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Everything posted by coreyphil

  1. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! How exciting - I love Spain! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here! Happy planning!
  2. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  3. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  4. coreyphil

    New member

    CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  5. coreyphil


    CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  6. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  8. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here (including lots of EDR brides)! Happy Planning!
  9. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  10. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! How fun!!!! It shows how much you want to be involved! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  11. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! I don't know anything about Breezes - but it looks like you've already found a few girls that do! That's the amazing thing about this place! Good luck![/font]
  12. coreyphil

    RM Bride

  13. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! I'm sorry I don't know much about EDR or RM - but you'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here! Good Luck!
  14. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! I'm sorry I don't know anything about your location - but it looks like there are some that can! Everyone is truly wonderful here! Good luck!
  15. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! There's lots of Dreams brides here! You'll find great help!!!
  16. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here! In response to your questions - First, don't worry - I think we all have shared in both your initial excitement of wanting to have a DW and then the overwhelming feeling of where to start!!! But - you're right, this forum becomes part of your routine and you'll love the fact you can find answers to just about anything here! I'm not using a TA - but that's because our wedding is going to be so small - around 30 to 40 people. Also, we didn't want to do an all-inclusive resort, but preferred a smaller boutique hotel. I contacted the hotel directly - we're getting married in Cabo - and I was told that it is customary for the hotel to offer a 10 to 15% discount if you book 10 rooms. However, since our wedding is in high season (at the beginning of Spring Break), we weren't eligible for that discount, but the owner was willing to comp the bridal suite for us. So - if you're not using a TA, I would narrow it down to 2 or 3 locations and contact them directly to get a rough idea. We love the hotel we're at because of its character and it is very reasonably priced. That being said, we also have friends that are making a vacation out of the trip and are renting private villas, staying at resorts, etc. There really is a lot of flexibility - just choose what you feel most comfortable with! As for airfare - both we got discount codes from American and Frontier airlines - you can do that on their websites. They both say that there is a "minimum" number of guests that must book, however, customer reps from both airlines said that they aren't going to revoke the discount if those aren't met! I got engaged at the end of August and we're getting married on March 8, 2008 - so not much time in between! We called and let everyone know right after we got engaged - and then we sent out STD's and set up a website immediately. Again, since ours is so small, we're in contact with all the guests pretty regularly! Good luck - and I promise - things do calm down! In the beginning I was talking by email with my WC a zillion times a day - but now we just check in with each other about once a week!
  17. CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!!! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here!
  18. coreyphil


    Congratulations and welcome to the Forum!
  19. Thanks for the great review Alisa! Congratulations!!! It sounds like everything was wonderful!
  20. First - you look beautiful in both. They are both really flattering on you ... simple, but elegant! (which is harder to find than you would think!!!) I think that St. Patrick and Pronovias are the same company ... so I completely understand about the material - that is what I loved about my dress. It was the only one I could think of wearing all night! I didn't think that #1 looked "poofy" - in fact I thought the way that it "v's" in the back is really pretty! I was also going to see if you've checked the St. Patrick website for any trunk shows in your area. I bought mine during the Pronovia's trunk show and it was 20% off ... Also - if we can track down the exact style for the St. Patrick - you could check for an ebay retailer that sells that dress ... My best friend bought hers that way and saved about $500. When are you needing to purchase it by?
  21. Mora - it's absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to see you in it!
  22. Carly - you're E-ring is so unique and beautiful! I love #1, but I'm not sure how it would look together ... My girlfriend had a really beautiful colored center stone - she did two bands - on top and below - her engagement ring (I guess like a set does) - it was really pretty. That might be pretty with some of the narrower choices ... and it would give you the overall look of a wide band. On the other hand, I think # 6 would be really pretty with yellow diamonds ... Sorry - I guess I'm not much help! They're all beautiful!
  23. Carly - you're E-ring is so unique and beautiful! I love #1, but I'm not sure how it would look together ... My girlfriend had a really beautiful colored center stone - she did two bands - on top and below - her engagement ring (I guess like a set does) - it was really pretty. That might be pretty with some of the narrower choices ... and it would give you the overall look of a wide band. On the other hand, I think # 6 would be really pretty with yellow diamonds ... Sorry - I guess I'm not much help! They're all beautiful!
  24. OK - sorry for what looks like the double post - there was a problem with the last one and the actual thread never showed up! Anyways .... I was out running errands and stopped by Pier One --- they have wonderful hand cut soaps on sale for $1 for a limited time ... I picked up yummy ones in lemongrass, green tea, cinnamon, charcoal bamboo (smells good, I promise), citrus, and lavender for my OOT Bags! Closer to the wedding, I think I will wrap them in tissue paper and tie them with twine to dress them up a bit! But, the price can't be beat! We're not staying at an AI / big resort which may not have as fancy toiletries in the rooms ... so I thought they'd be a nice inclusion in the OOT stuff! Just wanted to spread the word!
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