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Everything posted by MissyR

  1. MissyR


    Welcome fellow Canadian to the forum!
  2. Welcome to the Forum and happy planning!
  3. Copy away ladies! We are doing the legal ceremony as well - I cannot lie to anyone in my family so getting married at home just isn't an option for us! I ammm sooo relieved to hear that I am not the only one with regular wedding-induced diarrhea - sorry ladies - I had to say it!
  4. Do you have a package deal through your TA or no? I would echo everyone else's advice and call the hotel directly!
  5. Last night I was flipping out - standard stuff - because I was complaining to FI about the food choices - I know Becks you are doing a custom menu - are any of the other girls doing something different? We really want to do surf and turf but I am afraid that Perla is going to tell me it's like $120 a head.... On another note - do the packages include a legal ceremony or just a symbolic one? It seems from the descriptions that they only include a symbolic one - if no one is sure I will just email Perla and add it to the list of questions I already have for her!
  6. I freak out at least once a week - FI is sick and tired of telling me to stop second guessing our options - Just last week I flipped saying that we should have looked at Dreams Tulum but we didn't even consider it because our TA had some negative things to say about it! So don't worry - I think we are all feeling that way!
  7. OMG THOSE ARE PHENOMENAL! You put a ton of work and love into them and it shows! Congrats that you finally have the Paradisus "officially" as your location!
  8. Okay I was laughing out loud when I read this because our name is almost identical - FI and I call each other "BOOGIE" - The worst thing is I have no idea how it started - I think one day FI had a booger and I started calling him boogie and now that is all we call each other - sometimes we use BOOG - honestly we use it in public etc. and people often give us weird looks!
  9. This is an awesome site - I actually found it when I began googling destination weddings a few months ago and it has been an awesome resource!
  10. That's a tough call. Would you feel comfortable just inviting them and not inviting all your other 2nd cousins? We have smaller families and aren't even close with some of our first cousins so - FI only invited the cousins that he has a relationship with. I would say invite the two you would want there and leave it at that... (of course that's the perfect world answer!)
  11. Great review and great pics! Did you guys use Rick and his wife or just Rick?
  12. Welcome to the Forum! Your site visit will give you a great sense of what you like and don't like and there is tons of info on this board to help you make your decision!
  13. I LOVE them! As other people have said - dont' worry about what your FMIL says - I think your guests will think they are creative and unique!
  14. Thanks Becks! And don't feel bad about plagarizing - COPY AWAY! That's what it's there for! In terms of package - we haven't really decided either way - we just paid $500 and Perla said we could decide after what package we wanted - We are probably just going to use wish and then go from there - may I should send her everything we want and get a price..
  15. Still find it weird that we haven't yet had to sign a contract - except the initial form I sent back to Perla with our deposit - I am sure sure that the wedding coordinator and the reservations dept talk cause Perla told me no discounts on the food! SWANK is the DJ company that PAradisus uses - its $1250 for the DJ and all equipment! Our wedding website is Our Wedding Website. Feel free to check it out!
  16. I am not doing the bouquet toss or garter throw - I am giving my bouquet to my 78 year old grandma and I am going to do a little speech about grandma's - my garter is a Calgary Flames one (FI is from Alberta) so he is just going to keep it!
  17. I believe it's four hours - but that's just bar service I believe - I think for the dancing etc. there is no time limit - I will have to double check my records..
  18. MissyR


    Welcome to the Forum! There are tons of Dreams brides on here so if you search for Dreams Cancun you will get a ton of information!
  19. Sounds good! We will only have a couple people booking through the hotel directly as we have a package through Air Canada Vacations but my TA was going to go through the resort to work out the block of rooms through our travel company - maybe you're right about a contract only for the room block!
  20. I went swimming in mine when I was drunk on our last vacation and everything was dry LOL
  21. These are the ones I was talking about - they are called "beach safes" really cute and waterproof! Promotion Item Square 4.5" waterproof beach safe. - 77074/RN-45BS http://www.usimprints.com/search and search for "beach safe"
  22. I just emailed Perla on a couple things and thought I would post the response: '"Good afternoon! You can customize the packages, but a surcharge will apply on every change or add that you do. Please let me know! Yes you can change the appetizers or the menu, a surcharge will apply and it depends on the items you pick. No we don’t give any kind of discount on the weddings even though all of you stay at the resort or book through the hotel." I could have sworn that Monica got a discount on the food b/c she arranged a room block with the hotel
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