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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. welcome and thank you for your offer of knowledge!
  2. How did the starfish get started? I guess I just never knew about it...
  3. My colors are turquoise and coral accented with silver, I'm at work right now so I cannot post any pictures. MOH dress: http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/e...e/6471-600.jpg the flowers and accents will be coral.
  4. I wish I would have seen this before I registered at Target. I only registered for a few things though. We picked Target becuase they are so reasonable and I already have started getting a new dish pattern from there. I say started becuase it is an open stock pattern and I have not been able to get all my place settings at any of the four different Targets between Buffalo and Rochester!
  5. Welcome Kelly. I don't know about Mexico however you will find lots of ladies able to help you here.
  6. yippee! My friend had that dress for her wedding in October, it's very pretty up close. And she paid full price, yeah for you!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by yari2566 What an interesting concept... I just googled it and found this. Wedding Gifts: Asking for Money - Is There a Polite Way to Ask for Money Instead of Wedding Gifts? Thanks for the article, it did mention a bank that has a mortgage registry but there are no branches in my area. I think I'll call my local bank and see what they can create for me. I don't want to ask for money or sound greedy but some relatives have already asked what we need becuase they've been to my house and know I have way too much stuff already. FI and I did register for a couple small things at Target just in case...
  8. Melissa, I like the "Minime", I think I'll start calling my daughter that instead of Lexy because she is such a mini-me!
  9. Has anyone done a mortgage registry? FI and I have lived on our own for years so we have plenty of stuff. We would really like to buy a house and thought maybe we could set up an account for guests to make contributions to. I just don't know how to go about it, local bank, national bank, is there a webservice for this?
  10. I think I like the second one, go back to the store and take pictures on you!
  11. welcome, breather in through your nose, hold it, and out through your mouth you'll have lots of help here.
  12. welcome, wow the phillipines, how cool.
  13. Welcome. There are several boarding pass templates on the site and they are really simple to use. As far as the karma points, I really don't know, come to think about it!
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