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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. Welcome. Sounds interesting for a bride still looking at honeymoon sites. Any tips for someone looking in your area? Just be sure to have read all the vendor rules. We look forward to your participation on the site.
  2. Welcome! Its great to have a good WC.
  3. BREATHE! and welcome to the forum
  4. Welcome, we sent out two sets of invites also.
  5. jamisoncollette

    Hi !

    Welcome to the forum!
  6. Welcome! How South so you want to go?
  7. Think of it as a lesson learned! Always keep all correspondance. A vendor recently looked at my wedding review and sent an email complaint to my husband alledging I wrote false things. Too bad we have all the emails to back up everything I said. I assume this is why she didn't bother to write me or try to remedy the situation. It will also be a good idea to take the correspondance with you to the wedding just in case there are any questions.
  8. We each contributed to an online account at HSBC for a year. The interest rates are better online and money is easily withdrawn. We also set our budget and then decided where to scrimp and where to splurge. I did alot of DIY to save costs and tons of research online and at BDW.
  9. So sorry to hear about your loss. My dad and I were not talking when he died, but that is another story. Grief and guilt are tough. Just be supportive and make sure to take care of yourself also...
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 I am going to the concert in Philly in November and I am SOOO Freakin excited!! Me and my Friends are totally looking the part with out NKOTB shirts and Ripped jeans... Dorks I know..But we were such die hard fans...I am so excited they have reunited!! So jealous! They were on The View today, Joey sounded a little off. Perez has the new video on his site but I couldn't get the link to work to post it here.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Those sound great! I might have to try them out! Please do so you can report back the right way to make them! I'm sure it is not supposed to take 8 hours for 18 cupcakes!
  12. So it took me six hours of making and my husband two hours of cleaning....they were so totally worth it! The pudding was so unexpected, I enjoyed watching everyone get the look of surprise when they bit into them. They also stayed very moist for several days, at least until they were gone.
  13. Did anyone else decide to reuse wedding/AHR decor? I used ceramic plates for our centerpiece chargers that we now eat off and used the left over fishing nets/shells to make stuffed animal hammocks for my daughter's stuffed animals. If I ever get a new camera I'll post pics, its really cute. What have you created out of your leftovers?
  14. Several of the chain craft stores had coral this year but it may be too late in the season to get as many as you need. Try a ceramic studio, like color me mine or something. You can often get as many as you need and finish as you like. Or google coral mold and make your own.
  15. Ladies, the cd dropped today! Who has it?!!! I don't have tix still
  16. Happy belated wedding day! The pics are going to be great.
  17. I remember someone was talking about ketchup chips being available in Canada but not the US. I just saw Herrs Heinz Ketchup Chips at KMart. I didn't buy them, but I did almost choke on my Tim Horton's Ice Cap made with chocolate milk, one sugar please. Maybe becuase I live so close to the border?
  18. They're neat and free! I think the light feature will work out really well.
  19. welcome to the forum.
  20. I would like to join. I've already read it twice but I can steal it back from my mom.
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