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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. Found it, One dose or more of each capsule twice daily of L.acidophilius, B. bifidum, & L. bulgaricus. These are the same bacteria strains used as a natural antibiotic.
  2. Its really good though, Becks. I havn't made it home to get my copy from my mom yet. When does the discussion start? PS, I vote for LAMB, The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend by Christopher Moore. Its a comedy.
  3. Happy wedding day! I know it will be great because of all the work you did and the bond between you and Kareem. POST PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Crap- I missed this!! I need to remember who I loaned this book too and beg for it back. LOL Warning- it's a tear jerker ladies. I sobbed through the last half of the book! I think all Piccoult books are tearjerkers1 I finished 19 Minutes yesterday and didn't think i'd be able to send my child to school today.
  5. A friend of mine died from leukemia right before my senior year of college. He was on the list for a bone marrow transplant but a match was never found, most likely because he was an African-American and there are less donors of all minorities. His family has done a ton of events to get the word out. I am now on the donor list and received a screening call a few days ago. I may be a match for someone but there are tests to be done and I have a complication due to being treated for cervical cancer two years ago. I only received surgery twice but the National Marrow Center wants to be sure the patient only receives healthy marrow. So long story, Yari, I'm in-heading to your site now.
  6. There is a probiotic that can be taken as a vitamin that is supposed to work on cystic acne also, I just cannot remember which one. I'll look for the article and get back to you.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine hmm I got up at 4:30 and let my hubby sleep until 6:30 (does that count?) Damn straight it does!
  8. Try bellydancing. There usually isn't full blast AC and the results are great! My arms and abs changed the most. PS, DH loves that I do it b/c sometimes I practice at home.
  9. My friend received wine as a wedding gift. What was cool about it was there was a bottle for every major holiday and a special bottle of champagne for the 1st anniversary. All of the labels were custom to reflect their names and the holiday. It was a combination or reds and whites meant to compliment the meal one would have with the dinner, ie ham and white for Easter. It was from a winery here in the Finger Lake region but I thought it would be easy to recreate on the home computer.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan what a nice thread to start. I try to do a good deed of the day each day. I found that nothing snaps me out of a bad mood faster than doing something nice for someone else. I park in a visitor lot so often my good deed is just giving someone who is lost detailed directions. A great one done by someone else recently was this: a friend of mine is going though a rough time. her mom has cancer for the 2nd time in 4 years. a coworker put a giftbag on her desk full of smaller packages wrapped in tissue. the note said to open one on days when she needs a pick me up. they were just trinkets & chocolate. This friend copied the idea & did the same thing for her mom. her mom said it has been a wonderful thing to get her through a tough time. I've been meaning to put some stuff together to send the friend's mom. things like magazines, a cd of uplifting music, etc. maybe i'll do that today for my good deed o' the day. I love this idea, I am stealing it!
  11. I sent my daughter to school with extra school supplies today. I told her that they were any student that may not have been able to find/buy everything on the list and to give them to her teacher. Perhaps, a little pay it forward would help lighten the mood! What good deed will you do today?
  12. Looks like you had tons of fun! How many parties are you having?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by zorlack76 In a mans defense, regarding the third from the bottom, I did see a woman the other day that had a pretty thick beard. She didnt seem too concerned about it True Story!!! Oh that is horrible!
  14. In upstate NY she can apply to the local BOCES for several schools at once.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by loveangel0610 I don't think I would want my mom to wear white either. I remember last year at my cousin's wedding one of the guests had on a white ball gown that looked very similar to a wedding dress and an updo. I almost didn't know who the bride was. I thought I had a picture but I can't find it. I went to a wedding in April where the same thing happened! My entire table thought it was horrid.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Hmmm, I am from Philly, so I am sure there are plenty, but I am blanking! I will check back later. wit for with! " wit whiz"= one steak with cheese whiz and make it snappy!
  17. I just rode my bike for 45 mintues around my new neighborhood!
  18. welcome vanessa. Have fun exploring the site.
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