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Everything posted by Doeeyes

  1. Hi, I would not say that I am or not a vols fan!I lived in Atlanta for most of my life and moved up to TN , about 2 years ago come Oct. My Hubby kind of got me stuck on Nascar!!! How funny right!!! Any ways I am excited about renewing our vals. I almost ant it to come now, I really need a brake with my hubby!!! I have a 3 year old little boy!! He is a handful, we would like to have another 1, Well I do my husband said he wants 3 more and I said, I do not think so.... I love kids!! But 4 kids would be alot.. Well when ever you get a chance right me back.. Lisa
  2. Hello, I am really looking forward to renewing our vals! We are planning on going to Jamaica!! I have been married for 4 years come Nov.15., I have been with my hubby since I was 18. 7 years is a long time, I have to say that it has been the best 7 years of my life...!!! Marrige is hard and you have to work at it every day, you have your ups and downs. Every day is some thing new!!! I did not have a big wedding which I really wanted to have. My mother have me big problems! She never came to my bridal shower! And almost did not come to my wedding!! Oh,well! I guess you have to take it as it comes..That is life and you have to look at the positive things!!!
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