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Everything posted by nylalany

  1. yeah - i have a feeling that if he knew how much it is costing us he wouldn't have asked but it would be too weird to tell him that, so i guess i'll tell my FI to say the numbers are already in. Thanks for your help!
  2. Yeah I guess if I decide so, that would be the right thing to say. I guess I have to decide how I feel vs. what I feel is proper.
  3. A guy friend of my fiance, who is already rooming with another mutual friend of theirs, is also being joined by a female coworker for their vacation. They are not romantically involved - he is actually dating someone else, but the coworker has 2 kids at home and just "needed a vacation". Now he is asking if she can come to the wedding, and my FI said he'd ask me if there is room. My due date for giving numbers and seating chart was yesterday, although my coordinator kind of extended it until tomorrow since I didn't finish my seating chart. It is costing us $150 per head just for food and drink, and this girl isn't really even his date. I cut out other friends from my invite list just because the venue only fits 104 chairs and also of course to save my family $ (we are pretty much at the limit). However, I don't want to be completely rude to my FI's friend. Ugh.
  4. Ok, updates: DONE (since last time): -invitations sent, guests confirmed - 97 adults, 9 children/babies -confirmed meal count -ordered and received oot canvas totes -ordered and received raffia palm fans -ordered hair piece from a designer on Etsy -purchased groom's outfit (to be tailored) -figured out what we need to do to marry here legally (to be done before wedding) IN PROGRESS: -ordered new sizes/styles of JCrew espresso chiffon & espresso tricotine dresses for 4 bridesmaids (not sure what MOH is wearing since she is pregnant) -FI sending out email to request sizes groomsmen's shirts, getting linen shirts from Banana Republic -music - pretty sure I'm going with Jazz band + DJ, still waiting for sample from rock band -flowers - almost decided - hopefully by early next week! -still working on finding the perfect turquoise or aqua for my logo -working on finishing logo -looking for ribbon for fans -kind of decided on his wedding band, tho not ordered, kind of decided on mine, but not sure where to get it (a version of an old ring of my moms) -dance music for DJ, friend is making me cd of fave dance music, another friend giving me 60 gigs of music, and will also ask my DJ friend for recs. -rehearsal dinner - waiting on pricing -diy thank you cards with stamp, but need to order an embosser for address -wrapping ribbons around fans on Sunday if I find ribbon VERY UNDONE: need to get totes silkscreened decide on travel mugs, travel candles, underwater cameras, chocolates, etc. need to buy flower girl's dress need to book honeymoon need to buy gifts for wedding party (we're already buying their clothes and treating them to salon tho, so maybe smaller) need to buy gifts for ushers and other people participating in ceremony need to find shoes need to buy wedding lingerie need to buy rehearsal dinner and welcome cocktail dresses need to buy beachwear need to pick 1st dance song need to make programs need to make welcome letters need to make spanish/english phrase page
  5. The covers for the tiffany chairs my venue rents do not match their linens (2 different whites), and I know this is so picky, but I was thinking of I can find any cheap rentals or for sale seat covers, I can bring them down with me. Has anyone done this?
  6. Tlseege - Thanks, but I'm trying to find the right color - not sure how to do that through you? I may go down to the Flower Mart in downtown LA and look there.
  7. Anyone know where I can get dye to make turquoise water for centerpieces?
  8. you can register at Anthropologie - they have a registry. I registered at WilliamSonoma, lilleashop.com (they offered my china for 25% less than anywhere else), Amazon, and MyRegistry. I realized too late that Amazon was missing a bunch of stuff I'd like and how wonderful MyRegistry is (so I can add things from Anthropologies and Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel, and the place that has my flatware for the cheapest without having to have a zillion registries). So I have 4, although I meant to keep it to 3.
  9. Tlseege, Oops, I'm actually waiting fr my payment from Yari for 6 Dark Brown pashminas, which she says she'll get to tonight. Assuming all goes well, my remaining order should be: 28 Aqua pashminas 27 Dark Brown pashminas Thanks!
  10. We're thinking about delaying our honeymoon until october and then going to Moorea and Bora Bora - if anyone has any tips on these islands, please lmk. I hear they have surfing on Moorea, but that Bora Bora is prettier, so we'll probably do a 5 night/3 night split. I'm open to other spots too, but we can only take 5 vacation days off (unless I convince my FI to take unpaid leave)
  11. Well they didn't really have the color I wanted at Michaels or Joannes so I'm off to Flaxpaperandpen today - hoping they have what I want but not marked up too much! So I'm guessing I'll need a little over 100 yards?
  12. Tlseege, I received my payment from kiahjane for the 5 Aqua pashminas, so yes, please split that out for her. I'm now waiting for my payment from Yari for the 5 Dark Brown pashminas, so I'll let you know when I get that. Thanks!
  13. I have an extra 5 dark brown pashminas if anyone is interesting in buying them - they are coming next week with the shipment. I'd also be interested in a trade of my dark brown or aqua for some turquoise pashminas.
  14. Sounds good, thanks! So now I should have 33 dark brown and 28 aqua, in my shipment, yes? I'll pm kiahjane for the payment on the aqua pashminas.
  15. haven't gotten them yet...ugh i'm so behind! they all seem to be vanilla scented when i look online.
  16. Ok - well I'm not sure how to handle this - do we wait until I actually get them and then I can work the transaction out with you?
  17. Kashmira, They are 10" fans and I plan to wrap the handles so that none of the handle shows. I was planning on red and turquoise or if I can't find a good turquoise, aqua (not together obviously). I like your red - where did you get it (I'm in LA too)? A yard - wow, ok!
  18. I'm trying to figure out how much ribbon I need to buy if I have to wrap handles on 108 raffia fans...
  19. Ok, they arrived today. From peek into the box (didn't totally take them out b/c my officemate (office husband haha) is a wedding guest), they look fine. They are bigger than I expected, and my main gripe is that the handle looks like it is made with cardboard - but I think that is what one of the other cheap fans someone posted had too. I guess as long as I wrap the handles with ribbon like everyone else does, they'll turn out looking nice. I'll take a photo of the unwrapped fan later. Hopefully one of my bridesmaids will help me out with these this wknd!
  20. kiahjane - I may have about 13 too many! Talk about over ordering! So if you are interested in dark brown and aqua, those are the colors I ordered. I'd also be interested in possible trading some of these for turquoise (for my bridesmaids), if anyone has any extra turquoise or just want more variety.
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