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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Oh no, I am so sorry for your loss. That is very sad. I think feeling guilty is normal, but know that she would want you to live your life to its fullest.
  2. I nominate B2B: Casey, and Abbie for the married gals...
  3. Welcome back! How exciting you will be a married lady soon.
  4. Yup! The same thing happened to us...it is part of the foreign exchange rate and it blows!
  5. I am so excited for you! Your wedding will be wonderful!! Can't wait to see your pics when you get back.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lilmisssunshine To Me (me being my fiance who wrote poem below)Real Love is : Real love is what people have wanted since the beginning of life. Being together forever. Wife and husband, husband and wife. To know that you were made for each other, to have and to hold. To know that you will stand with each other, even when you’re old. Some one to forever cherish, honor and love. The perfect fit for each other, like a hand in a glove. Holding each other tight whenever you can She is your woman and, he is your man. To feel yourself overwhelmed with excitement every time you kiss. To be eternally grateful that you’re joined in wedded bliss. So take the vows for richer for poorer till death do us part. And always hold that special someone close to your heart. Let the audience hear the words “you may kiss the bride†How wonderful is it? Together two soul mates are tied. Anyone want to see how real love is supposed to go? Then show up to Woody and Jaime’s wedding April 16, Mexico! Our wedding is at the azul sensatori, Puerto morales mexico. Thanks for the contest!! This totally made me cry! It was beautiful!
  7. I couldn't read what was tatted on his lip. I do think it is why she went crazy crying.
  8. Did anyone watch the latest episode? I really like the new housewife, well except for the fact she talked to her 18 year old daughter about hangover cures. WTF?
  9. So sorry you are having a bad set of events. It just plain sucks! I am also so sorry your FI lost his job. This economy does blow. I hope the rest of holiday season goes better for the both of you.
  10. Also, on the preview it showed them getting married by a judge in the courtroom. When we got LC here in California a couple of months ago, they didn't do it in a courtroom. I thought it looked fake. But maybe in LA County, they do perfrom the service in a courtroom. Who knows?
  11. Wow, do you think you will have a white Christmas? My DH and I are flying into Philly on Christmas Day. I wonder if it will snow? I have been there for Christmas the last three years and so far no snow. I want it to snow!!
  12. Hi Erica, Welcome to the forum! I got married at LC and live pretty close to you! Too funny! If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me.
  13. OMG, I am so happy Michael is having this contest. He was my photographer in PV (Las Caletas) and I love him. In fact all of my guest loved him. He is wonderful person and fantastic photographer. Also, he is amazing with kids. My step-daughter adores him and calls him Bob. I am so freaking excited that someone is going to win this contest!!! Yay!! Wanna see some of his great work, just look at my siggy below. Good luck to all that enter!
  14. I am sorry to hear this...I hope they catch the crooks.
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