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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Wow, she is very immature! Is your mom paying for any part of the wedding? The reason I ask this is if she is she might feel entitled to make decision about your wedding. I don't think you were wrong in taking away her MOH title. You need a MOH who will be supportive and there for you.
  2. I am not sure Abbie. There was so much publicity about this prop, I mean it was everywhere you went. On the freeways, corners of streets, the commericals. It became very evident that Yes meant you are against gay marriage.
  3. I am going to tell my stepdaughter that the fight is not over. She is going to be heartbroken to find out that it passed. As parents, we need to assure them that we can make a difference, but it takes time. That as humans we all make mistakes and hopefully the ones that voted Yes will see the light and vote No next time.
  4. Good luck! I can't wait to see pics of your new precious little girl.
  5. You would hope so, it is just a sad day here.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle OMG WAITTTT...so the marriages that happened already wont be honoured?? We are not sure!
  7. YES, it is definitely worth it.
  8. I am sad to say it is official. I am a native Cali girl and can't believe this is happening. Christine, thanks for your post! I have coworkers crying now cause their marriage might be null and void. It is horrible. Why do people hate others so much?
  9. Oh my goodness they are giving out vibrators? I love it!!!
  10. feels like everything is perfect in the world: sipping a PSL
  11. I have been going back and forth on this issue. I have yet to vote, but decided last night that my vote was going to Obama. My DH is voting for McCain. I am not for increasing taxes at all. I do not like being labeled "mega rich" because we make over a certain amount of money combined. BUT I do feel that Obama is a true American, and comes from adversity. I mean seriously only in America can a poor boy raised by his grandmother, get a good education, move his way to the top and is now running for president. Oh and to top it off he is black. Just a few decades ago, blacks weren't even allowed to vote. This to me is America! I am proud to cast my vote for him and I hope he wins.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Bianca, I think your "rambling" is right on point. I totally 100% agree with what you said. If kids were exposed to things (not just same sex marriage), instead of them being taboo, then the levels of acceptance would be much more widespread. Exactly! My step-daughter has been "exposed" to many gay couples due to me. I have a lot of gay friends and work for an AIDS organization. Anyhow, when I told her my good friends Mark & Marc were getting married she was so happy for them. She didn't even ask or question the fact they were two men. She is 10 years old and has such a strong viewpoint on Prop 8, I am very proud of her.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan also, i hope people realize that it's OK to vote no on prop 8 even if they personally do not agree with homosexuality. they are not voting on whether or not to allow homosexuality to continue. it is just a vote for equal rights. i really think this will be the shameful issue we look back on for our generation. it's our generations civil rights act. Very well said Morgan!
  14. Morgan, Carly & Andrea- I so wish you lived in Cali so you could vote!!! I don't think people understand what voting yes means. They are scared that there children will be taught about gay marriage in school. This is ridiculous! They don't even teach marriage in schools. They think that more gays will appear out of no where. Um, there are a lot of gay people around us now and by allowing them to get married is not going to change anything for us. It is very important for them to be allowed the same human and civil rights. What they do behind closed doors is no one's business, just like it is no one's business what my husband and I do.
  15. I am going to vote after work, but I am leaving at 2pm to do it. Things are crazy here with Prop 8, lots of protests. I can't wait to vote, but I am very nervous about the outcome.
  16. This might get ugly but... As a Catholic Christian I believe all humans have the right to love and marry whoever they want. It is so sad that people cast stones and judge others.
  17. That is awesome! Congrats!!!
  18. Yikes, her email is a little much. I say good riddance and tell her to F'off. You don't need friends like that at all.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel&B ha ha! I haven't watched the video yet, but why did you detest her? She totally bothered me on the show. I thought she was whiny and just a brat.
  20. That was so sad!! I feel bad for Jesse. Ugh, I detest her even more now.
  21. He is so freaking cute!!! Congrats Martha.
  22. I hope you have a great day! Happy b-day!
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