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Everything posted by Yari

  1. I used the "theweddingtracker" site to create mine...didn't realize there were so many options. Anyhow, here is mine Yari & Brian's Wedding Wedding WebSite
  2. Yari

    I'm New!

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  3. Wow, the hand ceremony is so beautiful. That link had so many great readings too.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 Mine is scheduled for a Friday....and we also thought about the numbers... 10-10-08 Me too...10-10-08. I just love the ways the numbers look.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jenvh Dear FI - Why must you play Halo on the only tv that has cable and a dvr? If you played on the other tv I could watch this one. I know this one is bigger and prettier but you are not the only one here and I want to relax before I get shipped off to Chicago for work (at which time you will have the tv all to yourself) Oh my gawsh I can totally relate to this!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephanie 525 There sure a lot of choices. I find the "property of" ones a little creepy but the rest are fun. Thanks for sharing. LOL...I thought the same thing abou the "property of" tank. I really like all the other choices. I also liked the socks...too cute!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephanie 525 I just found this and you could adapt it to work with this idea ROCK CEREMONY Each guest has been given a small polished stone upon arriving. Before you met, your lives were on different paths with different destinations. But love has brought you together and joined these separate paths into one. Each one of your friends and family here today have been given a small polished stone that represents their unique individuality and their presence at your wedding today. You also each have a stone of your own that symbolizes your previous separate lives, separate sets of friends, separate families and the different life’s journeys you once traveled. I will now ask that everyone please take out the stone you have been given and pause to make a wish or blessing for happiness and good will for the couple for the future of their marriage. Everyone pauses to make their wish. Now, we will collect the stones and the couple will then add their individual stones to the container as well. The couple adds their stones to the container. With the combining of these stones, you have now symbolically joined your once separate lives. As the stones have been combined with love into one container, so now are your friends and family joined, through you, into one. And your once solitary life's paths are also now one. All that was once separate is now shared, and in this sharing you both will find new strength and joy as together you forge a new life's path and destination. I love this...I just saved it to come back to it later. Thanks!
  8. Yes, she is located in Irvine. I just sent her an email...I wonder what her rates are
  9. Thanks for the great info...I just stumbled upon this thread and was able to put all these great links about PV on my wedding site.
  10. Welcome! You came to the right place, so much great information.
  11. WTG, what a deal...I am so happy things worked out for the best.
  12. Welcome! This is a wonderful forum!
  13. Heidi, When I read the title I prayed that it wasn't you. I am so sorry.
  14. I'm having mine on a Friday too...I think it is fine and like everyone has said allows for guests to have a long weekend.
  15. Hi welcome!! I am a fellow PV bride too, this board is lots of fun and very informative.
  16. My FI and I stayed there earlier this year...they just went under a $100 million dollar renovation. Let me know if you have any questions...
  17. Good for you to sticking to your guns. It was so wrong to do that type of testing. So crazy!
  18. I am very impressed! Everything is so beautiful. I love the fans and BM tote, the list goes on and on.
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