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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. Yea for UB (that's the school I graduate from in May)
  2. Weddings are stressful, period. I thought I might share some relaxation tips and methods periodically to help us all maintain sanity. Are you getting enough quality sleep? Most of us don't. The average adult needs 6-8 hours per night. Power naps are great ways to rejuvenize and relax. All you need is 5-20 minutes (no more or you'll feel more tired), a darkened room, and a pillow or two. Lie down with your feet/legs raised on the pillow so they are above your heart level. This slows circulation and triggers your body into relaxation. It also helps your brain slow down. Breathe in deeply and evenly focusing on the rythym. Just 5 minutes will help, 20 is optimal. Feeling better?
  3. I love the Miracle question, I use it with client's for solution finding. My miracle wpuld be to be out of a job because child abuse/neglect no longer existed. Some days, I need Lexapro and a shot of rum just because of the trauma my kiddo's have been through. Personally, I wish my dad were still alive. We were not talking when he died and I didn't know yet that I was pregnant with his first and only grandchild.
  4. I also think it is pretty but not $65 pretty. A, a custom jeweler can give you a better price and B, I am allergic to nickel so gold filled anything causes a breakout. Do your girls have any sensitivities? Do you have time to continue looking? what about ebay?
  5. Sometimes boycotts are the only thing that will get the attention of a business. Also having the thread as a sticky ensures that it will not get buried and future brides will have quick access to it. One of the reason's FI and I chose a non-resort was because we wanted control over our vendors from food to photography. I am very committed to living as green as possible. I also insist on buying local and my best friend is a celiac. As Heidi found, many resorts cannot cater to special needs diets. So the ability to bring in my own chef capable of serving seven vegetarians, a vegan, and one celiac was very important. Didn't mean to hijack the thread, my vendors preferences were for a slightly different reason than most though I am bringing my own photographer also.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Christine- What a cute baby bump! I can't wait until I get to that stage. I feel like I just look fat now. Angela- So sorry that you had a scare, I spotted brown a few weeks ago and know how scary that can be. But surprisingly it is really common in early pregnancy. As for me, I am MISERABLE. My morning sickness has been horrible. I have all day nausea. It is almost to the point where I can barely function. My doctor gave me 2 different meds but they barely do anything. Baby is doing good though, we had an ultrasound last week and s/he has a strong heartbeat of 152BPM. I also bought a doppler on ebay and found the heartbeat pretty easily. I'll post a belly pic when it looks like something other than fat. Try anything with ginger like ginger snaps or herbal ginger tea. If you eat a couple of ginger snaps before bed and then as soon as you wake up you should also get some relief. Real lemonade also helps-the smell of lemons is helpful and dehydration increases bouts of nausea.
  7. Often times it is our families that make us feel the worse. Maura, you already have a great plan to bump your sister and utilize your best friend who has been available to you all along. Don't feel guilty over your decision, its best for you and everyone else. Glenda's right, your sister is being passive-aggressive. Take the power away from her and your mom, remember life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Just smile, know you have made sound decisions, and limit contact to what is healthy for you. Ok, done with therapy now. Tell the selfish twit to get over herself!
  8. Oh Heidi, you look stunning! welcome back and congratulations.
  9. have you tried strength training? You still have time, you will lose inches, and you can do things at home instead of the gym. Go for light weight, more reps to avoid becoming bulky. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even when you are just sitting at your desk. Also, try Pilates. You tube has a bunch of videos so you won;t need to go buy anything.
  10. Thanks Tara! Though I did find myself comparing the forum to our own!
  11. we'd protect you! FI has mentioned that a few times but oh well, I don't think his family even uses the internet!
  12. I couldn't log in! I want to see the cute watermelon fish! The party sounded wonderful, hopefully I"ll be able to see the pictures!
  13. FI and I are a maybe, I'm not sure if we'll have time since it is two weeks before we leave for the wedding but I would really like to meet ya'll!
  14. welcome and congratulations!
  15. Welcome Yolanda! Love the name, its so fun to say!
  16. welcome Lisa, have you tried a search?
  17. Hi everyone, For those who didn't know, I am a consultant with The Body Shop. From now until June, The Body Shop is selling Guarana Berry lip balm. Each balm is $8. The smell is great, the moisturizing even better! These would be perfect for OOT bags or gifts for BM's. My grandma has volunteered for Benedict House for years and lost her best friend to AIDS three years ago. My goal is to sell 100 lip balms in April! If you are interested, PM me. All major credit cards, cash, check or money orders are accepted. Press Release from The Body Shop "As part of our ongoing efforts to raise HIV and AIDS awareness, we've teamed up with MTV to support young people around the world who are trying to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS. The new campaign is called Move Your Lips. The luscious limited edition Guarana Lip Butter was developed specially to support this campaign. Proceeds from the sale of every limited edition Guarana Lip Butter will be donated to MTV's Staying Alive Foundation. The Foundation benefits incredible groups of young people who are filling gaps and breaking taboos to keep their friends, families and communities safe from the devastation caused by HIV and AIDS."
  18. It looks fabulous Courtney! I love your necklace! I love your orchids1 I love your dress! I even emphasize with the three rings, an outfit isn't complete unless is is accessorized right!
  19. Thanks ladies. The ribbon was the only thing I was sure about! I use ribbon whenever I can to juice things up.
  20. Welcome Thao! We're buying several hibiscus plants from Home Depot to add to our ATH decor for the tropical feel.
  21. Welcome Nina! My BIL lives in Pittsburgh!
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