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Everything posted by MissyR

  1. We just liked the idea of something that was really appropriate for a smaller wedding - we met them at a wedding show and fell in love with the idea - one of the true benefits of having 2 photogs! Are you bringing yours from home?
  2. WelcomeVivian! What a nice sister you are! Which resort is your sis getting married at - I am sure there is tons of great info on here to help with the planning!
  3. IT's ironic this post came up today cause FI and were talking about it last night! The photogs (husband and wife) that we are bringing with us do this as part of their package and they use it as the last 2 pages of the wedding photobook - it looks awesome!
  4. Love this idea! If your photog is bringing an assistant you could see if that would work - the other option would be to set it up during cocktails - depending on the number of people you are having it wouldn't take very long!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum! There is tons of great information and lots of Dreams Cancun brides! It's a great place to get inspired!
  6. MissyR

    At Last!

    Welcome fellow Canadian! 12 years is a long time but worth the wait! Congrats and happy planning - there is lots of great information on this board!
  7. This is going to be an awesome planning week ladies! I can feel it! Becks I took your advice and priced it out using the WISH Package and it will actually save us some money I think (SHOCKING I KNOW!). I am still undecided about the DJ - Swank doesn't leave a very good taste in my mouth but I am worried about the hassle of bringing someone else - Neither of us can decide as to whether using the IPOD might be fine! In terms of photog - we continue to struggle as well. We want someone who will be with us all day, do a TTD and also be able to take candids during the week - which is why we are thinking of bringing someone from home although trying to balance that with the costs associated with it! I hear ya though Becks - what about doing the dancing before/during dinner? I think you said your reception is post dinner on the terrace ..just trying to get the timeline straight in my head! Diana - I think we are going into PLaya Del Carmen for our photos or perhaps the ruins - I wouldn't do a guided tour or anything - we are just going to take a cab if we are close - you can also rent a driver for cheaper for 1/2 or so if you are going a distance (and the Tulum ruins are over an hour away)
  8. Congrats Jenn! How exciting! The house looks great - you must be so ecstatic!
  9. Welcome! The Riviera Maya thread has tons of great information!
  10. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  11. I think you are right Becks! I had her provide me a quote for a custom event not using any of the packages and her price was $1026.30 - when I look back it appears as though all the packages include ceremony music so the $450 on top of the package inclusion seems right. On another note - I have not dealt with Elisa at all since we did our site visit - that may be b/c our wedding is farther out but Perla is extremely responsive!
  12. MissyR


    Welcome to the forum!
  13. Jeanne! Do not panic at all - there is tons of great information that I am sure we can all give you if you are having a hard time connecting with Elisa - it's really weird cause I communicate with Perla and she emails me back within 24 hours usually! In terms of the speaker system, the quote Perla gave me was about $450 and that was for the ceremony only - she quoted me around $1000 if we wanted to use it all night with the IPOD hook up. I have been harassing Perla on various things asking for prices for pretty much everything - is there any specific information that we can provide so that you at least have a sense of what things are going to cost? Are you doing the dinner option added on to the Fantasy? How many people are you having! Let us know what you need!
  14. Welcome! There is tons of great information here to assist in your planning!
  15. Welcome fellow Torontonian! Lot's of good stuff and ideas on this forum!
  16. Becks I see that you entered Nathaniel's photocontest! Would love to see a fellow Paradisus bride win that awesome package! Perla sent me the following four centrepeices (including the shell one) - She did say specifically that nothing was included - Yeah $30 bucks for the overlay - What a joke - I almost laughed out loud when she said that! Let me know what you get back from the DJ - Not getting a good vibe about Victor but I am afraid if I go with Manna that whoever is there from Victor's team is going to give him a really hard time..
  17. Well my man didn' have any interest in going - And let me tell you it's a good thing he didn't cause there were very few guys there - most brides were there with BFF, their sister or their mom!
  18. Oooh I love it! the colours are great and it's perfect for the beach - and at 12 bucks you cannot get any better... great find!
  19. Ok I am still waiting for some information from Perla but here is what she sent me: 1) extra chairs are $2 - chair bows are not included and those are $4 each 2) In terms of the appetizers - basically you can change what you want but there is a cost - Perla quoted me (in writing) $3 for each additional appetizer you want to add on to the Fantasy Package - we changed it completely and it is $15 per person extra for what we want. 3) Another thing is that none of the packages include centrepieces - still waiting on costs from her on these! The funniest thing about the DJ is when I made a stink to Perla about the rates - she said we would only have to pay the 2007 rate and she was going to talk to Victor at SWANK to tell him that we were only paying the 2007 rate. WTF? Basically if I didn't make a stink then he would have charged me an extra $500 bucks! The other thing she quoted me was if you want the aqua table linens it's $30 bucks per table for that!
  20. Yeah I saw the sign for it at Yorkdale Mall last week - to open summer 2008!
  21. Ok so I just got three quotes from "DJ SWANK" - one for four hours, one for five and one for six hours. You will see that the four hour package cost is $1663. Perla's package quoted me $1250. When I asked him about the difference, his response was that the $1250 was last year's rate... at which point I told him that we booked and paid our deposit last year and those were the prices we were given. I will keep you updated! 11-27-08-IHO_Mellisa_Radolli-775PC-DJ_Service_4_hours[1].pdf 11-27-08-IHO_Mellisa_Radolli-775PC-DJ_Service_5_hours.pdf 11-27-08-IHO_Mellisa_Radolli-775PC_DJ_Service_6_hours.pdf
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