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Everything posted by coreyphil

  1. Welcome to the Forum! You'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Happy Planning!
  2. Welcome to the Forum! You'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Happy Planning!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jfav hi! my fiance and I are planning a November 21/22 2008 wedding in Cabo. I'm SO glad I found this forum, it's been such a huge help already! I have a couple questions right off as I'm having a hard time making a final decision on a wedding coordination co. and venue: Has anyone worked with Weddings in Paradise? Has anyone been looked into/been married at the Hotel Finisterra? Thanks!!! Welcome and Congratulations! I'm working with Beth Dalton at WIP and have been really, really happy with her! She has been amazing! A couple that I met this summer recommended her. I know that there have been other that have had problems - but I think it was with other coordinators. I'm a full-time law student and a single mom. I've never been to Cabo and didn't have the time for a site visit - so Beth has been invaluable! For me it was a matter of finding someone who can give me ideas, suggestions, and do ALL the leg work. If you work with WIP - you must use the Flower Cart - but I think that the prices that I've been quoted have been very reasonable. Beth has given me a ton of ideas, has been super easy to work with, etc. In the beginning I swear I must have talked to her a million times per day. I know that some of the girls take advantage of the on-site coordinators - but I'm getting married at El Encanto Inn and they don't have a full-time WC. It also seems like some girls advise hiring an outside coordinator for some of the other details. PM me if you have any other questions!
  4. Welcome to the Forum! You'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Cuba sounds amazing - so jealous because that's out for us in the states! Happy Planning!
  5. Ok - just venting ... I'm a little bummed today ... Christmas is my absolute favorite season of the year ... I'm missing yet another Christmas party tonight (that makes 3), not to mention a couple of informal dinner invitations last week ... all because of finals (I have 3 next week and 1 the following). This is my last year of exams - so the light's at the end of the tunnel ... but I'm just feeling a bit frustrated (and a bit isolated)! Not to mention the fact that I don't feel like I can really enjoy the fun part of decorating and buying presents! It just feels stressful right now! Needless to say - I haven't let myself on the forum much at all the last 2 weeks - and I've missed it A LOT! SO, as I'm sitting in the library for the bazillionth day in a row ... I thought I would treat myself and check back in with everyone ...
  6. Welcome to the Forum! Wow! Good for you for starting to plan so far in advance! You'll find lots of great information and wonderful people here! Happy planning!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR well, my initial response is that this isn't about your MIL ... it's about you and your FI. but because you're new, I'll go easy and spare you my thoughts about how I really can't stand people that impose their wants on the bride and groom and how I think those kind of people are just selfish and think the world revolves around them. So funny - was going to say the same thing! Anyhoo ... it looks like you've gotten some good suggestions! I just want to welcome you to the forum - you'll find lots of great help here! Congratulations, and don't worry --- you'll find somewhere great!
  8. Congratulations Ladies! You all deserve it! Thank you for all that you contribute to the forum - we are lucky to have all of you!
  9. Welcome to the Forum Barbie! Sorry I don't know anything about your location - but you'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Happy Planning!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 Welcome, Welcome! If you want to have a wedding in April or May 2008, you will need to start planning pretty quickly. I just found out that I'm on the later side for getting save the dates out to our AHR in May! Yikes! For 100 guests, Costa Rica, might be a bit too pricey for your budget. I had looked into doing a Costa Rica wedding, but it was on the expensive side for us and our guests. You might want to consider Mexico and then maybe doing a honeymoon in Costa Rica. :-) Good Luck and we'll help any way we can! I agree - Mexico might be a less expensive option. From you're post it sounds like you really want a beach / tropical setting? Regardless - I agree with Lady P - you're in the right place - you'll find lots of advice and help here ... Welcome!
  11. Welcome to the Forum! Holley - Sorry I don't know anything about your location - but it looks like you've found a lot of great help already! I just wanted to say welcome and congratulations!
  12. So sorry - I have no answer for you're photographer question ... but I just wanted to welcome you! It looks like you've found some help! Good luck and Congratulations!
  13. Welcome to the Forum! You'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Happy Planning!
  14. coreyphil


    Welcome to the Forum!
  15. Welcome to the Forum! You're daughter is so blessed to have such a wonderful mom! You'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Happy Planning!
  16. Welcome to the Forum! Congratulations - there's a TON of Dreams brides here who can help! Let me know if I can do anything for you! Happy Planning!
  17. Welcome to the Forum! Congratulations! I'm getting married in San Jose on March 8th. Let me know if I can do anything for you! Happy Planning!
  18. Welcome to the Forum! You'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Let me know if I can help with anything! Happy Planning!
  19. Welcome to the Forum! Sorry I don't know anything about your location - but you'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Happy Planning!
  20. Welcome to the Forum! Sorry I don't know anything about your location - but you'll find lot's of wonderful help here! Let me know if I can help in any other way! Happy Planning!
  21. I think having Tammy confirm is a great idea. In the beginning my FI and I had a number of people ask a lot of questions ... we just kept saying that we were keeping it small, etc. I put the blame on myself and just said that planning a big wedding gave me panic attacks! BUT - even after all of that we still had some continue to joke about "crashing the wedding," etc. to which we never really gave a response. I think you'll find that once the STD's go out and once your friends talk among themselves and learn that some people really did get 'official' invites and others did not ... things will die down a bit. You're doing everything right - it's great that you're putting it on you're website, too. To the friends that are asking questions, if they continue I think it's perfectly fine to say - I'm so sorry, we really hate that we can't invite everybody, but the wedding is going to be small ... or our budget only allowed us to invite family and a close friends ... or something along those lines. They'll get the hint. I know it can be touchy ... hang in there!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Can you post the design/template? I've got to get busy with this stuff! Is there a paper cutter that will cut them round at a scrapbook store or craft store? Great job Lizz! Did it take a long time to do?
  23. Ohhh --- how much fun!!! Congratulations LaLa!!! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back ...
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