Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08
I guess acts of kindess is really catching on and spreading, because I saw on one of the morning shows today how one nice person in a drive through Starbucks line bought the coffee for the car behind her and that kind act spread from car to car for the next two hours with each car learning of the kind act and paying it forward to the car behind them. It was nice to wake up to a story like that on the news!
I forgot how something simple like that can make a person's day. I used to do that whenever I was at a toll plaza, pay the toll for the car directly behind me. A small sentiment, but it goes a long way!
Let's keep paying it forward!
This story really inspired me, so this morning I went through the Starbucks drive thru and bought the person behind me their coffee drink. I told the employee to tell him Merry Christmas. I have no idea if the chain continued, but it was nice to do make someone smile.