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Everything posted by coreyphil

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephanie 525 This might help some: Tipping Your Wedding Vendors OK - so sorry Stephanie ... just read the article ... thanks for posting it! Answers all my questions!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Since I am not married yet, I haven't tipped anyone. But I would assume that you should tip them. I mean, you tip them when you have a traditional wedding, right? Plus, my FI is a tipper. He is an ex-waiter, so he is a big tipper for things like that. Completely understand the need to tip a waiter making less than minimum wage in the states, and we'll definitely do that for hotel employees, at restaurants, transport, etc. ... but I'm just not sure how much is expected when you pay a big WC fee as well as they are also collecting from the vendors --- do you tip them an additional 20%? Also, the welcome dinner and reception meals include both tax AND service fees - so I wouldn't think that an additional tip is expected for them. (except if the owners are super- helpful, etc., do something above-and-beyond, etc.). What do you think?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 So these laughing cow cheeses...are these the little min bon bell ones that are round and in the red wax? Yep that's them .... I think they may say swiss on them, but it's not really your typical swiss cheese ... more like cream cheese. They're great on melba toast or other crackers! I think they can live w/o a fridge long enough to be eaten by lunchtime if you take them to school if you have an insulated lunchbox!
  4. Thanks Michelle! I admire you for going to school while working full-time! I know it's hard! I did make it to the gym tonight while my son had Tae Kwon Do class. Now I'm just trying to get back on track with drinking water, etc. I know that I'm definitely a "snacker" - and it gets TOTALLY worse with stress! Thanks Jill for reminding me about the laughing cow snack - I had forgotten - but I do really like those, too! OK - I'm promising myself that I'll check this thread daily.
  5. So glad you posted this thread ... there are a few old threads that I've read on the subject, but I'm still undecided. I have been really, really happy with my WC. But we're already paying her a pretty large fee. I believe that there is also a "service charge" that we pay per person for her coordination services for the reception dinner. SO - I'm thinking a small nice gift and note would be a better idea ... I would also like to do something small for the hotel owner who has been wonderful! Is 15 to 20% standard in Cabo for spa services / hair or make-up stylists /etc? I know that I've read that Cabo is pretty "Americanized" - so I'm wondering if that's the typical rate. We've never been before. Also - there is a 'set-up / delivery fee' for my wedding cake - does this serve as gratuity as well? I completely agree that tipping should be discretionary, not expected. I was disappointed to read some of the reviews that told about room service asking for their tip, etc. I know that weddings are big business in Cabo, however, that is all the more reason to provide excellent service!
  6. What fun! They look WONDERFUL! I loved the patterned "Things to Know" cards and the photo is SO perfect! Great Job!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MERRYME It is in Pescadero about 30-45 minutes north of Cabo. I do not know exactly where it is. I found the flowers being sold on the side of the street. You might want to email my coordinator, happy Moreno, she should know as she was the one that originally mentioned the farm to me but as I had Roses I neverreally asked. You can email her at [email protected] She is great and is usually happy to help. Thanks for sharing! I'm planning to pick up some fresh flowers for small vases that I'm bringing with me to use at the reception. I may email her if I decide on callas!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 You sound just like me!!! Last week was horrible! I for some reason wanted to eat everything in site and I was doing really good (minus exercise) for a whole month!!! I had lost 6 lbs and I seriously gained 2.5 back in one week! How is it so easy to gain and not to loose!!!! UGH!!! So today I am back on track eating wise again. I just can't pick up the exercise until after finals in 5 weeks!!! Isn't crazy that it takes twice as long to lose and you can gain it back in a blink! OK - we'll have to come up with a game plan to survive finals and the holidays. I went a bought a ton of grapes, apples, bananas, and carrots to bring to school with me. I also like to pack the Cinnamon Streusal Frosted Mini-Wheats. They are 3 points for 24 pieces (because I don't eat the with milk). They seem to get me through my afternoon class when I'm so tempted to get something from the vending machine. The fiber is good because it keeps me full until dinner! I've also realized how much coffee I've been drinking (instead of water)! I wanted to ask you which Progresso soup you like - 2 points isn't bad, and that's easy to take to school, too! Ok ... 5 weeks (my last final is on Dec. 19) - we can do this!
  9. Connie - They are AWESOME! You did a great job. I love the fish - how did you finally get them different colored WITH the black outlines? The whole thing turned out perfect! Congratulations on a great job!
  10. Help! Last week I completely fell of the wagon ... I had just made the 5 lb mark (over 3 weeks)! Somehow with finals quickly approaching, school getting busy with my kids, etc - I just completely gave up - no gym, hamburgers, etc. I couldn't make it to the meeting this morning - so I'm going to give myself this week to try to get back in control! I think in my head because I have until March to lose 10 lbs I'm too easy on myself. OK - I need to check into this forum much more regularly ... it's always good to hear everyone encouraging one another and empathizing with each other! I really want to re-gain focus before Thanksgiving and Christmas put me back where I started!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MERRYME Kendra- Just a quick heads up...... there is a calla lilly farm north of Cabo. they have the most gorgeous Callas and they are cheap! I got some last spring for $15 dls a dozen- they have the mini's and the larger callas. Wow - great information! 3 quick questions: How far is the farm and is it hard to find? Is the location it pretty common knowledge? And is it north of Cabo San Lucas or San Jose? Thanks for the heads up!
  12. So perfect Erica! I love the colors and fonts you used with the orchid - they are fun, but still elegant! Everyone will love them!
  13. Congratulations Jessica! I hope you and Jed have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all of the details!
  14. Paula and Shelley have posted beautiful ones! Here's the pics that I have: Hope they help!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Paula, I was going to say exactly what you did and what Jamy's mom did. I only sent invites to people that booked. The STD's went to everyone, but when you booked, you got an invite. I did not want to remind people that they could not come to our wedding, or make it seem like we wanted a gift and that was why we were sending them an invite. So, we didn't. I don't think you need to send one to your friends and I think they might feel bad about not being able to come and will be reminded of that when they get your invite and might assume its because you want a gift. Are you sending invites for your AHR? If so, send them one of those. But I would say do not send them a wedding invite. You know they are not coming, so I don't see the point. I completely didn't think about that! We're not registering and asked people to not bring gifts ... so it didn't even enter my mind! That makes sense!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I love #1 and voted for it. But honestly if you already ordered #2, go with. It's beautiful too. I don't think you could lose either way. Being a bride is tough huh? I second guess everything. Thanks everyone for all the input! I like them both, too! It is tough making these decisions. I'm starting to realize that maybe it is a blessing that we'll only have 6 months between engagement and the ceremony ... sometimes I really envy the girls who have 12 to 18 months ... but I'm realizing that if I had that long, I would probably end up changing my mind a zillion times over!!! I think I'm going to sit on it and see how I feel about it in a month.
  17. Michelle - I'm a little late catching up on reading the posts ... but I also like the idea of combining the two ... I really love the starfish candles ... what about placing a single colorful flower by each one - especially since you will be having so few tables? Kind of like Janet did ...
  18. I completely agree ... send them! My ONLY caveat is if, by some fluke, this one invitation is going to push you over your order ... i.e, you have to order 50 or 100 ... and theirs makes 51 ... otherwise - I think they will appreciate knowing you want them there!
  19. Amy - thanks for the review and congratulation! I could practically 'hear' your smile through you post! Would you mind sharing who you rented your villa through? We have a couple of friends that are thinking about going that route instead of staying at a resort or hotel. It's always nice to get recommendations because I trust the review on the forum!
  20. I'm paying $36 for each trio of candles ... it seemed very reasonable ...
  21. Oh --- and since photobucket is up ... here's the napkins, vases, and other reception 'decor' ... I loved that these were "grass-like" and I couldn't beat the price ... I bought 6 for $1.75 each. I'm going to just buy flowers at one of the flower markets the day of the wedding ... and also may single gerber daisy stems for each of the blue vases ... maybe $20 max? Here are the napkins ... I'm sure no-one will notice, but I like them! I wanted something for the cake table ... Finally - the candles ... a little hard to see in the picture. There is no way I could fly with 18 of these ... plus, what if they got broken, etc. And, after pricing them, I don't think that the $$ saved is worth the hassle! Last thing I promise! We are planning to have a supply of sunscreen, advil, dramamine, etc. in our room and we'll let our guests know. We just thought that would be cheaper than trying to provide individual supplies - especially since many people will probably bring their own.
  22. Congratulations and Welcome!!!
  23. OK - originally I liked these flowers: Option 1: But then I found these and ordered them: Option 2: But now I'm having second thoughts ... So, I'm taking a vote! Thanks for your help!
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