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Everything posted by katrina

  1. good stuff... but i certainly don't need 72 votives. bummer!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Do you also have an easy picked on by school children last name, too? When I substitute taught I went by "Ms. Morgan." The kids would always ask what my first name was, but I wouldn't tell them. hah, actually my last name is a very straightforward irish name. not too easy to pick on. now fi's is 6 letters long, but 4 of those babies are vowels. eeeeek.
  3. carly.. i'm looking for the same orange clutch too... and nothing!!! i've also been in every department store imaginable looking for it. i found something really cute at jcpenney, but it was huge. pretty much the biggest clutch i've ever seen and i didn't like that. anyway, keep me posted
  4. i'm with morgan on all of this. i'm the only one in my immediate family with my last name anyway and it's been that way since i was little. so if i'm going to continue to have a different last name than my parents', it may as well be because i'm taking my hubby's.
  5. hey we're date twins!!!! and your bottles look great. i love the colored sand as opposed to natural.
  6. you aren't violating anything.. for me the deciding factor was my 12 year old sister. she was too young for sandals but she is old enough that i felt we didn't need to do such a family oriented resort as beaches. so.. we landed on the riu.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan OK I thought of a couple more to add. My FI & I both went to Texas A&M & a lot of our guest did too. Does someone mind translating these: Gig 'em aggies and Whoop! Gig could be translated as Spear. It's what you call fishing with a spear, like floundering. Whoop can be translated as any exclamation that would be like yay or yipee. Aggie can just be left as aggie. But, the spanish word for "farmer" could also work. It's short for agricultural. So basically translate Spear Them, Farmers. I feel like I needed to translate aggie speak before it could be put into spanish These don't really need to be the most accurate. Funnier is better. ok, you might need a native speaker to tackle these... but my first instinct is spear em aggies = atrevesa, granjero! whoop = yupi!
  8. so i'm getting ready to get my invites together, but i have a few questions when it comes to printing the images. what's the best format? i've heard .tif files are best for printing. cmyk is better than rgb. what about resolution? is 200dpi okay? any help would be great.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Thanks! I've always heard free translations isn't great. oh and the "o" in cancion has an accent... fyi
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I'm working on my spanish to english translations sheet. I want to put some on there that are inside jokes. Do you ladies mind translating them for me? So far I have only come up with one DJ, can you play Bel Biv DeVoe's Poison? freetranslations.com came up with this- ¿DJ, puede jugar usted Bel Biv Veneno de DeVoe? It's a joke because my friends & I learned this dance for another friend's birthday. So everytime we go dancing, we request this song. YouTube - Turk does Poison (Scrubs) I need to think of some more lines that would make my friends & family laugh. Or maybe some wedding related ones. i would say "puedes tocar la cancion 'veneno' de bel biv devoe?"
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by naga0066 If you could take a photo that would be great! Preferably with a water bottle or something for size reference. tahnks! i'm pretty sure they're the same size as the canvas bags.
  12. hard to tell exactly without pics, but i don't think the bm dresses need to match yours. there's quite a few ladies on here with lace dresses and i'm pretty sure their bms don't match...
  13. so i had been thinking about getting these canvas totes but just couldn't pull the trigger. i don't really like how "sack-like" these bags are and i really didn't want to iron anything on... so i decided to risk it and order the non-woven totes from cheaptotes.com and i am sooooo impressed. they have structure to them with an actual bottom. i got them in orange and white. the colors on the site are awful which is part of what made me nervous. but seriously both colors are really bright and vibrant. so i definately recommend these as an alternative to the canvas. if anyone is interested and would like me to take a pic i can. Gusett Non Woven Tote
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 Having lived in Schenectady (I am impressed that you can spell it!) before, I can almost see his point. That city is a dump. But still, you gotta support the home team. Up here in the Albany area, there are a lot of Boston fans for whatever reason. Possibly because we are close to MA. I dunno. All I know is that shit doesn't fly downstate. You would catch hell for being a Mets fan, nevermind being a cohort of the enemy. haha.. yea we do the upstate ny tour a few times a year and we pretty much end up doing the same things over and over again... fi grew up in scotia and his parents are still there.. his brother is in niskayuna. i try to avoid any trips between october and march.. it's too cold up there!! but in the summer it's pretty and we like to go to the track and bet.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Ouch! But you gotta support your state's team even if you don't like the city you were raised in, right? Maybe not...lol nah... well atleast we don't! haha... fi couldn't wait to get out of ny so no real point in him being a yankees fan. and i'm from philly but could care less about the phillies. i think there needs to be something more about a team that grabs you, besides proximity, ya know?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 Nah... you played that one nicely. what gets me is people that were born and raised in NY but end up being Red Sox fans. hey now.... that's my FI. he was born and raised outside schenectady and doesn't think there's too much in upstate new york to be a fan of...
  17. i just got the rest of my paper in from paper source and it goes so well with the bronze pocketfolds- i'm sooooo excited!!! btw- this is the weirdest smiley!
  18. try mucinex. i'm always having issues with my sinuses and it works the best for me.
  19. i'm in a wedding in may where there's a man of honor. the concept seems to be picking up steam.
  20. we bought both my engagement ring and fi's wedding band from jewels forever in charlotte amalie. fi's family has been doing business with them for yeeeeeeears. they have a great selection and it's pretty low pressure as far as jewelry buying goes.
  21. i'm a project manager for a company that designs, produces and replicates cds/dvds for aspiring musicians and filmmakers. also in grad school for education.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by naga0066 Really cute... I can picture my mom in somthing like this... where is it from? jc penney!
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