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Everything posted by nylalany

  1. Oh man, I don't know which 2 of these I want, or if I want all of them, or what, since I don't even know what I'm doing with them yet (in OOOT totes, all of them would be fine, in baskets, 2 or 3 colors at most would be best): IS00AQ Aqua IS00RD Red IS00TQ Turquoise IS00DBR Dark Brown What time is the deadline tomorrow? I am totally guessing that I will need about 68 of them...but I want to touch base with my family in the morning really quickly.
  2. I guess it is cheap enough to buy the logo, but if anyone knows where I can find the actual palm tree clip art so I can design it myself, LMK!! The one in the circle is cute too. Not sure if it'll still be cute in my colors though...
  3. My sister seems to think a logo would look cuter. And maybe it would be cheaper to screen on? I'm thinking of contacting the company that did Sarah's palm tree monogram thing (the one on the bottom) but have it done in red or aqua with just the location and date underneath. I don't know. So confused. This is what happens when I ask my family's advice .
  4. I'm having the same issue! Which is the AQUA that cheese_diva posted in her post of all the stuff she did - including the pashmina wrapped in that cute ribbon? cheese_diva totally inspired me and in addition to copying her invites, I want the AQUA pashminas - actually I want 1/2 AQUA and 1/2 RED. But I don't want to put in an order for 40+ of them and get the wrong color (. I see that red is RD but no clue about the aqua .
  5. I was inspired by this centerpiece with red pincushion protea (found it somewhere on this forum, or maybe on theknot?_ as my colors are red an turqouise/aqua, and this is pretty close (tho a little orange for me): Of course I have no clue if it is available in the Riviera Maya area... Then, I wanted this for a bouquet with red calla lilies (sp?): And I want a chuppah with 4 flower arrangements on them - perhaps with red and orange calla lilies, red protea pincushions, red epidendrum (they look like: ) and some other tropical flowers in this flower range? Or something like this bouquet?: To put on the chuppah like this (maybe a little less flowy and only white, no blue: Is this too much going on - or can I tie the bouquet to the centerpieces with the flowers on the chuppah? I originally wanted red orchids but apparently they are impossible to get in Mexico. I don't know if the same is true of red pincushion protea.
  6. Specifically the Monaco Suit or the Silk Blend Grooms Outfit? If so, did they look nice and were they made well, or were they cheesy? They are comparable in price to Jcrew/BR/Men's Warehouse, vs. getting a linen suit made at Nordstroms, etc. which are $1000+, which is worth the investment if it were black, but for a light linen suit, I don't think so? Grooms
  7. For those brides who designed their own logos that have circle logos with a circle of dots around as a border, how did you put the dots there? (Like Sarah's famous Los Cabos logo for her OOT bag, but unfortunately she didn't make hers)
  8. lauren c. and newfiebride - where did you get your FI's white linen suits from and are they wearing a color linen shirt underneath?
  9. I'd like it better w/1 photo and just gracias, but it is probably a personal choice. But I love the gracias - going to copy you on that!
  10. cheese_diva - Did you have a placecard for each person vs. couple? If for couple, what happened if they ordered two different entrees? I should probably ask my venue what they need from me in this regard.
  11. Hopels - Oh please share what you've done with the colors. I've done nothing but order invites so far, so I am in need of help!
  12. Ok, somehow I managed to post a photo in 3 different ways ha ha. Here are the 2nd two:
  13. So maybe you guys can tell me if doing a photo would be cheesy? A different company I contacted gave me a quote which works out to about $5.95 a bag (based on getting 50, but I'm realizing I'll probably need more) for the 2 color print and $3.03 a bag for the 1 color print. I'm including renderings of my photo based on the 2 color (2 examples) vs. 1 color. He also said he'd give me a discount on the printing if I order bags through him, and he quoted btwn $1.90-$3.33 a bag depending on type. I'm going to go in later today hopefully to see which he means. 2 color version that I like best: 2 color version that I like less: http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/g..._footprint.jpg 1 color version that is cheaper but looks too black and white for me I thnk: Image of company's guess of 1 color screen - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I wouldn't mind something between the 1 color and the 2 color I like best. So do you think this would look cheesy on a natural color tote? Probably in the size of 2x3 or something? I also like some of the designs people have used, like Sarah's red design (my colors are red and I guess aqua or that type of blue? - red flowers, probably red bridesmaid dresses if I can find some I like, blue, brown, and white invites (copied cheese diva, thanks!), and I'll probably combine the 2 somehow more for all my stuff. I love red, but blues and browns and naturals look nice on paper products!
  14. AH if I do this I will need a ton - what if you reach the 400 mark - will he lower it even more?
  15. starchild - another question - did you pick the canvas teacher's tote? which tote did you use? Also, could you post a photo of your tote (I guess I can search for previous posts if you don't have time)
  16. starchild - thanks so much, I will definitely ask them for a quote w/Tim Jamy as a ref! Also, can I ask you if you have a bigger photo with your bridesmaids - I see that their dresses are red, which is what I'm searching for...are they? And if so, did I already ask you where you got them? (sorry, too much information gathering lately)
  17. Very pretty, but yeah, I want red red. If anything, I would have gone for an orangey red, but I'm not so sure orange shades will go with my dress.
  18. I was just reading through all the threads about iron ons. Can you iron on a photo? Does it look like an iron on (is it kinda shiny and sticky looking)? I feel like iron ons look better for logos - which I'm tempted to switch to...but I'm not sure how it would look for a photo. Maybe I should buy 1 bag and experiment. Are you the one with the red logo? I may have to copy you...how can I get your logo I mean, I'm not getting married in Cabo, but... Also, which is the best kind of iron on transfer paper out of curiosity? I've found some places online that do one color screen prints + bag for about $4 so that is looking like an option if I'm willing to have a washed out looking photo, which might work for the photo I'm using...
  19. Hi, I'm looking into screenprinting a photo (of our feet in the sand on the beach near our house (going along with my save-the-date in the sand email photo and some photos on my website) on canvas OOT bags. The quote I got from a company here is $160 for 4 screens ($40 per screen) + $100 for artwork + $4.50 per print. I'm doing approximately 50 bags (1 per couple and 1 per single person, quick estimate), and so that works out to $9.70 per bag and that is without even buying the bags themselves. They quoted me approximately $7 per bag to buy the bags there, which I think is outrageous given I've seen similar bags online for $1 to $3 a bag. So my question is did everyone do their silkscreening locally or did anyone order bags and get them silkscreened somewhere online all in one place that could beat this price? Also, do you agree that this price is crazy and I should keep looking, or is this just going to be a pricey OOT bag before anything is in it? Recs please!
  20. Las Palapas wrote me back to say that they aren't closing until August '08, maybe later. Not sure when you want to get married, but that gives you a little more time. You should write them. I'm a little sad to find this out now, but I guess for just a little more $ my guests are getting AI, so that is nice. But the palapas look so cute!
  21. 4 years (2, possibly 3) 2.5 years (1) 2 years (2) 1 years (2, possibly 3) 4 months (1) The table+chairs would work for the 2+ kids I guess, and maybe the others can stay in strollers. This would match perfectly, but I'd have to buy 3! Tot Tutors - Table and Chair Set, Cherry - Wal-Mart
  22. CRAZY KIDS TABLE - Since my wedding isn't at a resort, I'm running into the problem of needing to rent high chairs or booster seats for my wedding reception dinner (I assume most big family resorts have these). The Al Cielo WC said she contacted the 2 major furniture rental companies (1 in PDC and 1 in Cancun) but had no luck. I have the odd situation of expecting a minimum of 6 babies or toddlers in need of high chairs or booster seats - for the funniest kids table ever! Really though, I don't know what to do unless the parents just hold their kids on their laps - but that isn't going to happen with a squirmy toddler! Even if I hire babysitters, the kids still need to eat. Any suggestions or pointers? Google was not as helpful as usual .
  23. I've actually voluntarily been a part of the process with mine because my TA is taking too long to get back to people while airfares meanwhile are going up. So I have to call her and push her since my guests are wondering what the heck? Also, she is a little spacey, forgetting that people already gave her information that they gave her. And finally, I had to urge her to call the airlines about group rates and it wasn't until then that she realized you could get 5-10% discounts on rates on some of the major airlines. I was the one who found the cheapest rate for the hotel too. And she told me there were no direct flights on a certain day and thus booked me for a different day, after which I checked and realized there were direct flights and so now my plans are not ideal. However, although she does work for destinationweddings.com, I'm working with her independently with her own company, and I feel like it is probably too late to change as I didn't have a contract with the parent company. I did write her an email expressing my concern, and she seems to have motivated to work a bit harder and more thoroughly after the email.
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