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Everything posted by nylalany

  1. Ooh - iron over the screenprinting? that is a good idea! Can you iron over any color and nothing would show through?
  2. But these are the gifts they are going to walk around with and go home with. I guess they were the one thing I actually cared about, oddly enough. I don't even have good stuff to put inside them besides the pashminas. I just wanted the bags themselves to be the presents. But yeah, $1k on bags does seem crazy. I figured reordering a few less bags ends up at $329. I guess I can do iron on instead, with just one simple color. I'll try to take a photo...
  3. So I splurged on the $3.99 Dharma Trading Co. bags and paid another $200 to get them all screenprinted and was really stupid and didn't pay an extra $15 and wait an extra 2 weeks to get the Pantone color match, and now I hate the blue (which has no green in it so it isn't turquoise) and red (which looks neon next to the blue) that is on the screenprinted bag. Do I pay another $550 to redo them all? Or maybe skip the blue and only do red, to bring it down to $500? Or do I say screw it and give everyone bags that I feel poorly represent my taste and style and everything, and doesn't match anything else?
  4. Did not get them yet . Maybe today? I'm leaving tonight for NY. You sent it to my Venice address?
  5. Thanks for figuring out a way to save us some $ (thru your mom's work). I look forward to getting the package although I'm guessing they won't come before I leave for NY tomorrow night unless I'm really lucky. I'll send am't once you tell me what it is!
  6. I think that the prices changed a few months ago (sadly, I missed it too, and then opted to try a different bag altogether).
  7. oh wait no, that wouldn't work - because i'm actually using real pantone chips (from a book) and so i think it is actually the damn printer at work that is not callibrated or something. i don't know - i may just give up. red and brown are easier
  8. ooh - you are so smart - I will totally ask my coworkers who work on products which probably require that!
  9. I tried that method already - converting based on charts from Pantone to CMYK or RGB, and it didn't work - that is what is so fckd up. But I'll try with yours! (for some reason they differ based on program and source)
  10. ok i'll play around with the rgb color wheel then. no they don't have to match exactly at all, but I'd like them to be a variation of shade, not of color, you know?
  11. I did go through this. I did print about a 100 little circles of different blues in RGB, CMYK, and even Pantone. I know what color I want - I want Pantone Uncoated 3115U, 3125U, and possibly 3105U, or 3135U. The only color I can match is 3135U, but it is really pretty dark to go with red. When I tried printing after setting my Publisher doc to Pantone colors, the colors did not much the Pantone colors at all. I just thought maybe if I got people's codes I can try entering them for more trial and error. So so so tired!
  12. When you guys bring down paper lanterns - do you bring the light bulbs for them too, or does your venue provide them? I can't figure out how I'd bring them down and not worry about breaking them!
  13. So I started my fans last night with my overpriced Michael's ribbon ($3.99 for 10 yards). 24 fans took up about 3 spools of ribbon (30 yards). We got through 26 (one of my bridesmaids helped me), so I have about 74 more to go (doing 100 to be safe I guess). Takes forever - I have so much more respect for all of you!
  14. I did it and saved it in paint - hopefully the dpi is the same, doesn't say - I'm just concerned for screenprinting
  15. for the wmtrees1 (8th one - H?) - I'm trying an oval with the palm trees offcentered and the line that is part of the font is outside the circle - i want everything outside the circle to be invisible -not sure how to do this.
  16. (but my wedding is a month and a half away and i haven't purchased shoes yet ha)
  17. I went to a wedding on the sand as a guest and since my FI is 6'6" and I'm 5'3", I wore 3" wedges. I kinda wobbled a little b/c they weren't flip flops, but there is no way I'm going barefoot for my own wedding - else we won't be in the same photographs .
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