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Everything posted by Yari

  1. It was pure comedy, I like Spiedi on the show cause of the drama. It just makes me laugh. I heard on the radio this morning that they walked off again. It cracked me up also when he was talking to the NBC guy, Spencer is so cocky. It was also interesting when he said that he wants to play a villain, it's who his character is.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by frank13 thank you scott-pierre for the advice I will look there! everyone else, you are so concerned with me offending other brides that you didn't even think that you might have offended me by only posting something negative and not helpful. the reason the cake is important to me (and maybe not as much to others) is that my fiancee is a chef/baker/restaurant owner and he feels strongly about food quality. I am also NOT the only person to criticize the baking skills of the ROR so please don't reprimand me. also, I did use the search function and did not find what I was looking for...I guess I must be stupid and not know how to "search" properly. Wow, you need a chill pill! Re-read your original post you were offensive and were called out.
  3. No worries! I am looking forward to watching it.
  4. Ann I will ask my coworker who is from England...get back to you tomorrow.
  5. Heidi had two receptions, of which LC attended neither. I think LC left out of a different exit cause of the paparazzi...plus I think she only want to be there for the wedding and to talk to Heidi before. I thought LC meet Heidi when she went to school for that one semester in San Francisco. Her and both Heidi dropped out and she went to live with LC in Laguna. I could be wrong though.
  6. I LOVED the finale!! Holly was out of control...seriously food being thrown? Ridiculous! Regarding Spencer, I thought he handled it very well. I couldn't believe Heidi and Holly's mom telling Holly she wasn't rude at all. WTF? Kirsten is a little biatch! I didn't realize Lo and her were friends, I just thought she hated her along with LC. I am going to miss LC, I wished they did a little montage of her at the end...but oh well! I am looking forward to the new eps this fall!
  7. That stinks, I hope you win! On another note, my FI grew up in Levittown...his parents and sister still live there.
  8. I am so excited for you and your family. I think it is a great opportunity. Of course it is scarey, but change always is. Another perk about living in a hotel...room service!
  9. The finale is tonight, I am so excited for it! Now if my husband would stop playing the XBox so I can watch it. LOL!
  10. Happy Birthday to you!! Have a wonderful day!!
  11. I am glad you confronted her and happy by her admission. Good luck! It looks like this friendship can be saved.
  12. Congrats, that is great news!
  13. You are in a pickle! I think you should confront her. I am not one to push my feelings in and act like nothing has happened. Nonetheless, whatever you decide to do is going to be hard. Shit your roommates too, yikes. I am so sorry.
  14. I hope your day is extra special!!! Congrats!
  15. Happy to hear that it is working out in the end. I think these threads are very important!!
  16. I love their brushes! I have had them for years.
  17. I'm going this weekend with my husband for a conference too. Well we leave on Monday and get back on Thursday. Small world!
  18. I'm sorry I missed this. Casey, I hope your wedding day was everything you dreamed of! Congrats!!!
  19. Yari


    Annie did what thing? Change the jacket? The ending was bizarre.
  20. Yari


    Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I am really bummed about the new exec. producer saying that she doesn't want to have so many cameos from the "Alums" next year, that's the best part of the show. Oh no, I love that too.
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