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Everything posted by flygirl

  1. Congrats and happy planning!
  2. how much is the fishing trip? Is it deep sea fishing? I wanted to plan something like that, but it all seemed so expensive!!!!
  3. If anyone is planning on making their own, you have to get gorilla glue! Any Lowes or Home Depot carries it and i think i've even seen it at Walmart. I cracked my bumper on a curb (whoops) and reattached it with gorilla glue...this stuff is amazing!!! Gorilla Glue - Home
  4. I found this great website Steep and Cheap They sell outdoorsy stuff at a really discounted price. They only sell one item at a time and when they sell out of that item, they post something else. You can download an alert on your computer that tells you when a new item is available (which I did) and I see Oakley's on there at least once a week.
  5. This might be kinda pricey, depending on how many guys you're accomodating, but last time my FI and I went to Mexico, he just HAD to buy one of those rafia cowboy hats to wear around the pool. He never took the stupid thing off :-)
  6. Thanks! I think we'll just give the same ones to everybody. I found all of the translations at Language Tools. It works great! I actually did the initial layout in Publisher (which is sooooooo much easier than Word!) but couldn't figure out how to attach that kind of document, so I just cut and pasted everything into Powerpoint.
  7. So we're planning on having an AHR, which means I will still register somewhere, but I was wondering what you do about gifts from the people that are coming to the DW? Certainly they won't bring presents and expect us to ship them all back, right? I was actually considering putting on the invitation that no gifts are necessary, but how do you do that tactfully? Or do we just assume that the guests know better than to bring a blender all the way to cancun?
  8. Here's one I've been working on... (i'm trying to be funny at the bottom) pptbookmark.ppt
  9. I'm still in the planning stages of this whole thing and have yet to run into this problem. But, I'm wondering why there is a fee for the wedding day. At least at the resort I've chosen, I have to pay per head for the reception dinner and drinks...even for the people that choose to stay at the resort...and it's all inclusive, so shouldn't their food be covered? And if that is the case, then shouldn't the money i'm paying per head cover the extra cost for the people that may choose not to stay at that resort? Sorry, I'm kinda venting, but that just doesn't make any sense to me! Where does all of the money go?
  10. Yeah, I would definately contact a travel agent. I asked the wedding coordinator at my resort about group rates and she said they don't even offer them!
  11. holy crap...i love that bouquet! How expensive is expensive?
  12. We're dancing to My Girl...i love the first couple beats of that song!!!!
  13. We're using Edwin McCain's "I'll Be" Not sure what some of the lyrics mean, but i just love that song!!!
  14. oh, that's such a cute idea...I'm going to have so many suitcases filled with all of these cute ideas!!!
  15. Jelly Belly sells 10lb bags of specific flavors for (I think) $60 You could order a couple of them that when you mix together, it makes like a strawberry daquiri, or apple pie or something. Just an idea
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