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Everything posted by Yari

  1. Well I am going to judge her cause I think she is ridiculous! She already had 6 other children. She lives in a 1500 square foot home, two of her kids have disabilities, she has no job and decided to use her disability money on fertility treatments...oh no husband either. This is so irresponsible and ludicrous. It pisses me off like no other. Especially since my taxpayer butt will have to pay for their care. She should have been happy with the 6 children she already had and focus on them.
  2. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Know that we are here for you.
  3. My husband's coworker was on the plane. Also, the man who died in the house worked for my husban's company. Two men from the same company were killed, so sad.
  4. I forgot to post to this thread. My hits were: Pashminas Spanish for Dummies Dictionary Fruit Roll Ups
  5. Wow, that is interesting. I really like Melissa, is she the final one
  6. Weekends and afternoons work for me too. They have a Cheesecake Factory in Brea by the Mall...just an idea.
  7. Your baby is adorable! Congrats!! Kelly - oh no, does this mean bed rest for you?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Sweet! I know someone with a gopher problem right now, I will pass this on. I wonder why human hair works? I have no idea...but I know it definitely has to be human hair.
  9. I am so jealous, every plant I touch dies. I have tried and tried. An old trick for gophers is to put human hair in the hole and they will not return. My mom does this and it works every time. Now you ask where to get the hair...go to your hair salon and they would totally give you some, bring your own bag. My parents own a salon and you would be surprise by the number of request they get for the ol' gopher trick. Good luck!
  10. I heard the same thing about jail time...but I doubt he will get it. Since this was his first offense he will probably just get probation. The big thing on the news today was if Rihanna was going to press charges, cause as of right now she hasn't.
  11. I was totally kidding with my FI last night about it being CB in the Bentley. Too funny! Anyhow, this morning on the news they said that the pics police took of Rihanna is very bad and she basically got her butt kicked bad. CB is trained in Tae Kawn Do (sp?) so that is why he is being charged with attack with a deadly weapon.
  12. I started last week, so at nine weeks. All of a sudden I was hungry all the time.
  13. It was confirmed this morning that it was Rihanna. I just read this story...so sad. Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Eyewitness At Hospital: "I Could Hear Rihanna Screaming" Also, on tmz.com police confirmed Rihanna had a bloody lip, nose and two contusions on her head.
  14. Weddings bring out the worst in people. It is so upsetting! I had BM's drop out, but I was lucky that they didn't complain at least not to me. I sometimes felt like they didn't care about the latest detail or change, but then it hit me that I am thinking about my wedding 24/7. They have their own lives and think about it every once in awhile. I think your BM's are being quite selfish and mean. I can't believe one would say she would be happy sitting in the audience. WTF? That is very insulting. I would have a talk with each and everyone of them and tell them your feelings. They might surprise you. Now if they don't give a rat's ass, looks like you need to drop them as friends.
  15. This just makes sicks! Looks like they were driving home from Clive Davis’ party Saturday night and were in the Hancock Park area. They got into a fight and got out of the car. Chris started to beat up on Rihanna and a passerby called 911 to report the incident. Chris fled the scene and Rihanna went to the hospital. Chris was charged with a felony and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Harvey Levine doesn’t know if it was a gun, but it could have been a foot, phone, etc. Rihanna has multiply bite wounds and her face is bashed up. It is so freaking sad!
  16. I am so in! I am in Chino Hills. I love the OC...last time we meet at Huntington Beach and had a wonderful time. Brea is a great midpoint too! They also have great restaurants! Count me in people!
  17. Well, I guess I was a little different. I totally waited for people in the lobby, but not everyone. BUT this is how I did it. I did a lot of hanging out at the pool hotel and beach. I would look at my watch ever so often and when it was the time that I knew people should be arriving, I would run over to the lobby. It was cute cause the front desk people would send servers and such out to the beach or pool area to let me know guests arrived too. I did give everyone a OOT bag when they arrived. My wonderful husband would go up to our room and get them. I really liked greeting my guests, cause I was honored they flew so far to see me get married. Now, I didn't meet up with everyone, but I would say 90%.
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