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Everything posted by flygirl

  1. ohhhhh- i just had the cutest idea for the oot bags since most people on vacation sit around the pool and read, how about bookmarks with spanish phrases like "where is the bathroom" "two more tequila's please" Just thought I'd share
  2. okay, so i think i've got my music decisions made (now i just need to pick a date) for the ceremony, specifically the precession and recession (isn't that what they are called?) I'm going to have my future brother in law play his acoustic guitar...but now i need songs that sound good with just a guitar, everythigng i really like sounds like it's being played with a piano, but i really don't have an ear for music so i can't tell what will sound okay on a guitar any suggestions?
  3. I've read that alot of people are bringing ipods and laptops and just being their own reception dj's. Can't remember the thread, but i read somewhere that the dj you use with dreams isn't the greatest...but don't quote me on that!
  4. So, the consensus was no beach towels! But, maybe since I'm making my mom monogram them (and they'll already be at her house) I can trick her into taking them down :-) Just kidding I wouldn't do that Someone asked about my wedding date...UNDECIDED I'm thinking oct but I'm scared it will rain, but the closer you get to Nov, the more expensive the roooms get...so i don't know yet...there's too many decisions to make
  5. Thanks for the template...those are great the only font i can't seem to find is bankgothic md bt HELP
  6. Okay, so I had the cutest idea...or so I thought for my OOT bags, I was going to get a beachbag and put in sunscreen, playing cards, lotion, advil, a bookmark, shoutwipes, and (here's the kicker) monogrammed beach towels! my mom has a monogramming sewing machine, so i wanted to find a set of beach towels and have her monogram the name of the resort and the wedding date...soooooooooooooo cute, right? well, my fi doesn't think it's a really good idea b/c -people don't need beach towels, the resort provides them -we are going to have to lug about 50 towels to mexico (I have 25 OOT bags to make) -and the guests are going to have to find room in their suitcases to lug the beach towels home What do we think? Yeah or nay on the beach towels?
  7. Thanks everybody...That really helps!!! Dreams Cabo is out purely because it would cost more to fly there and if the room rates are higher, then there you go. And I like the fact that someone mentioned it's a 5 minute walk to downtown Canun from Dreams. We're going to have my bachelorette party there so that would be alot of fun. See, the problem is that I've never been there. I went to Secrets in the RM this summer and it was really nice, but really boring!!! The whole resort went to be at 10:00. But, it was a big honeymoon/couples resort so maybe that had something to do with it. I just don't want my friends to fly all the way down there and then have nothing to do in the evenings. The only reason I'm stuck on Dreams is because my parents went there this past summer and came back saying "This is where the wedding has to be!" I'm a little reluctant to take advice about how fun a place is by two middle aged parents :-) Sorry I'm rambling...so I guess I need to do a little more research into RIU and ME Just one more question...Sarah (or anyone) you said you went to Dreams last October. How was the weather? I was shooting for the end of October for my wedding and everyone keeps telling me it's still the rainy season, so now I'm scared. Thanks again everybody
  8. flygirl


    welcome and happy planning!!!
  9. flygirl


    welcome and happy planning!!!
  10. flygirl


    welcome and happy planning!!!!!
  11. flygirl

    Another Newbie

    welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!!
  12. flygirl


    welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!
  13. flygirl

    Las Caletas

    welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!!
  14. welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!!
  15. Okay, so I thought I had made up my mind and I wanted Dreams Cancun, but now I'm starting to waiver. I've been running across really beautiful pictures and it turns out they are all at Dreams Cabo...Help. Someone make up my mind for me!!! Here's what I'm looking for... I have about 50 guests coming, so I'm looking for a place that is not too much of a challenge to get to(distance from the airport, etc)...the room rate is also a big factor for most of my guests...I really wanted a place that was fun, with lots of activities going on during the day, not too uptight with dress code, etc, and pretty good nightlife...most of my guests are mid 20's and broke so we'd like to be able to stay at the resort and take advantage of the "all-inclusive" option...as far as the wedding, I love the gazebo at both locations and really want a reception outside possibly around the pool. So any thoughts?
  16. flygirl


    welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!
  17. welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!
  18. welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!!
  19. welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!!!
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