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Everything posted by MissyR

  1. Hey ladies. The packages are indeed for 20 ppl with the exception of the WISH (which is only for 6). A number of us have found that pricing it out with the WISH and just having the things you want ends up being slightly cheaper. In terms of resort layout - it is certainly not huge but rooms may not be within super close vicinity of one another. THey are within a five min walk - we were there in November and got a tour which didn't take all that long. In terms of using a TA - our TA got us a group rate through Air Canada Vacations - that information was provided to our guests through our STDs and wedding website - we had to pay deposits for 10 people to guarantee the rate (Which was fine for us!) and then everyone else books through the TA. When they book they pay $250 each deposit with their full legal name (on their passport) and the balance is due in Oct.
  2. We invited 90 and have 48 booked so far - looking like we will have around 55 when all the slackers have put their deposits down!
  3. Welcome Michelle and Happy Planning!
  4. Great stuff! I love your sand ceremony vases - are those local?
  5. Welcome! I am too a fellow Paradisus bride and love everything about the resort - the service and correspondence has been great so far too! Happy planning!
  6. OMG LOVE IT! You never know ..you may see me in something similar!
  7. That is bloody ridiculous! Some people are sooo pathetic!
  8. Welcome back kim! Glad to hear that everything was fabulous! Of course we all want to see pics - if you cannot upload can you email them to me? Let me know and I will PM my email address! Cannot wait to hear details on the food, music etc.!
  9. Hi girls! I feel so out of the loop since we have been at the cottage all weekend with no internet connection! Welcome back Michelle - cannot wait to read your review and see pics - glad to hear everything went amazing! In terms of price - we went with a TA for a number of reasons - convenience, a guaranteed rate with direct flights (not always the case with expedia) and other perks associated with package deals. All in all it was a much better decision for us. Grand Palladium was an option for us as well - in all honesty - we loved it but the thought of being one of 5 or 6 weddings in a single day was not appealing to us at all - we found that the resort was just too big ... It is a beautiful resort and it's got a really nice gazebo - it just wasn't the feeling we wanted..
  10. I think I am her superfan. Her wedding timeline and planning is amazing - and through all her negotiating with her TA I was able to use her (in a nice way of course!) to get us a comped site visit!
  11. Welcome fellow Paradisus bride and fellow Canadian! You picked a great spot and there is tons of good information on here!
  12. Soooo... after all my nerves etc .etc. the light was crappy, it was overcast and the plan was to use her huge bay windows in her studio upstairs.. SO WE RESCHEDULED! Urghhh now I have to wait until July 15!
  13. Thank you thank you thank you! Your pictures are absolutely amazing - I am super excited to do my BD shoot now - thanks for the great tips and encouragement!
  14. WOOH HOOO! Congrats and welcome back - cannot wait to see pics!
  15. It really is crazy. Our dog walker is avoiding the Park altogether and just walking on leash for this week. We are heading out of town for the weekend til Tuesday and I am kind of glad now that we will be at the cottage and away from all this drama.
  16. I thought I would be OK since I know my photog and am generally pretty comfortable with my body - I guess I am excited and have told NO ONE (except you girls of course!)
  17. So glad you found it! I totally drive myself nuts when I go back to get something and it's not there!
  18. Good call on the wine. I just sent my photog an email and asked her to have a bottle of red ready for me when I got there. LOL. I told her there was a glass in it for her and her assistant too!
  19. I am sooo mad right now! Two dogs in our area have died and another 6 are in serious/critical condition after poisoning in our local dog park. The area I live in has a huge park of which a section is a 5 km radius off leash area that ends with "dog hill" a literal hill with picnic tables, sand, a hydrant for the dogs to drink from etc. We have been taking Barn there every day for four years. Today we find out (cause it's all over the news) that someone laced the water pans near the hydrant with antifreeze!!! WTF To make it worse, apparently they have now found bread pieces around the park laced with tons of poison. What kind of sick bastard does this? OMG so nervous and scared we are staying so far away from there right now. The person who did this is obviously derranged b/c some racoons were also found dead ... and POSED! Yes someone actually posed a dead racoon with a bouquet of flowers.. Sorry for the vent ladies (and gents!) I just don't know how somebody can be so diabolical...
  20. Linens and Things does a Registry that you can buy gifts for both. It's great cause you can go back and forth on their website between US and CDN dollars which is nice. Perhaps Pottery Barn as well? Not too sure about that one!
  21. MissyR

    Hi everyone!

    welcome Tracy and happy planning - there is tons of great info on here!
  22. So I finally did my BD pics last night and it was fabulous! Spent an hour drinking champagne having my hair and makeup done and then my photog began to work her magic! It was such an awesome and liberating experiencing - FI is going to flip... Hoping for a few teasers soon which I of course will post! I cannot believe I am doing this! AHHHHHHH - the hardest part has been keeping it a secret from FI (especially given that we live together and basically tell each other everything!) For you ladies who have already done it - do you have any pearls of wisdom? A good friend of mine from university is doing the pics so I am super comfortable with her... and her make-up hair lady is doing all the "pretty" stuff... any advice would be appreciated!
  23. Got my books in the mail and they are great! They are 68 pages and floppy cover and super light! I have attached a picture (with the book beside my memory stick!) to give you a sense of the size!
  24. Just looking at everyone's tickers - Becks your day is getting so close! Is there anything we can do to help check stuff off what I know is your mucho grando to do list? Let me know if there is anything you need help with! I'm super pumped b/c I am going to book our site visit today! YAYYY! We are heading down for the September long weekend - leaving Friday morning and coming back Tuesday - I cannot wait!
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