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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Welcome to the forum! Happy Planning!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Lorilou did you ever find the small bottles of tequila? i'd be curious to find out how much they cost and where you found them? thankS! Try Cost Plus, they have airline size alcohol bottles...
  3. The prices seem great! I would order a sample to make sure you like it.
  4. My BM did this three years ago and got married in St. Thomas (the first port). The cruise was the best vacation I have ever been on, we had so much fun. I would have went this route, but since it has already been done in my group of friends I had to do something different.
  5. I just closed on our house today and we move in Saturday...so I am in the same boat. I definitely feel overwhelmed by all the boxes in my apartment and inability to find things quickly. I really liked all the suggestions given. We hired movers and got three of my FI's friends to help. The hired movers will be used to move the heavy stuff, frig, bed, etc. I too am a control freak and would like my house to be completely ready by the following weekend. Yes, I know I am being ambitious, but that is how I am. Good luck Jessica! Enjoy your new place.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 Thanks Ladies for all your input, I really appreciate it. I have just been sick over this whole thing, and needed to get some outside advise. Mike and I talked about it last night, and he still doesn't want to invite his brother because of the way he has been acting, and feels his brother owes him an apology. He doesn't even care that he said he is not coming to the wedding since there has been more things that he has said that have hurt Mike that have nothing to do with the wedding. Good luck Michelle! I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. Perhaps in a couple of days your FI will calm down and will agree to send the STD out. He is probably hurting right now, I mean his own brother is acting like a jerk. I hope everything pans out.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mora That is a very good rate, how many people in your party Yari? I imagine this is the rate for EP plan right? I have asked this week for a quote on group rates but they haven't provide it yet. I plan on getting 50 rooms, BUT she told me as long as I had three rooms I could get the rate. I am not sure if it is an EP plan. Actually I don't know what an EP plan is. I went through the Marriott international sales agent, she then got a response from the hotel. Let me know if you need the number.
  8. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  9. Congrats! How exciting. All this talk about BD photos makes me want to do them, but too scared.
  10. Yari


    Welcome! Happy Planning!!!!
  11. Oh no! You poor thing, that sucks. I have been affected by identity theft last year. My bank was Bank of America and handled everything, includes fees incurred. It shouldn't affect your credit if you work with your bank.
  12. I was just quote $120 for the Marriott. My wedding date is 10/10/08 I hope this helps!
  13. Wow, that is a very tough situation. I am so sorry. If I were in your situation I would send him a STD, only because he is your FI's brother. I know he is acting like an immature jerk, but there might be a lot of reasons why he is acting this way. Perhaps he is jealous, maybe he wants to go but his wife doesn't and they got into a fight about it, etc...there could be a million reasons. This of course doesn't make it right, but by sending their family a STD you and your FI are acting like the better person. I hope this helps and good luck!
  14. I would contact your WC and verify the timeline. Perhaps it was an error on her part. Express your concern regarding sunlight for photos, etc. Good luck!
  15. Arrive in PV 10/6/08 staying at the Marriott Getting married on 10/10/08 at Las Caletas Leave for honeymoon on 10/13/07 to ??
  16. Yari

    new here!

    You will love this forum!
  17. Oh no you poor thing, that stinks. I don't understand why people think it is okay to invite people to your wedding. So tacky!
  18. Sorry I am so late to this post. You look amazing! Everything looked perfect. I really liked the suits your groomsmen wore. Quite nice. You are my motivation to stop stress eating!
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