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Everything posted by Yari

  1. I was thinking the same thing.
  2. This slide show made me cry, it was so beautiful! I love the photographs. Who is the photographer? I wonder if they are local to PV.
  3. Welcome to the fourm! One of my BM's got married in St. Thomas three years ago. It was amazing. We did a cruise that left from Puerto Rico. St. Thomas was the first stop...She got a WC and was married at Megaen's Bay (not sure of the spelling). It was literally the best wedding I have ever been to (except of course my own next year).
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Well, I decided to let my recruiter know about how this all went down & how I didn't appreciate not having full disclosure prior to accepting this job offer. She was shocked about the whole thing. She had no idea their pre-screen was this extensive & did not know the whole thing about ongoing random testing. She was appologetic and is now concerned about whether or not I will be happy in this job. As I was describing all of this to her I found myself getting pretty aggitated mentally by the whole thing. I am just really not happy about going into this whole thing blind, bottom line. Good for you telling your recruiter! I hope this job turns out to be great for you.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 Wow, they look all look amazing! I don't even know where to begin! I second that! So many decisions and there are a million great choices. Trisha - we are getting married on the same day! Yay!!!
  6. Welcome! You will get lots of valuable information here. I know it can be overwhelming, but just think it is all worth it at the end!
  7. Welcome, this forum is the best! I am having a PV wedding in Oct. 08... So much great information on here, enjoy!
  8. Dear Self, Stop being so stressed out and enjoy your engagement. Oh and get your butt in the gym!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Yari - maybe you don't need to get rid of the blue at all, but add pink to your colors. My colors are blue, fuschia and orange. Some things combine all three, but most are only 2 of each. Don't know if I am making sense, except to say that I still have blue as one of my colors with this dress! Very true! You made complete sense. I like your idea alot.
  10. Thank you for sending the Nordies link. I checked it out and they have the same dress in a different color that I love! I am actually thinking of changing my colors from chocolate and blue to chocolate and pink to go with the dress. I just sent a mass email to my BM's regarding their thoughts.
  11. Wow, you are having a bad day too. I agree with you on the drug test, I believe it is an invasion of privacy. Unfortunately a lot of great jobs require this. I remember when I got my first drug test for a "dream" job I was so angry because they didn't disclose it during the interview. That is very weird that they do random drug test, perhaps if they suspect drug use. I wouldn't worry about it, but I definitely understand.
  12. Hi everyone, thank you for the input. I don't expect my parents to pay for anything, so when my mom offered the $2K I was shocked, but grateful. My parents own a beauty salon and right now business is slow (but it always is end of September early October) and they get freaked out about money. I think since we are both Hispanic our tempers flare much quicker and we both get excited. This is our downfall. Thankfully I have a great relationship with my mom and I can talk to her about things after we get mad. I called my mom just now and talked to her. She was very upset and crying and I told her that I was sorry I hung up on her. I expressed how I was shocked at how she changed her mind so quickly. She told me that she can not afford $2k right now and was stressed out about it. But she will help in any way possible. I told her I would definitely pay the difference if there is any. She feels bad cause she wants to pay for everything and at the moment is unable to. I told her not to worry about it and we will work it out. Plus, I am not going to start looking for dresses until January. I feel so bad right now, I didn't want to make my mom cry.
  13. I really like the shirts too, very beach chic!
  14. Ugh, I just need to vent. I got into an argument with my mother this morning over wedding dresses and budget. At first she told me that my budget was $2k for a dress, shoes and veil...this morning she said it was $1k and told me she never stated $2k, which is so untrue. She said that I was acting like a bridezilla and just because my FI and I have money that I shouldn't expect her too pay outrageous prices for things. I told her if she didn't want to buy the dress then I would buy it, then I hung up. This statement is so hurtful and untrue. It just pisses me off. She is the one that said I had a $2K, plus I don't even plan on spending that much. Do I should like a spoiled brat or do you think she is right? I can handle the truth.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by hls140 This is a great idea....unfortunately, I made all my stuff in Adobe InDesign, a program that I use for work, and most of you probably don't have that on your PCs. I'll attach a pdf of our welcome letter (its not letting me attach more right now) and if any of the info is helpful and you have InDesign, I'd be happy to share the original file. This is wonderful! So much informative information. I have Quark do you think I can open InDesign with that?
  16. Welcome to the board...you will have lots of fun here.
  17. He never emailed me back either...so weird! Like you said, his loss.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jenvh I did my first weigh in this morning. I lost 2 pounds my first week on WW. Yay. I think I need a digital scale though. Mine is hard to read accurately. That is awesome!!! Way to Go!!!!!
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