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Everything posted by Yari

  1. My STD's are at the post office on the way to various parts of the U.S, Canada and Mexico. I am so happy they are completed. I did have a mini drama at the first post office I went to. The idiot wanted to charge me $1.30 to mail out each invite in the U.S. and $1.00 to Mexico & Canada...I was like this makes no sense. Anyhow, I went to the post office by my house and all was good. A coworker/friend wrote out the addresses for me over the weekend. So kind! Here are the pics... Magnet
  2. I am so excited, FI and I booked our honeymoon last night. We are going to Curacao...I can't wait. Here is a link to the hotel. It is so awesome. Ya baby! http://www.marriott.com/hotels/trave...merald-casino/
  3. WOW! Watching your slideshow made me so excited too. I have eight months to go. Enough about me... Your pics are amazing. I love your cake, bridesmaid dresses, and basically everything. I can't wait for your professional pics.
  4. Welcome to the forum! I am getting married at Las Caletas in Oct. You will find lots of info here!
  5. You look so pretty, the pics are awesome!
  6. Thanks everyone! I feel so much better today! Thank you all for listening to me and letting me share my frustrations. You are the best!
  7. I am laughing so hard right now! I love the name "Starfish" for Starchild. Too funny! BTW: I love martinis with blue cheese olives. Is it really only a Cali thing?
  8. I am going to ditch my maiden name. Do what you feel is right...but it is a pain in the arse to do the whole change thing. Ugh!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by albrosious That stinks! I have gotten on your website before and read through the things about your BMs. I felt very happy for you to have so many close friends. I am experiencing some of the same things. I am so excited about the wedding and I feel like no one wants to talk about it. I guess that is how it is. As far as them talking behind your back, I don't think it was malicious. I think that L was probably worried about hurting you and wanted advice before talking to you. I would probably be hurt too but I think it was probably innocent. I just went to my website and read what I wrote about them. They are amazing friends and I am very lucky. Thank you for pointing that out. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I just re-read your last paragraph and see that you got it all worked out for the most part. Sorry for just skimming your post before blabbing my two cents. lol No worries, my post was rather long. LOL! Also, I don't believe she is trying to back out...especially since they are planning their pregnancy around my wedding. Wow, now that is friendship.
  10. I think they are being quite tacky. That was very nice of you to explain the etiquette to him. I wouldn't go, since it was so short notice and you have a night of heavy drinking the day before. Chip in for a present with everyone else and be done with it.
  11. Thanks you guys. You are all right. I know my friends love me and that my wedding is not the center of their universe. I am glad we were able to work it out too. Also, thank you for listening to my vent. I feel so much better now.
  12. Ok, background... I have a core group of friends from sorority. There is seven of us including me, we call each other the GNI girls. All of them are married or have been married, but myself and one other girl. We have monthly get togethers that we call GNI (girls night in). We have had them for over 5 years, they are every month at one of the girl's house and we alternate every month. The last two GNI's I felt like no one cared about my wedding. Everytime I brought something up certain girls didn't seem excited. Really it's only two girls. One I will call L she just had a baby a year ago and is caught up in being a mom. I totally understand this too. I had L try on the bridesmaid dress and she is quite ample in the breast region. So it didn't look very good on her and I didn't know what to do. She was like, oh well. I felt like she didn't care. Well the holidays went by and I never hear from L, I always have to contact her. When I bring up the wedding she has no interest, so I stopped talking about it to her. I brought up to the GNI girls that I was going dress shopping and no one said anything, so I didn't bring it up again. BTW - my MOH is in the GNI group, but is super excited about the wedding and calls, emails me all the time. So I called L today to discuss the dress issue. She was very weird about it and just so uncaring. When I told her I got my dress yesterday, I could tell that she was upset that I didn't invite her, but I just said I didn't know you wanted to go. After our phone call I was very upset and started to cry to a coworker. I just felt like L didn't care at all about my wedding or being in the wedding. After lunch L called me and said she wanted to talk about the wedding and her participation. She said the reason why she has been acting lowkey is she is planning on getting pregnant again and didn't want to tell me cause it might stress me out. She wasn't sure if I wanted her to be in the wedding pregnant. I was so sad that she didn't tell me all of this earlier and that she spoke to the other girls about it. We worked everything out, basically if she gets pregnant we will find a dress that will work for her. I told her not to worry about it. I was honored that her and her husband are waiting until April to try, so they will be able to attend. It just hurts that for the last few months, my best friends have kept something from me. She apologized profusely and said she is super excited about the wedding, but she didn't know how to approach me. Which makes me so sad that one of my closest friends can't talk to me. Thanks for letting me vent.
  13. Your BM gifts are so freakin' cute! I love them.
  14. I really like the updo and like the orchids. It looks great on you and not too simple at all. I am so excited for you!
  15. OMG - I keep on staring at my own pics like a freak. I am sad I won't get to see the dress in person for 17 weeks. Agh!! Thankfully I can stare at this thread. Hee-hee
  16. Welcome to the forum! You will find lots of great advice here.
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