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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Thanks for sharing the blogs! I was sad when I read the article. I wonder if Gretchen got any money?
  2. In the current US weekly there is an article about someone who dies. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it made me sad. I love the show though! It is very entertaining.
  3. Wowzer, so crazy. So this is the second IL governor in a row to get arrested.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY have you named him Yari? Yes, we have. The only thing is we couldn't agree on one name...now I don't even remember the name we picked. How sad is that!
  5. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Carly, happy birthday to you!!
  6. Happy birthday to you! I hope your day is the best ever!!
  7. I have one and love him! Yes, he is part of the family. He works great on our carpet and the travetine floors in the kitchen. I highly recommend him for any home.
  8. I love this thread!!! Abbie, I love your decor. I will take pics once we get the tree up this weekend.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kati Julia - It is actually pretty funny that we are so close together... I will try not to make Nicole to exhausted, so she has some energy left for you! Ha. We are staying at the Tropicana hotel. We have stayed there many times before and love it! Where are you guys staying? When do you fly down? I stayed at the Tropicana and loved it!! My cake was so pretty. It was exactly what I had in mind. The filling we asked for was pineapple, but we got some other red fruit. It was still tasty though.
  10. Great theme!! I need to work on doing something creative.
  11. I have no idea what to get my DH...ugh! He would love something sports related, but I just don't know. Casey you are so lucky you work at CBS Sports and are able to get such cool unique things!!!
  12. You are too funny! I love your siggy pic!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie i should really do this. i need to think about it! (sad, huh?) I am in the same boat Abbie...
  14. What a great review. I can't believe the dj, wtf! Sorry to hear you had other issues with your coordinator too. At least you had a great time and you are a married gal!!!
  15. I had my rehearsal dinner at Vista Grill. It was amazing, the food, view, service, everything. My in-laws paid for it and it was pricey. Around $3K for 20 people. My welcome dinner was at Los Arcos, it was delish and I also had great service. They had a private area for me and my 70 guests. This place was awesome and I highly recommend it. The price couldn't be beat either.
  16. It is very sad. My DH's company just sent a mass email banning travel to India.
  17. WOW, they are such publicity whores.
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