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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. Welcome! You should get loads of tips for a one day trip since BDW has so many Cabo experts.
  2. Yes, lack of movement until about the last month can mean distress. Closer to nine months, he will just run our of room to be active so please don't worry then also! Your MD/Midwife can also check the heartbeat and compare to previous visits. Noah is gaining strength and ability, hence why his kicks and blows feel stronger. When Noah was smaller, you would not feel the movements he made but he is almost a mini man now! Don't worry, sounds like everything is fine like the ladies said
  3. I went to this when we first started planning. I received so much information on all of the Caribbean. My only gripe was some vendors were reluctant to talk to FI and I, maybe due to language, or not thinking we were serious about a DW. Anyone considering a site visit may want to make a stop in San Juan for this expo also. BTW, it is freaking HUGE! "Next February 29 - March 1, 2009, the Caribbean wedding industry converges on San Juan, Puerto Rico for one of the most influential three days in the business of weddings the Caribbean Bridal Expo and Marketplace. Over ten years in the making, what started as a mall group of exhibitors has developed into the preeminent bridal and fashion market in the Caribbean. Caribbean Bridal Expo and Marketplace connects an audience of serious buyers and sellers of wedding planning and services. Thousands of wed couples and hundreds of wedding planners come to the Event to access more than 350 exhibitors showcasing over 1,000 wedding services and destinations. Ib Communications is the Caribbean’s largest and most widely recognized producer of trade shows for the wedding industry. The Caribbean Bridal Expo & Marketplace consists of four concurrent running events, providing the most comprehensive wedding services and fashion offerings found anywhere."
  4. Welcome to the Forum! Try to not stress, it will all work out.
  5. Welcome! Your name is Scarlett and you are in the South? I bet that can get old! BTW, my cat is named Vivian Leigh b/c I love GWTW.
  6. We did ours at 5:30 am and the first few pics show how tired we were. Our day was overcast so I don't think there would have been any difference either way. PS, our photog was also yawning that early!
  7. I'm making them right now. I would like to add two glasses of red wine for the cook to the list of ingredients. Also, they are very light on top when cooked through so be careful not to burnthe bottom thinking they are not done.
  8. My daughter already did that but you can have the bowel if you like.
  9. Essentially. Mexican chocolate is dark chocolate with cinnamon. I posted the recipe on the MS wannabe section. I am currently COVERED in batter. I really suck at this but I must say, the batter is fricking tasty.
  10. We ended up using the song I walked down the aisle to, En Viejo San Juan, played on the quatro by our guitarist. We then used Iz, Over The Rainbow for the father/daughter dance. My little girl loves The Wizard of Oz
  11. I'm trying to make the Mexican Chocolate Pudding Cupcakes I saw on Martha Stewart. Mind you, I am not a cook. This is more in Jamy's (starchild) forte. Yeah, I don't have any of those other things. I think I will try my super dark chocolate 90% pure since it is not sweet and bakers cocoa is just unsweetened chocolate. Thanks for trying-want to come to Rochester and do a taste test?
  12. Does anyone know of any substitutes for cocoa powder? I need one tablespoon and just got back from the store without it. I don't want to go back so I thought maybe something else could be used?
  13. Welcome Heather! Have you considered Puerto Rico? You can have your bloodwork done at home and forwarded.
  14. Welcome Ashley. Expect a beautiful wedding!
  15. Entrance to el Morro Turrets of El Morro Lawn of el Morro The pole in the background is controversial and next to The Museum of History. I cannot remember the artist or name of the pole but the fountain was fun. Stairs of Museum of History, along Norzaguray St
  16. Until a better place is decided on, here are some shots around El Viejo San Juan. I think the Lambert's would also have some great shots as they are also PR lovers. Las Parque de las Palomas aka Pigeon Park. Could make for some memorable pics. Buy a bag of feed from the ladies for $1 and be swarmed by pigeons. I wasn't hurt and must confess birds terrify me. Located on Calle Justo I believe. Literally next to Capilla del Christo. La Rogativa-beautiful spot for pics Monument commerating the religious procession mistaken by the British for troops. Located on Caleta de las Monjas Random Streets Fountain at end of La Princessa, I cannot remember the name but it signifies the birth of the island El Catedral San Juan Bautiste Calle Justo, remains of Ponce de Leon are interred inside. Directly opposite El Convento Statue outside of el Convento I'll dig up some more...
  17. I don't mind sharing but I have over 1000 pictures. Mods any ideas on the best way to post? Is the picgallery working yet? In the meantime, you can check out some of my other posts on PR, which I am unable to find the ones with pics right now as I am rusty!
  18. I started my education in bio/math and switched to history. I worked as an archivist since there is not much one can do with a degree in History but the pay was low. On a lark I took a civil service exam for the department of social services and was hired. This led to a degree in social work. At my new job, I am the only social worker that started as a biologist, is good at statistics, and can spout civil war dates and the presidents! I love what I do but never imagined I would be able to earn a masters while raising my daughter on my own. It was tight but totally worth it! My brother is in school for building technology and there is only one female but she's doing what she enjoys. I say go for it!
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