Ok, updates:
DONE (since last time):
-invitations sent, guests confirmed - 97 adults, 9 children/babies
-confirmed meal count
-ordered and received oot canvas totes
-ordered and received raffia palm fans
-ordered hair piece from a designer on Etsy
-purchased groom's outfit (to be tailored)
-figured out what we need to do to marry here legally (to be done before wedding)
-ordered new sizes/styles of JCrew espresso chiffon & espresso tricotine dresses for 4 bridesmaids (not sure what MOH is wearing since she is pregnant)
-FI sending out email to request sizes groomsmen's shirts, getting linen shirts from Banana Republic
-music - pretty sure I'm going with Jazz band + DJ, still waiting for sample from rock band
-flowers - almost decided - hopefully by early next week!
-still working on finding the perfect turquoise or aqua for my logo
-working on finishing logo
-looking for ribbon for fans
-kind of decided on his wedding band, tho not ordered, kind of decided on mine, but not sure where to get it (a version of an old ring of my moms)
-dance music for DJ, friend is making me cd of fave dance music, another friend giving me 60 gigs of music, and will also ask my DJ friend for recs.
-rehearsal dinner - waiting on pricing
-diy thank you cards with stamp, but need to order an embosser for address
-wrapping ribbons around fans on Sunday if I find ribbon
need to get totes silkscreened
decide on travel mugs, travel candles, underwater cameras, chocolates, etc.
need to buy flower girl's dress
need to book honeymoon
need to buy gifts for wedding party (we're already buying their clothes and treating them to salon tho, so maybe smaller)
need to buy gifts for ushers and other people participating in ceremony
need to find shoes
need to buy wedding lingerie
need to buy rehearsal dinner and welcome cocktail dresses
need to buy beachwear
need to pick 1st dance song
need to make programs
need to make welcome letters
need to make spanish/english phrase page