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Everything posted by Michelle&Steve

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by knorris27 hello everyone, i am new to this site... i am getting married at the dreams in cancun on jan. 5th, 2007.. just wondering if anyone has any tips!!!! '08?? thats really soon!! congradulations!! and good luck with planning.. there is a looot of good info in this thread.. so read through it if you have time... and let the girls know what you need help with.. they are greeeeat with that... have you decided where your doing your reception and ceremony?
  2. thanks guys.. i really appreciate it.. ill try giving another call.. im leaving on vaca on fri to disney till next thursday, so if i dont get a response by then, ill get my TA involved! but thanks agian for the help
  3. i finally figured out where i want to set my wedding, but i cant seem to get in touch with the WC... i sent a wedding request to dreams cancun over a week ago, sent an email several days ago, and my fiance even called and left a message.. still havent heard back.. i just want to reserve a date and relax about it for awhile... :-( any suggestions? or do i just wait it out
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by cmw I am going to Dreams on December 3rd for a site visit and to pick out everything for the wedding. If anyone has any questions or wants me to take particular pictures just let me know!!! I am so excited!!! thats awesome!!! i def want to do a site visit myself soon.. how did it work? did you set it up through dreams? or do you have to book it like a regular vacations?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TiffJT I found another recent Dreams bride who had posted a review on Tripadvisor and she was gracious enough to let me see her pics and answer some questions for me. (I asked if she would post them here for everyone to see.) They had there wedding just before sunset and she said their pictures were too dark so she had to photoshop them. I think a candlelight ceremony would be gorgeous, but I'm not sure how your pictures would turn out. I have seen someone's pics of the gazebo with huge arrangements of white lillies and roses on each of the posts and it was really pretty. thanks! im starting to rethink the evening ceremony.. bc of the whole picture problem... thanks!! i am going to find out how much it will cost to deorate the gazebo... i still havent heard back from the WC at dreams about my date.. do i call? or just wait.. i wnt to just book it already so things are set
  6. hey guys... im trying to figure out who i want to use as a photographer... i loooooooooooooove sol but the prices are really expensive, and i dunno if it will fit into my budget... pictures are really impt to me, and im gonna need a photographer for about 8 hrs... i was looking at cancun studios, their prices are more reasonable.. but i dunno how they are... anyone have any experience? thanks!
  7. CONGRADULATIONS!!! you'll find sooo much great information here... happy planning!
  8. this is the coolest thing... people can be so creative... Stacking Eggs into a City
  9. hey guys... im almost positive I want my wedding here.. everyone is soooo helpful.. and the pictures and attachments you guys are posting are simply wonderful! few questions: 1. everyone keeps writing how breezy it is at the gazebo.. its making me really nervous.. is it unbarable? bc its soo beautiful up there? 2. im thinking of having the ceremony at sunset so its darker and lit up with candles, with fireworks after the ceremony is done... everyone seems to have their ceremony during the day when its bright out.. is having it in the evening a bad idea? 3. The gazebo is beautiful, but I would want to have it decorated with tons of flowers... do they actually do this? because havent seen any photos of it that way. 4. I think such an important part of the wedding is entertainment.. I want everyone to have a lot of fun... I want a good MC who can make the reception flow well... read some not so greart reviews on the DJ.. are there other band/DJs that can do it.. any good suggestions? Thanks guys! and happy planning
  10. we are almost set on the wedding in cancun, figure we are gonna stay there for a week for the wedding, and then fly our from there to bora bora for 8 nights in an overwather bungalow. sooooo excited!!! prob wont have another vaca for quite awhile, cause ill be in the midst of rotations in med school and then start my residency. so we figured go out with a bang.. lol.. next good vaca wont be for awhile!
  11. thanks guys! that helped a lot! i wanted to do the whole fun bridal shower thing.. and now ill def go for it! where did you guys register?
  12. hey guys.. i got engaged a few months ago and am starting to plan my destination wedding... i wasnt sure how this worked.. i still was looking forward to a traditional bridal shower... but is that too much for people? booking this trip plus getting gifts for the bridal shower? what are you guys doing?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by scharke Here are a collection of clips that I shot at the RIU Palace Riviera Maya. The first one, Melanie & Matt is at the RIU Mexico next door. The reception footage in Erica & Bob's Wedding Day Edit is from the Chili's restaurant. PlayaWeddings’s RIU album on Vimeo thanks.. i was having a lot of trouble getting answers out of them!
  14. i cant seem to read the new messages that are being written.. anyone know why? 2nd page doesnt come up...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by scharke I have a video clip of the Balance Band on my Vimeo site. They do all styles of reception music including lots of salsa and latin flavored dance music. They are top notch. Kind of a large group though. The Balance Band at Xcaret on Vimeo any idea how much they run?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jlink78 Yes and no... Its approximately $200 a night PP BUT that includes everything except the airfare. If you look at it in the all-inclusive sense I don't think the price is bad at all considering food and alcohol are very expensive in any resort area. But if you don't think of it like that I guess it can be viewed as a lot. Ironicaly I'm finding that the people with the most money are making the biggest gripe about the prices. Go figure! thanks soo much for all of your help!!! good luck with the rest of your planning, and i hope you have a fantastic wedding!! i may end up asking you more questions.. lol.. hope you dont mind, by the way, whats your name? michelle
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jlink78 You pay nothing for a TA so it definitely helps to have one. I've found that our guests like having someone to talk to too when they are booking. Plus it eliminates them asking you a million questions! My TA helped me find out if the date was available within a couple of days and all we had to do to reserve it was have a reservation at the resort in our names. Then she has been negotiating group rates for our guests as they contact her and book. If they find cheaper prices online anywhere she has matched that price as well. Also, for every night one of our guests has a room booked we get a $5 credit. This has added up to almost $500 dollars already! Its an incentive the TA gave to us for using her services. Once our reservations and stuff were out of the way I've been dealing strictly with the WCs for wedding questions but if I find myself waiting especially long for an answer on something I let the TA know and she zings them and gets the answer for me! The TAs hold a lot more weight since they are sending people to the resorts all the time. Hope this helps! oh wow.. thats awesome!!! it helps a lot.. ill give my travel agent a call and see what she can do... are you finding it to affordable prices for your guests?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jlink78 No I did not although I'm considering going down in Feb. or March although at that point it won't really matter because we already have 50 people booked! I based my decision on reviews on tripadvisor and the weddings/site visits of others girls on there. So far there has yet to be anyone disappointed. Are you working with a travel agent? The one I used was VERY helpful in getting me the information I needed. I used Elite Travel... Destination Weddings hmm... im just starting this whole process... is it better to work with a travel agent? do you set everyhting up through them? do you pay them to do the set up? sorry for all the questions.. but im very knew to this whole process... since ur doing dreams, did they tell u if they give a group discount if your using a certain amt of rooms?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jlink78 They definitely allow them in Mexico because I got that price list from the WC at Dreams. Claudia and Daniella (WCs at Dreams) are pretty good with getting you the information you need it just takes awhile to get a response though. If you need questions answered ASAP your best bet is to call them directly. Good luck deciding! well so far i just filled out the wedding request form to see if the have my date available.. but havent had a response yet.. its only been a few days though.. so hopefully they will.. cause i like dreams a lot... they have a lot of the things im looking for.. did you go there for a site visit?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jlink78 Dreams Cancun does have a fireworks package but I think its kind of pricey. I've attached the details for you. If you can't open it you can PM me and I'll email it to you. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! i really appreciate it... i was really looking forward to fire works, and the WC from riu palace riviera maya said they dont allow them in mexico, so i was bummed... that WC barely answered any of my questions and just sent me the frequently asked questions page.. sooo i dont think im gonna go with them.. so frustrating... but thanks again!
  21. anyone know if there are fireworks at any of these resorts.. im looking into having the wedding at maybe dreams cancun or riu las americanas or riu riviera maya... i really wanted fireworks, but i havent seen anyone have them .. anyone have an idea? michelle
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