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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. Kash-I'm glad you got the box. I was starting to have panic attacks that it wouldn't arrive and I would be banned from all further exchanges!
  2. I adore the sweet tea! I'm the only one that orders it at my local McD's (so they claim) but I am originally from the South and have it in my veins:) All of Western New York has it but the McD's I stopped at in Baltimore recently did not. I prefer Checker's sweet tea anyway when I'm heading South.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I was robbed at the bank I used to work at. This guy walks in and heads straight to the teller counter. As he was walking toward me he had his wallet out, I noticed that there wasn't anything in the wallet and instantly felt something wasn't right. But being that the bank was in a nice neighboorhood I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Said "hi how are you?" he said "good" and then showed me a piece of paper that said "give me all of your money, or else..." That's just scary. My little brother was robbed at gunpoint lat work ast weekend and he still isn't over it (neither are we). Did they catch the guy?
  4. Have you tried the wedding ring trick? It was accurate for my friend...I just tried the website and it was right, I had a girl.
  5. I swear I resized the pic to an avatar size! Mods, help for the hugeness?
  6. Here's a pic finally...Becks is still fantabulous
  7. Welcome Amy! You are getting married on my daughter's birthday.
  8. Michael's has launched their summer home decor and there are alot of starfish items. Some are really cute and could be used over and over.
  9. I used to work in retail and every few months a man would call for the hosiery department. He would ask questions about different styles, how they felt, etc. He was very breathy and wanted details. I couldn't just say "the control tops are scratchy" he wanted to know how things felt on different parts of the leg, the smoothness, blah blah blah. Where I work now a lady once kept her dead hamster on a plate on top of the kitchen counter. She wanted to wait for a frost to bury it, it was January in western New York!
  10. So that's where to find the magazine. Let us know if you need any cover models
  11. welcome! There is alot of information out there.
  12. welcome! there is alot of information out there.
  13. Congratualtions Heather! Happy planning, don't be too overwhelmed.
  14. He should send you a complimentary marriage certificate.
  15. They're beautiful! You can use clear nail polish on the ends of the ribbon to prevent fraying.
  16. So after a long day, a fight with my parents over the wedding, and a sick six-year old to boot I arrived home to find a box on my porch from some chick in NYC. I was very confused...but remembered as soon as I opened it-Secret Bunny! My secret bunny was Rebecca (Becks) who is absolutely fantabulous-yes fantastic and fabulous! I smiled for the first time that day! I loved the note and I am currently wearing one of my temporary tattos I'll post pics when I get home...she nailed everything on the list-she even selflessly purchased Buffalo Sabres merchandise. Becks rocks
  17. Fun! I leave Saturday also for my getaway. My girlfriends and I are meeting up in Fort Lauderdale. Maybe I'll want to trade you spring breakers for the cheerleaders? (I used to compete through UCA)
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