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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Yari


    I can't wait, it looks juicy!
  2. Thanks for sharing this! I am bummed about Eli Stone. I know it's been cancelled for awhile, but I loved the show so much.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by CrystalM If your FI is up to it, he can contact the court and request permission. That way, it goes before a judge...and they tend to be fair. Just think of every possible situation that could be brought up and have an answer for it. My friend won a vacation at her work to go to Hawaii in February and her daughter's dad took her to court and they asked a bunch of questions to each parent and decided it was in the daughter best interest to go on the vacation and miss school. You never know! I think you should totally do this. You have some time before your wedding. Take the bitch to court!
  4. Thanks for sharing! It looks quite cool.
  5. I will definitely watch and see how it plays out. I just love some drama.
  6. Yuck, glad your not my friend. Expectations about being a BM...LOL, this is too funny for words. Are you forgetting the meaning of having BM's in the first place?
  7. That was fun, thanks for posting.
  8. I was in the same situation last year. I call his ex "Bitch" and she actually let my step daughter go, which I was shocked. She do through in a few jabs every so often, but in the end if she didn't let her go, she would have been the bad person. Our step-daughter was so excited about going she would have been pissed off at her mom for awhile. My DH had a letter and stuff, but it wasn't needed. Immigration assumed we were husband and wife with her no questions asked. How is your stepkid?
  9. Swine flu or no swine flu, you probably would have had some people drop out, this was their easy way out. Like all the girls have said you won't miss them anyways, it is so their loss!!
  10. Selfish isn't the word, you are being a bad friend. If she is your best friend you would ask her no matter what. So she is trying to get preggers, doesn't mean she will. But what if she did it's her decision to go to your wedding. I am just shocked that people think like this, it is so sad. I asked a dear friend of 17 years to be in my wedding. She told me that she was going to start TTC'ing and it didn't bother me at all. She ended up getting pregnant sooner than thought and was unable to attend my wedding. It made me sad for a a micro second and then I got over it. I was super excited for her and happy that a new baby was on it's way.
  11. Happy Birthday to you! I hope your day is magical!
  12. I think she was talking about the preview episode. The first episode airs this week I believe.
  13. I stayed there a couple of years ago, it was great! Loved the room, grounds and pool! Great location for a wedding.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by yamille When Kelly didn't remember what she said to Bethenny I was DYING. I seriously wanted to strangle her (for the 2nd time). When she was all like "bethenny stop. stop." and she wouldn't let her get a word in I wanted to die. nuts. What do you all make of Alex and Simon? I don't think he's gay but I can't imagine having such a fem guy. He's beyond metrosexual. I hated when she kept on saying "Bethany, stop, stop." Like she was holier than thou. Ugh! She is super crazy. I don't like Alex and Simon, but they are entertaining to watch. This might be mean, but I find Alex very unattractive and she bugs me. Their kids are so unruly and bug too. Ok, I guess I really don't like them. LOL!
  15. I agree Kelly is psycho! I am excited about the NJ Housewives, looks good!
  16. You are all doing so well! Congrats! Ann, you are an angel for arranging this and putting up with people who don't follow the rule and then expect you to let it go. I can't wait to join the next season...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Well I just got back from my doctor appointment. I failed my diabeties test. Not cool. I have to go to the diabetic doctor on friday, he wants me to test 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Then he will reavaluate things. He said I didnt completely fail but I got a "D". LOL. He also said we will probably see her between july 4th and 10th. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me, I have had gd since week 6. I am in a good routine now and pretty much have it under control. My diabetes dr told me she wished all patients were like me. Ah...geez! Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn Hello ladies... I've been totally AWOL from BDW (and busy on FertilityFriend), but I just got my BFP and wanted to share!!! We've been trying for 9 months, so while I'm totally excited, we're also feeling a bit cautious about it. Anyhoo - just wanted to pop in and say hello! Congrats!
  18. BTW this FDA thing is a hoax!!! Just a FYI!! Check this out... http://www.youtube.com. http://bit.ly/VQidm
  19. I loved Heidi's dress so much, so looked beautiful.
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