Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I'm not sure what the name means...he didn't explain it?! So much to say, but first did you see Aubrey without makeup when the den mother came to the door? That's why I don't wear makeup every day, she didn't look hideous but compared to the everyday diva look she wears she looked really bad. Then they showed a clip of last season and she looked so different than now. YES...I caught that. I said ok, she doesn't look too bad, but def not what I'm used to. All that makeup can not be good for her skin!
So I'm still watching & what I don't like is how the girls were all complaining about not liking their songs & Slim calls Puffy, tells him what the girls said & then comes back & tells them that he told him specifically that Aubrey had issues!!! I was like uh, hello, they all complained & Aubrey was talking for the group not just for herself. Why did he throw her out there like that Now I don't usually defend anything Aubrey says, but in this instance that was messed up.
Oh, my favorite saying so far "This is a pimp & ho business. I'm the ho & I just got pimped out!" LOL
Why are the guys messing with the Den Mother NO THEY DIDN'T just throw him in the pool!!!!
Ok, the guys are called Day26.