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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Welcome to the forum! Happy Planning.
  2. Welcome to the forum! There are lots of Cabo brides on here.
  3. It is very nice. Gosh your wedding is a couple weeks after mine and you already got your unity candle holder?!?! I need to get cracking!
  4. Congrats to you Karma! Welcome to the forum. You will get lots of great ideas.
  5. I plan on buying a second dress for TTD even though I have seen pics of drycleaned dresses after a TTD session and they are good as new. I am just to chicken.
  6. Welcome to BDW! You will love it here. Happy Planning!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I'm against the grain on this one (surprise..lol). The perfumes I always wear remind me of old times, old people, sitting at work, etc. I guess we wanted something that only reminded us of us and that day. We both got a new scent for the wedding, and didn't wear it/smell it on eachother until we met at the alter. Now, every time he wears it I am instantly transported back to that moment. It's like a little gift every time he puts it on...haha They say scents evoke the strongest memories.... Mine was Vera Wang, the orginal wedding scent (she has like 4 I think). Hubby wore L'Homme by Yves St. Laurant. Both very light and happy scents. Good luck! I like that rationale...hmmm perhaps you changed my opinion.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 Hmm..I didn't use anything different. I remembered my sister went on like a 2 week hunt for perfume. She finally found one and spent a buttload of money. She got home and had her husband smell it and he said he wanted her to smell like she always did and what he loved. I asked my FI and he said the same. So I ended up going with what I always wear and that is Moonlit path by bath and body works. But you could always go into sephora or a department store and try some out and see what you like. I agree with this...wear your normal everyday scent.
  9. I really like your the dresses and the different colors! I also like the shirts for the GM...one palm tree will probably help it not look too busy, but I think either way would look great. Lastly, how exciting for you! Glad it's in progress! I am looking forward to hearing the details once they are released.
  10. How pretty all of the dresses are! I vote for #3, looked awesome on you. #1 was very pretty too! How exciting for you.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by albrosious good luck! it is so much fun! even though i picked a dress, i told my mom that we should go and look more because it was so much fun! did you make an appointment at david's? it rocked! Thanks! No, I didn't make an appointment at David's yet. I think that will be for the next time out. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva Good luck! It's really helpful to see yourself in the dress in a photo to reflect and see somewhat how it photographs. Plus we would give you a hard time if you came back with no photos.. lol Thanks for the advice. Yes, I know I would be in trouble if I didn't come back with pics...LOL Shelly thanks for the well wishes. I would have multi-quoted you, but have no idea how to do three. I did two by accident.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama FYI I just checked ebay and you can buy a whole bunch of them on there for 1 cent and to Canada its $2 shipping. NICE! Thank you for the tip.
  13. Welcome to the forum Amanda!
  14. Welcome to the forum! Happy Planning.
  15. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  16. Hi girls! I am so excited, I have three appoinments this Sunday to try on dresses. All of a sudden it has hit me that I am going to be a bride! Yay! I am very excited. I will definitely take my camera and keep you posted Monday.
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