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Everything posted by jamisoncollette

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMsKniss Mine is easy. Soon to be Ms. Kniss since I will be Jenn Kniss eventually. The weird thing is that my Future Sister In Law is going to have the exact name as me once we get married (even the middle name!) My sister in law and I have the same name now too, except our middle names are different. The inlaws are trying to figure out nicknames but all they have come up with so far is "old jamie" and "young jamie" which does not please her since she is the older one. Ok my name, jamison is pronounced like the whiskey Jameson, and collette is kaw-lette, a bastardization of the family name collet, though most of the time we do it like the girls name becuase people look at us weird when we use the New England accent.
  2. Not of the highest order, but today I used my reusable totes when I grocery shopped thus a good deed for the environment. What can I say, its a slow day ;0)
  3. Wow, that is too bad. Did you buy insurance or is Sandals just really good?
  4. There is way too much cancer in my family and I have my own "green card" which is the patiendt id card at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Yari is raising money right now for a leukemia walk. She has a link. My only complaint about last night (besides Beyonce's hair) was the short length of the program. More could have been raised/ taught about the disease if it lasted more than an hour.
  5. It wouldn't be worth the paypal fees. Just buy me a drink if we are ever in the same town Just PM me your address and I'll ship. Do you want both?
  6. I have no decorating skills, sorry. I still need help matching my clothes!
  7. I also breastfed and ended up smaller than the size I started. My chest was however, HUGE. It's easier to work from more fabric than to have fabric added. What's the style of the dress?
  8. I recently moved and found my extra frames. Mine are smaller but my pics were very clear, 1/2" by 3/4". I just used photobucket to resize them and reprint them. I actually have two left if anyone is interested.
  9. Tiffany sued Ebay over people doing this. The suit was thrown out however ebay said it would do everything it could to prevent this from happening. My guess would be that you could return the items with ebay's support. You used paypal right?
  10. Email the person that has one on ebay, maybe they have more or were in a wedding with multiple bridesmaids and would share the other girls' email addresses.
  11. We've had rain all day in upstate NY. The temp also dropped over 20 degrees since yesterday. My brother is in Wilmington so he is getting nailed. He called last night to let my mom know things were fine and he was getting charcoal so when the power went out, he'd still be able to cook! That's my brother!
  12. Perez has posted the "rehearsal" video. he also has excerpts from Lynne's book and she completely sells out Britney but not so much JamieLynne. Looks like she preferred being estranged from her daughter b/c I don't think I could talk to my mother if she wrote all those things about me, even if they were true. Some things like losing your virginity, if expressed to your mom, should be private.
  13. I agree, only paypal. I bought two dresses online and used paypal. I didn't end up using either of them but they were just as described.
  14. Anyone watching the broadcast? It is so sad. I wonder how much will be raised for research?
  15. You earn karma when others give it to you. Like if you like what someone said, you can add to their karma, or use karma instead of a gift.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I can't speak for everyone on here, but I know we are doing a lot of stuff DIY or just skipping it in general to watch our budget. I can't remember who it was, that planned their whole wedding for 5k.... Morgan had the 5k budget. There are plenty of areas to save. You could possibly find a photog who is just starting their DW business. I know several of us previous brides did this and saved substantially on photo costs. Bridesmaids dresses can be used in place of bridal gowns for big savings. Again, DIY can be helpful. Keep an eye on the buy, sell, trade, freebie section of the forum. You can find items in next to new or new condition for less than half the original cost. Also use ebay for cost savings. Check the budget threads, there are some other great ideas.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Hee! Yay Lamb! I love Christopher Moore's stuff. Did you finish it? On the honeymoon!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari The cake was super yummy! The bakery it came from was voted best bakery by the knot two years in a row. Fancy! So I want to change "Elite Member" to something else. Any suggestions? I was thinking Yadzilla...hee hee I like it. I'm waiting for the day I become an Elite member.
  19. I bought mine at Michaels or JoAnn fabrics in the jewelry supply aisle. Blue Moon beads made the ones I bought. I got four for $1.99 and used three.
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