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Everything posted by MissyR

  1. That Sucks! I guess it effects me but I have only dealt with Perla primarily but all you have spoken so wonderfully about Elisa I am sad that she is leaving!
  2. we;ve been living together for four years and have been sharing money since then. I make slightly more than FI - we both have 70% of our salaries that go into joint checking and then I move money around to our joint savings as we can. We also have joint credit cards. In addition to all our sharing - we have separate credit cards and retain the balance of our salary for play etc. If we want to buy something - and we don't want to go to savings - one of us normally just volunteers to pay from our "fun" account. This has worked amazing for us - I like managing the $ like Morgan and FI is not a fan at all - so it works perfectly!
  3. MissyR


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  4. I guess the hardest part is picking the venue. Think of the # of people you are having - whether you want a private reception - whether you want something that an all-inclusive wedding package or more a la carte - how far you want to be from the airport (if that matters) - and cost for your guests. These were the things that helped me narrow it down.
  5. We picked stadium cups to provide a bigger drink for people - the cups at the resorts are often like Dixie Cups - and frankly most of our guests will be done before the drink has time to get warm - I think it you want something to keep the drink colder over a longer period of time - go for the mugs ...
  6. Welcome Amy from a fellow Canadian and November bride! Congrats!
  7. We are using Swank - we went back and forth between Swank and Mannia for a long time - I have only dealt with Swank through email and while in the beginning I didn't get a good vibe he turned out to be a really nice guy. He will negotiate with you - we managed to get the same rate that Carlos Mannia was offering (b/c we told him we would walk if we didn't) - I think the cost is about the same once you factor in having a Swank person "supervising" for the four or five hours...
  8. Sounds like fun! Glad to hear you had a great time!
  9. Amy - we are doing OK. Trying to deal with it the best way possible I guess. FI had a few bad days but is dealing with it day by day. Trying to remember all the things that are great in our lives.. thanks for thinking of us!
  10. Just received my stadium cups from spiritsupply.com and am really happy! They were great to work with - the cups were about 1.00 each with no shipping (not even to Canada!). They are 17 oz. each. I used my wonderful logo from Sarah and the logo is on both sides - no fee for uploading your own artwork and they were really great to work with. I received my shipment in about 1 week! Any questions let me know!
  11. More than 90% of our guests are staying for a week - keep in mind that Ontario rates are probably different.... Out of Toronto our guests are paying $1645 plus tax ($1940) all in.. Calgary is about $75 more.. Does that help?
  12. OMG tooo funny! Don't be mad - Barney once ate 35 foil-covered chocolate easter eggs - foil and all - he was one "runny" pooch for a while. In fact, he even knows how to open the fridge and help himself which is why we have gotten a baby lock (no word of a lie) They are so well behaved - then you turn your back for one minute...
  13. Hang in there Celina! We will be sending positive thoughts your way!
  14. I'm humming along at my desk! You look smokin hot! Love the dress!
  15. Ok weird - LeShay your reviews have disappeared! The forum says they were moved but they are no where to be found! Did you take them down?
  16. I'm getting sooo frustrated! Where the heck are they?
  17. Weird! I read Part I on Friday - and now I cannot find Part's II and III... can a MOD help!?
  18. They were moved from the Riviera Maya section and have disappeared... help!
  19. Welcome and congratulations!
  20. Welcome back! I ammm sooo happy that everything went so well - I cannot wait to hear more details - I am sure I will have about a thousand questions for you! You mentioned that you gave Perla /Elisa a binder - what did you put in there? I would be interested in seeing if you wanted to email it to me!
  21. Congrats and welcome home! I cannot wait to hear more!
  22. Just checking in. I am overwhelmed by the support you have all demonstrated. The hardest part is that FI is from Calgary Alberta and lived there until he was 25 so that is where all his friends are. We are waiting now - no details, information, nothing. Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement and support. You truly don't know how much it means to me.
  23. I am sitting here shaking right now. FI just found out his best friend was killed in a motorcycle accident last night. He is devasted as you can imagine - not only was this his best frienf but he was sooo touched that him and his wife and three kids were the first to book for the wedding.. Please send positive thought my way!
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