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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. If you do a search for TTD sessions you will see lots of reactions from past brides. I don't think there has been one person that regretted doing it. Some of our favorite shots are from our TTD session and yes, dresses are almost always as good as new after being drycleaned.
  2. I have the worst feeling in my stomach now. How awful.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG I am getting married on Grand Bahama Island in the Bahamas and you can have a Catholic wedding there as well. For Roman Catholic weddings, it has to be in a church - I had thought this rule was relaxed, but apparently not. I know someone who got married in Puerto Rico by a Catholic priest - it was a regular wedding, but the Church in the US told them they have to renew their vows in a church for it to be recognized. In the Bahamas, we could only find a RC priest that will marry us inside of a church, but at least we won't have to renew our vows for our marriage to count in the eyes of the Church. Did your friend learn why she needed to renew her vows? Puerto Rico is a US territory with all the benefits of a state. Were both parties Catholic i wonder?
  4. You can try the basic wording below. I did ask for names as I had place cards individualized. Depending on the travel needs, July may be too soon for a November wedding. Do you have a TA you can ask? My deadline was 2 months prior to the wedding. The favor of a reply is requested by June 16, 2009. M__________________________ ____Accepts with pleasure ____Declines with regrets or M_____________________________ Will ______ Attend
  5. I carried my dress on ( we flew Airtran to PR) and just put it in an overhead bin on top of the other carry-ons. My mom did the same with the suits but on USAir. Most employees are happy to help anyway they can. We used a travel steamer when we got to the hotel to smooth any wrinkles.
  6. Does the length of the cruise matter or is it just your dad cannot fly? What port do you want to depart from?
  7. Tonight, after I have gone to bed Where do I find the energy to stay awake? I need light therapy I think, I just want to hibernate until winter is over. Maybe that is why we have not been successful yet?
  8. Choose the colors first. BM dresses can be made into hundreds of colors so you can still have the style you like in the colors selected. Pick one bold color and an accent if you are overwhelmed. Look in unusual places for inspiration, a favorite shirt, stationary, another brides pictures:). My colors came from my great aunt's name!
  9. Welcome! any ideas on location yet since your date is so close?
  10. Welcome. You may need to narrow down your choices before you get specifics. I think for some areas, the availability of a Catholic wedding vary by church requirements. Most places are kid friendly though. Do you want an AI?
  11. I only use The Body Shop body butters (they started it). I prefer Shea or Vitamin E. My best friend in Denver is allergic to everything but she also swears by The Body Shop's Vitamin E. The company is not all organic but has 5 core values including community trade and protecting the planet.
  12. I think those coordinate rather well. My STD's were post cards we picked up in PR. Our AHR invites did not match the wedding invites either come to think of it. Just pick one element and blend through-out. We used a sand dollar to tie all the little things together-brochure, welcome cards, invites, etc.
  13. Go online and look at a color wheel. The colors on either side of indigo will complement and the colors directly across will make indigo pop! Choose from these combinations depending on if you want bold or muted.
  14. Is there any space to be let out? My dress measurements were taken right after my birthday/graduation parties where I ate all I wanted including an entire peanut butter pie (yum, pie) and I had not been to the gym in a month d/t my schedule. I tried to tell the seamstress that I was normally smaller but she didn't believe me. When I came back for the final fitting sure enough my strapless dress slid right down! She then overcompensated and made it so tight on top I thought my ladies would pop right out. I made her let the dress backout a bit, it didn't fit just right but it wasn't falling or popping. My advice, eat what you want, just keep it in moderation and don't be afraid to ask for options in alterations. Don't worry or you'll just add more stress weight.
  15. I wasn't an ROR bride but my last minute advice is to enjoy! Things will be perfect if you just enjoy the moment with your soon to be hubby! Congratulations:)
  16. You will need to combine cardio and strength training if you want to lose pounds and inches. Muscle weighs more so you may feel as if you are not losing weight but you will shed inches and notice a difference in clothes. You do not need to buy anything. Use what you find in your own home. Do reps with your ten month old, run stairs, lift milk gallons, etc. Old school moves such as push up's, plies, and bicycle crunches truly work also. I agree Tae Bo is great and so is plain old dancing.
  17. I used a second, cheaper dress for my TTD but honestly i should have worn the original. I had both cleaned and the TTD came out better. I think the salt water worked out all of the dirt before it could set. And yes, i was able to resell my TTD after I had it drycleaned with no complaints. I told the girl what I used it for and she was shocked, she couldn't tell.
  18. Can one be sad and happy to lose a member of this club? Congrats blkladylaw! I'm supposed to be peaking and DH is at a comic book convention in NYC, bleh.
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