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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. We did look at El Convento but it is really expensive and not as quirky as FI and I tend to be. When we walked into the Gallery, I had that warm fuzzy feeling. El Convento is right across the street from Catedral de San Juan Batiste though...more pics coming up! This is where Ponce De Leon is buried and has an awesome basilica.
  2. Here are some shots of the location FI and I are hoping for. Beautiful but really SLOW to respond to any inquiries. I keep telling myself, Island Time...
  3. Everything in Old San Juan is "near" El Morro. A few are The Gallery Inn where I hope to do the wedding. El Convento, Hotel Milano, El San Juan Hotel, The Normandie, & sheraton are just a few. The Gallery Inn is the closest. Here are a few shots of street scenes. The horses came out of nowhere but it was really neat because of the way the horses "danced" with their hooves as they walked. The Fountain is at the end of La Princessa, the most famous road in San Juan.
  4. We are getting married in San Juan and are tentatively planning a caribbean cruise afterwards.
  5. Here are some more of El Morro. There are several spots where I think they will do ceremonies that overlook the ocean. Thave have little platforms and there were chairs set up at one.
  6. El Morro in Old San Juan makes a beautiful backdrop for photos and also has a chapel inside for those who would like to marry there.
  7. We have decided to have the ceremony in Old San Juan. My family hates to travel and we figure they can get off the plane and take a quick cab ride to the casino's with little hassle. Originally I wanted to go to Boqueron (I spent time there as a teenager) or Rio Grande for its proximity to El Yunque.
  8. Kelly, I could have been your tour guide-I live an hour from the falls and spend alot of time there! For the record, the Candian side is better.
  9. Welcome-you'll have plenty of help in locating the perfect location here.
  10. Now that I know how to resize pics, I'll start posting images from my last trip to San Juan.
  11. At the least I could use it for a TTD session since it is so similar to the one in the magazine I found.
  12. You guys are so nice. It's really cool to see so many people willing to help all the while being busy planning their own events. FI is here this weekend so I am hoping to get some specific PR info up for those undecided brides.
  13. It is so similar to a picture I cut out of a magazine! Thanks for the info, I may order it to try.
  14. The Body Shop or Clinique works really well for sensitive skin. What are you looking for-foundation, eye, lip? The Body Shop lists all ingredients for each product right on the web site or I may be able to send you samples of stuff (I sell TBS on the side). Sephora is great for trying stuff also and all products that have been sugested so far can be found at any of their stores. I used Clinique for many years also and still mix stuff in-their lip colors are the best but don't tell I said that ;0!
  15. Welcome to the forum! Your date is two days after mine!
  16. jamisoncollette


    Welcome to the forum!
  17. That is so cool that you are helping! My friends don't even want to her about the planning process let alone help! Welcome!
  18. Welcome to the insanity! It's alot of fun here though.
  19. Tell your co-worker to get her bottom on here then! Do you know where she's getting married? I live in NY but I'm an upstater. I'll post some pics as soon as I master the whole resizing thing-I hate technology sometimes!
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