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Everything posted by coreyphil

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by angitalia23 thank you thank you for the pic, this is sooooooo what I was describing! Great! I'm glad it helps!
  2. Lauren - you're dress is beautiful! The details are so pretty ... and it fits you perfectly!
  3. I think you've gotten good advice about the trial run ... here's a picture I thought was pretty and seemed like what you described: Good luck!
  4. Congrats to all the candidates - you are all great! It makes the voting so hard ...
  5. They're beautiful Paula! I love the colors! Congrats on getting them done - it's a big task!
  6. Great pictures - it looks like you had a blast! I love the last one ... too much fun!
  7. Great job on all of them! I agree with Danielle - I think #3 goes perfectly with your location ... and it's so different from some of the others I've seen!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen On the positive side, at least they said something first, rather than giving it to you and then playing it off like the ring was fine. Shows at least that they have pride in their products. I'm sorry - how disappointing! But - I agree with Jen .. at least they recognized it was not acceptable. Hopefully they recognize the value in building lifelong customers and will work hard to make it right! Can't wait to see it - it sounds beautiful!
  9. WOW! You look beautiful!!! Pat yourself on the back - losing weight is so hard ... and over the holidays, too! I loved that you can see how happy your are in your pictures!
  10. So funny! Fi's vacuum broke down this week. The repair shop flat out told him it would be a waste of money to repair it ... said we should just buy a new one! We were just looking at them today. We're going to have 2 cats and a dog once we merge households! So, they work on hardwood floors, too?
  11. Jessica - First - Congratulations to you and Jed!!! Thanks for posting such a detailed review - it's really helpful! I'll definitely look into the sports fishing. I can't wait to see pictures of your ceremony and reception - your TTD pictures are amazing - You look beautiful! Congratulations again! - Corey
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride turducken is a turkey stuffed with duck which is stuffed with chicken. the chicken is then stuffed with your stuffing or a sausage mixture. Holy Cow! I can't even imagine how you can get that done in the first place ... much less how you carve it! I'm going to have to check this out!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by shannon Our resort is charging us $250 to set up speakers/amplifiers for our iPOD-- for each location we want music! (ie cocktail hour on the beach, then where our actual reception is taking place) What kind of "docking station" or speakers would be good to use for an iPOD- I think I'd rather buy one of those instead of paying resort.... Could I buy something that would be loud enough/clear enough to be heard at a reception? Thanks for any help!! We're using an IPod, too. Our hotel is little and I don't think they have a system to rent ... so I've been looking around. I didn't want to spend the $300 for the Bose system since I figure there is always a possibility it will get damaged, lost, stolen, etc. I just read a review of these speakers - Logitech Pure-Fi Speakers - they are $149.99 on the apple website. The system got really good reviews and they are pretty small, so easy to transport. We haven't bought them yet ... still waiting on FI to decide ... but I'll let you know if we do. When I get to my laptop, I'll try to upload a pic, in the meantime, here's the link: The Apple Store (U.S.) - Logitech Pure-Fi Anywhere Compact Speakers for iPod
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride awww, thaats a bummer I was just saying how I had to work last year (in the ER) and my Dad brough me food over Thanks Shelley! That was sweet of your Dad to bring you food! There is usually a lot of food around on the big holidays ... and the hospital administration usually tries to do something for the staff, too - which is nice! But, I'd always much rather be at home ... and it always makes me sad when we have really sad cases on big holidays. SO --- may that be a reminder for everyone to tell those they love how thankful they are for the role that they play in their lives! Ummm ... what is "turducken" - and does it taste good enough to be worth the 5,000 calories?
  15. I'm actually working tomorrow and so is FI --- gotta love that ER's are open 24/7, 365 days per year! BUT - we had an "early" Thanksgiving with some family last weekend, and my kiddos are at their dad's so ... might as well! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Happy Thanksgiving!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride Hi girls! Looking for colors/kinds of flowers that will look good with these dresses. My wedding colors are mainly pinks and white. What kind of flowers are you carrying?
  17. I don't know anything about either ... but there are a lot of brides who can give you information on both. However - you might want to check out Kim's recent wedding review of the Riu ... just FYI! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11686
  18. You're pictures are so beautiful! (it was almost 74 degrees in Texas yesterday ... so ready for cold weather!). I'm glad you and Amos had a nice chance to spend some time together! And, I'm glad your family is safe.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa In short, yes. Sorry honey, but unless your guests are a totally different breed than any of the ones I dealt with, or any of the other ladies on here dealt with, I would say you are definitely smoking crack! I had a similar time frame as you (wedding 3/17, needed "final" numbers 1/31), and I waited & sent mine after the first of the year. Honestly, you are going to have to hound people anyway. Thank you, thank you for your honest answer! It's so easy to get caught up in my own little wedding world ... and then suddenly I'm like "wait a minute ... would you send an RSVP back in the middle of the holidays?" I should know better .... I'm the world's worst about replying! I think I'll just send them - but after Christmas - and plan to make a lot of calls at the beginning of the year!
  20. Thank you for posting such a thorough review! As I was reading it I kept thinking, "I just can't believe that!" You are so sweet and I could tell from reading that you tried to give Daniella the benefit of the doubt in the beginning, and tried to "go with the flow" as much as possible. However, she was unprofessional and her service unacceptable, as was the resort's failure to respond to your complaints. I am sure that Riu is a beautiful resort - and it sounds like they have other wonderful employees. But, there are a zillion beautiful options in Cabo - and weddings are big business. If I were a bride still searching for a location, not only would I never consider Daniella, but I wouldn't even think about the Riu since they have failed to take responsibility for her actions. The bottom line is Daniella is a Riu employee and they should compensate you for her terrible service. I agree with Julie - you should spread the word --- unfortunately, that seems to be the only thing that might get their attention. Enough of that - you handled yourself beautifully - true grace under fire. Having to move the ceremony, guests standing, etc ... I think I would have been in tears from the make-up!!! Congratulations on getting married! And, again, I'm so sorry for all that you went through!
  21. They're beautiful! I love that you chose a pattern and such gorgeous colors!
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