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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Sorry you have to go through this! I agree with anyone, you are definitley not being a baby. Remember she is pregnant right now and probably freaked out. Her hormones more than likely got the best of her. Your brother should definitely go to your wedding.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by HolleyC YAY! We officially set the date today for November 12, 2008 in Las Caletas! Super excited!! Now the real planning begins! How exciting! Welcome to the Las Caletas Club!!!
  3. I love them! So great. BTW, gerber daisies are my utmost favorite flower in the world. So pretty!
  4. I say it depends on your budget. If you are able to have lots of people at your wedding and not go into debt I say go for it!
  5. Congrats! You totally deserve it!!!
  6. So cute! You are lucky you have photos of this special occassion.
  7. It was so much fun, I would totally do it again. I am in for a secret valentine, etc.
  8. Thank you so much for the advice. I will definitely post something on my website for our guests.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 I guess acts of kindess is really catching on and spreading, because I saw on one of the morning shows today how one nice person in a drive through Starbucks line bought the coffee for the car behind her and that kind act spread from car to car for the next two hours with each car learning of the kind act and paying it forward to the car behind them. It was nice to wake up to a story like that on the news! I forgot how something simple like that can make a person's day. I used to do that whenever I was at a toll plaza, pay the toll for the car directly behind me. A small sentiment, but it goes a long way! Let's keep paying it forward! This story really inspired me, so this morning I went through the Starbucks drive thru and bought the person behind me their coffee drink. I told the employee to tell him Merry Christmas. I have no idea if the chain continued, but it was nice to do make someone smile.
  10. Hi there, I found out last night that I have a distant cousin who owns Hotel Tropicana in Puerto Vallarta. Apparently I can get a sweet deal for me and my guests. I looked up the hotel last night and it looked nice, it is definitely not the Marriott, but might be worth the discount. Has anyone stayed or seen the Hotel Tropciana in person?
  11. I don't think Mon Amie is worth it...they are rather snobbish. They do have a wonderful selection though. All of my married friends went there to try on dresses and have bad experiences all of which didn't buy their dress there. A couple bought their dress from Marry Me Bridal.
  12. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning.
  13. I love the stickers!!! Are they still available?
  14. Wow, such wonderful pics! I love your color choices and your bridal party attire...I like the ties on the men.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha I know that this is somewhat of a sad post on a "happy" thread. But thought I would mention one of our patients (I work in a doctors office). Hes my favorite, comes in all the time just to give us hugs and tells all the girls in the office we were the daughters we never had. I just saw him on thursday in our office and he was going on and on about how he loves to come in just to see us (not that were anything great but he loves to make us happy). Well he was in thursday for chest pain and died of a heart attack last night. I usually am not affect when a patient dies, not that I have no emotions but I try to detach myself otherwise it would be too hard. But the whole office was devistated today. I guess in a nutshell what I am trying to say is that "random acts of kindness" usually mean alot more to the person who receives it that the person who gives it... so it never hurts to put a smile on someones face! I'm sorry for your loss. On a different note, I really think this thread is a great idea. I hope I have a random act of kindness to post soon.
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