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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. I am using Coral and Silver (my great-aunt's name was coral silver) w/ turquoise accents.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendan The book was ok. The first couple of chapters are funny and motivating. The authors are basically trying to say that in order to be skinny, you need to be healthy. But in the end, I found the underlining concept of this book was just to promote veganism. And although, I'm sure it is a very healthy way to live, I just can't do it. Giving up all meats, animals and anything that comes from animals is just too much for me to do. However, there were some good points in the book. For example, the diet coke - it contains aspartame which is no good for you. From what they say in the book, there has never been a study to prove that aspartame is safe for you. And it took something like 8 years for the FDA to approve it - and the circumstances surrounding the approval was very fishy. So, definitely get the book, it has some good points and I found it very motivating. Beware though, there's a horrifying chapter which graphically describes what goes on in some slatterhouses. Skip that chapter if it's too much for you. I had a professor who said aspartame clogs your brain, sorto flike a plaque build-up that impedes memory & brain function. It explains why I remember nothing from the semester I drank nothing but Propel! Only 24 ozs of water down today, I better get slugging
  3. Does bouncing on an exercise ball while folding laundry count?
  4. Craft stores like Michael's and Joann's carry lockets in the jewelry making section that can be used in a bouquet. Just put ribbon through and weave into the handle.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsButler08 Sarah thank you so much for the info. I actually just made our little logo of our names and it turned out beautiful. I will post it shortly. Now the only thing I am a bit confused by is the machine you said you engrossed the red paper with. I have no idea what you are talking about, lol. Fiskars is a brand-you can find embossing tools at most crafts stores-I like AC Moore for scrapbooking things or you can type in "Fiskars" embossing tool into Ebay and find one. I hadn't seen the fans before, they are awesome Sarah! I think I will be stealing the idea next
  6. I should print this out and show my mom. Maybe if she saw how many people have successful DW's she would ease up. She doesn't like travel or speak Spanish but I keep reminding her it's a US territory for crying out loud! Unfortunately the step-twit is FI's step-sister and there is no talking to them. They actually leave the room whenever his family is around. Every holiday is painful to say the least. I feel we are trying, I know I am but they just seem so angry that their dad remarried and they are taking it out on us. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!
  7. Dear Step-Twits, I am sorry that you are unhappy your father decided to remarry. I know it was terrible of Janet to pay for everything after he was layed off and how terrible FI and I are for giving you and your families gifts and cards for every holiday. Would it kill you to say hello or even stay in the same room as us? Also, you are not ruining my wedding by planning yours for the same frickin week. I'll have sun and sand, you'll have stale chicken and bad beer in the same Koozie's you both carry all the time. Dear Work, You suck!!!!! Maybe we could make more of a difference if we were actually supported and had manageable caseloads. I cannot wait to quit after the wedding. Dear Glenda, I really appreciate good sarcasm-perhaps you need your own sound off thread to keep the laughs coming.
  8. I think they are nice. Maybe just use another complimentary color to "add" something without adding content?
  9. We have been booking everything ourselves-I have some control issues and I wanted to be able to have the vendors of my choice, not some pre-arranged mold. It is a little stressful though I must admit.
  10. Wow, I didn't realize there were so many Philly girls! Looks like everyone had fun
  11. My mother informed me today that not only does she hate the idea of going to Puerto Rico for the wedding but so does FMIL who up to now has been going on and on about how great it is. FI thinks it is pressure from his step-dad. Step-dad's daughter(the step-twit) announced not only her engagement after ours but then also picked the Saturday after our wedding for her own date. Never mind that the STD's had been mailed and clearly indicated Puerto Rico! Now FI's family will need to rush back to NY. My mom wants me to just elope and keeps mentioning how my brothers cannot afford to go and how much it will cost blah blah blah. Well if my brothers would get jobs and stop spending their money on alcohol perhaps they could swing it! Wedding planning sucks!
  12. Welcome to the forum! What part of PA?
  13. Welcome Alla! Have fun on the forum
  14. Welcome to the Forum!
  15. Alyssa, It is looking very good for The Gallery Inn. We are finalizing requests and they have been wonderful (once we started working with the owner). We don't plan to rent out the whole place, most guests have already reserved rooms at At Windchimes Inn. I never thought about reserving the whole place though...
  16. Heidi, I am so sorry for your and Reggie's loss. Please know that many people are thinking of you.
  17. We are still waiting for a response to our site request however we did get new information about improvements that are in process. FI was assured that all construction would be complete prior to spring so we should be ok for June. I just wish it did not take so long-I want to book my site!
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