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Everything posted by Yari

  1. I am with all of you, I was disgusted last night. I was not surprised since Reality Steve called it, but I hoped deep down that his story was wrong. So Chris Harrison was on Ryan Seacrest this morning and apparently US Weekly ran the Reality Steve story and Chris said he was disgusted with the "rumors". How this was not planned out, blah, blah, blah. He sort of through Jason under the bus, by saying we (audience) derserve to be upset with Jason. I just don't know. Jason is so weak and lame. It grossed me out that he kissed Molly so quickly and she accepted it. Yuck! I am totally gonna watch tonight's episode since Melissa will be on, but I think I am done with the show.
  2. For me, our best man held the rings throughout the ceremony and then busted them out when needed.
  3. No I don't think it would become a possibility. The only country we can't fly into is Cuba and that has nothing to do with "drug lords". I was a DW bride and got married in Mexico just a few months ago. I was not worried. My wedding wasn't in TJ. You are getting married in Cancun, one of the most touristy areas in Mexico. You will not be in any danger unless you act like a dumb American. Which, I am sure you won't. Honesty, if you are so worried about Mexico being safe, then a DW is not for you. There are so many elements out of your control besides safety in DW's.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Dayla911 Yeah but what happens if the drug lords take over? What happens if the US stops flying into Mexico? I mean I am worried. Real worried. I just put down my down payment for the photographer and have the hotel booked. I am thinking that maybe we should move everything all together. I REALLY don't want to do that....... Ok seriously, you need to use common sense. The US is not halting flights to Mexico. My father just got back from Cabo yesterday and things were just fine. Americans are heading to Mexico by the thousands daily. The alert is more for the border towns. If you are heading to a major tourist area all is well.
  5. It is very sad that they are back together. Talk about a vicious cycle.
  6. It will be interesting to find out what happens. If it plays out the way Reality Steve says it does, then I am done with the show. I already have a bad taste in my mouth and this would just seal the deal. Oh, Graham is the ultimate hottie.
  7. If I were in your shoes, I would write a heartfelt email to all of them as a whole. I would say I know what's going on and it is causing you stress and hurting your heart. Explain to them the reasons why they are in your bridal party. Maybe if you call them out they will realize how lame they are acting and grow up. Good luck, it totally sucks that you are dealing with this shit!
  8. I just voted, good luck! I am sure you will win this.
  9. Congrats, that is so exciting! Have a wonderful wedding and have lots of fun!
  10. OMG, I love Hello Kitty!! I am so going this weekend to get nail polish and a new lipstick.
  11. I know it's sad that the pic was released...I am sure whoever did got paid lots of moola.
  12. The pic of her attack is up on TMZ - celebrity news, entertainment news, celebrity gossip, Hollywood rumors, celebrity photos, celebrity video, photo galleries. It is so sad!
  13. You poor thing! I have had a few mishaps, and definitely feel gasier then normal. Looks like it's one of the side effects.
  14. I would have been fuming, it is so ridiculous! I would have never thought about asking them if they had their own soap, etc. That was so awesome!
  15. Wow, I just read the Reality Steve breakdown. It is so shocking, sad and disgusting. It really makes me think that Jason is an ahole! I am very turned off by it. Poor Melissa! Oh, he also said that he had an email from Melissa and Jason, where Melissa calls him out and is wondering why he did this to her. So sad!
  16. Wow, thanks for introducing me to reality Steve...can't wait to watch his video tomorrow.
  17. Check this out, it is so funny! Television show - TV Show - Yahoo! TV
  18. I totally agree about the whole parents thing. It was like give it up already! I was thinking that lots of people fall in love without meeting parents. I've known people who got engaged and that is when parents were introduced. Everyone is different.
  19. I think it's disgusting if he indeed slept with all three women in one week. Yuck! OMG a pregnancy, that would be crazy!!!
  20. I didn't really care for Jillian that much, so I wasn't bummed to see her go. I don't like Molly either, but honestly they both bugged me. I was so annoyed with Jillian at the end. She was basically pleading her case and I thought it made her look pathetic. I really like Melissa, but I bet he picks Molly cause America loves Melissa.
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