so ..." - like FI's Boss who we've known for years --- but in the end, we decided that it was OK not to invite those people. I especially agree with the idea that if you do have a smaller circle of really CLOSE family and friends ... anyones that aren't that close may feel uncomfortable! As for your family being bigger than your FI's - you can't help that! I'm an only child and I love being around big families because I'm usually jealous at how fun they have! I think that I read somewhere that when planning a DW - you should never invite anyone that you don't really want to come because they'll be the one that is sure to show up! As tacky as that might sound - I think it probably rings true! You're smart to be thinking about it beforehand ... I know things can seem somewhat overwhelming in the beginning ... but the fact that the two of you are talking about it means that you will eventually figure out what's best for you!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by debla1 I am getting married at Dreams Tulum in May 2008. Should I ship my dress to the resort or bring it on the flight with me? Any recommendations? Ditto! The lady at the bridal shop was EMPHATIC about carrying the dress on the plane with you! From what I understand - airlines are usually very accomodating!
  9. This can definitely be a sticky issue ... My FI and I work at the same place (I'm only there part-time while I'm in school) --- but this seems to greatly increase the number of potential guests! That's what gave me chest pain when I started thinking about a wedding at home! When we decided on a DW - we decided that our rule was if you can't pick up the phone and call the person without them wondering if something's wrong or thinking it's weird that you're calling them ... then they weren't on the list. We also didn't go down the road of feeling "obligated" to invite distant cousins and other relatives that we NEVER talk to ... It has worked out really well --- we've invited only about 50 including family and when we think about the wedding, we get really excited about it being small and intimate with our closest friends and family. It looks like we're going to have around 35 ... As for the co-workers and others that weren't invited ... I put all the blame on me and said that the thought of planning a "big" wedding just gave me anxiety ... so I'm going for a really, really small wedding. We've had a few co-workers joke about "crashing" the wedding ... but in general, they've all been really supportive. I can't tell you how many have pulled me aside and told me that if they had it to do over, they would do the same thing --- cut their guest list in half and go for a small, intimate ceremony! I think most people will understand! Good luck!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Awesome! I'm a walker ... not a runner, unfortunately! :-) Don't say unfortunately!!! You'll be glad when you still have your original knees! My orthopedist says that running is the worst thing you can do on your joints! What counts is actually getting out there and moving!!!
  11. I'm trying the "Jog Tunes Indie Podcast" --- I just downloaded and I haven't listened to it yet ... it's free on itunes so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'll let you know if it's good for runners and walkers!
  12. These are more than $2 ... but they're the only ones that I have a link to ... Lauhala Hand and Wine Gift Bags Good luck!
  13. Thanks so much for checking ... glad I didn't count on finding them there!
  14. So excited for you! Have a wonderful time!!! P.S. --- last year when I went with my best friend her mom brought champagne (it comes in little bitty pink cans that come with straws called Sophia - Sophia Coppolla's brand) --- It was super-fun and the shop was really nice about it!
  15. Thanks for all the input and the sweet comments! ... I think you're right ... I'm going to skip the flowers for the ceremony. We're getting married in a chapel and so many of you commented that the flowers wouldn't seem to go with the veil. But - I love Christine's idea about adding the flowers (either on the dress or maybe in my hair?) for the reception! Jenn --- completely agree about your comment about being able to go to the bathroom by yourself! I love how light the Pronovias dresses are ... they were really the only ones that I tried on that I could imagine wearing all night!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by yari2566 Wow, ZERO points...that is great! I love soup, I will definitely check it out. On another note I had a tough time keeping my points this weekend. I work for a non-profit and our huge gala was this Friday and Saturday. Needless to say I ate without tracking. Ugh! Oh well, at least I started fresh today. Let's start this week off with a BANG! You girls have inspired me! I'm a lifetime member and went back because I know I've put on about 10lbs from school ... so, this is my first week back! I made the garden soup since I take my lunch to school and it's easy! Just FYI --- the fiber can be a little "rough" on the digestive system if you're not used to having so much at once! Also - there's a great article in October's Good Housekeeping --- it's called a "soup diet" - and it's basically the same WW soup, but with a number of variations (you start with a garden vegetable base and add different things for seven different soups) ... I'm going to make a batch over the weekend and try it next week! I'll let you know how it goes!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz To be honest, my FI has about 3 of these flasks from weddings he was in, and I have NEVER seen him use them. Ditto --- My FI's has a few from being a groomsmen - they are nice and engraved ... but collecting dust!
  18. Just wanted to welcome you with the forum and say "hang in there"! I think the beginning is always the craziest ... but it seems like after you get a few of those "big" things (hotel, ceremony site, etc.) under your belt ... things get much easier! Sounds like you've found some great girls to help you! Good luck!
  19. I like the one with the beach and the palm trees ... it makes me wish I was there right now!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizzy Can any of the girls or boys tell me where I can buy about 50 "Sacred Heart" or another heart Milagro? I have checked online and at EBay, but they usually want you to buy a random lot of Milagrs instead of specific ones. I thought maybe Anny or Amy or Edna may have some ideas. Thank you!!! I've been looking on this sight ... they have a lot of stuff that is really inexpensive ... Good Luck! Tesoros Trading Company Home Page
  21. Here's the picture from the Pronovia's site: And here's me ... Wow! They look like completely different dresses! Probably because I have NO waist and would love to grow another 5 inches !!! I'm still not sure whether or not I'll attach the flowers ... what do you think?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride So I took the midterm tonight that I have mentioned in a few posts because I was totally dreading it. I don't think I did the well. Which is mostly my fault because I was not focused and did not study like I should have. However, this professor sucks. He goes on and on about himself and the research he has done and doesn't get through his lecture. So we are really behind according to the syllabus. So instead of postponing the midterm he gave it to us with stuff on there that he hasn't taught (yes it was in our book but it could have used some explaining and teaching). So after the test he actually continued on where we left off in the lecture notes and taught us stuff that we just got tested on and I realized I had it wrong. I misunderstood that experimental design, which sucks! teaching it first would have benn helpful!!! Oh well, that's my vent. At least it's done and over with and I can go back to wedding stuff! OOPS --- apparently I didn't read all the later posts, just your first one! LOL! I'm sure you did fine --- and you're right, the important thing is it's behind you!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride So my ticker says it all. My wedding day is one month from today!!!! Yes, it's exciting but also crazy and nerve wracking. I just emailed the restaurant where we are having our recpetion to give them our final head count. I also just confirmed times with the photgrapher. It seems like it's really going to happen. OMG! A few months ago I felt like I was so ahead of the game and now I feel like I don't know where them time has gone! I have so much left to do. I have no idea when it's going to get done. I work full-time, I'm taking 2 grad courses, and I have a daughter. I don't know how you girls pulled together such beautiful weddings with the busy lives you have. Imagine if DW's really were just a matter of picking a package and then you were done!!!! I have a really difficult midterm (research methods and experimental design for applied behavior analysis-UGGH!). I don't know how I'm going to study. I have wedding on the brain! So funny --- Congratulations! You truly are on the 'home stretch'!!! It's funny because today was the first time I'd been back on the forum to post for awhile (other than the occassional browsing of posts during class!) ... I'm in my last year of law school and I have two kiddos (who for some reason both had school projects last week!!) - so your post made me completely smile! When I got on the forum today I smiled because my ticker changed from 5 months to 4 months and 4 weeks! I can only imagine how excited I'll be when I'm down to 1 month, too! Good luck on your mid-terms ... just think of how glad you'll be to have it behind you! I know how hard it is to study ... but stay the course and know how wonderful your wedding is going to be!!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva It's the font Floralia "e". So beautiful! Thanks!
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