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Everything posted by Copita

  1. I definitely recommend it! We did it and it was SO much fun. Not just that, but after our tour, we asked our tour guide to take us through to some of the "real Dominican Republic" and he let us drive through a little community of houses and even stopped so we could chat with some of the people that lived there and see some of the most incredible houses! Some were so tiny and run down and some were the most immaculate mansions I've ever seen! IT was so cool! I def recommend it! They will take you through to this cave, which inside has the BLUEST natural water you have ever seen. It was breathtaking and def an experience I will NEVER forget. Good times!
  2. It IS amazing how rude people can be, right? Just let it roll off your shoulders. If someone say something like that to you, just smile and say that is what you have always wanted (a DW). You do not owe them an explanation or anything. If they can't make it, too bad.
  3. Congrats, Victoria! Belize sounds so romantic! I have never been but have always wanted to! I spent a lot of time cruising the net & books for 'destination dresses' and didn't find mine til I went to a boutique and saw The One. It is not a destination dress but I fell In Love with it and just knew right away! So don't give up! My suggestion is to go to a couple boutiques & try your luck there.
  4. IMO, the war needs to end. It has added so much to our economy being an absolute MESS in the US, not to mention, lives being lost everyday with no end in sight. We do need someone with a fresh view on things, who wants to change things, not keep them the same.
  5. Definitely get out of there and fast. They sound totally asshole-ish. And completely unprofessional.
  6. Politics always gets everyone really upset so I won't go on a full dissertation of who I think would be great and why but I will say that I think McCain is old. He's 71, soon to be 72. That is really old for a president. LOL.
  7. Just enjoy your wedding, no matter who is there. If they do not want to come or cannot come, that is their problem, not yours. Enjoy it. It sounds like you will have way more fun without all their drama anyway.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Really? When I contacted Nora, she usually responds to me in like 48 hrs. That is how I finally got Ruth to contact me back, lol! Could you please give me her email address (Ruth) because Nora hasn't responded to me in about 2 months, despite me emailing her.
  9. You are doing all that you can. I'm not sure why she would not let you in her home but he def sounds like bad news. Verbal abuse could escalate to physical. And hopefully she won't shut you guys out because things could get worse (but hopefully not). She is a grown woman and should know that letting a man like that stay in her home AFTER the fact is a bad bad bad idea. Hang in there.
  10. You are doing all that you can. I'm not sure why she would not let you in her home but he def sounds like bad news. Verbal abuse could escalate to physical. And hopefully she won't shut you guys out because things could get worse (but hopefully not). She is a grown woman and should know that letting a man like that stay in her home AFTER the fact is a bad bad bad idea.
  11. Thanks for posting all of this info. I had emailed Nora at the end of Dec/Jan but she has hardly replied to me at all. There are still a hundred questions I have for her but she hasn't responded to me.
  12. Wow. Just wow. All you can do is sit down and talk to her. I understand how you are upset that she is marrying him at all!
  13. Hi there and welcome! I am a Punta Cana bride as well. You can def have a Catholic wedding in PC but not on the beach. They will not allow it due to it not being "decent" (they prefer it indoors or in a gazebo). Ask your wedding coordinator to send you the list of requirements for a catholic wedding (your priest has to get with the Punta Cana priest with something -a document- allowing you to marry in PC).
  14. Each resort has different pricing options. Some charge per person. Others just make you pay one lump sump to rent out the restaurant (and have a private/closed reception not available to the public/the rest of the resort-goers) and this will include all food and beverages. We are going with the latter.
  15. Congrats to you! I am so glad everything went well! Post some pics for us to see when you have time!
  16. According to etiquette, it is no appropriate to have that info on the invites. However, she should def put the word out of where you are registered.
  17. Families are crazy! At least you let them know up front that you decided not to have any. Good for you!
  18. to the board! I am also a Punta Cana bride. While I have never been to the Palladium, I can assure you that Punta Cana is FANTASTIC! It's so beautiful! Great choice.
  19. We will marry civilly in the US. And then have the wedding ceremony there. The reason for this is we do not have to worry about translating our marriage certificate & paying additional fees. Also, the wedding package costs less when you just do a 'symbolic/religious ceremony" at our resort (and most others). All we have to do is tak eour marriage certificate down there and voila. We are saving about $700 doing this.
  20. I still say to wait a little bit before asking her. I am sure you will make the perfect decision. Congrats!
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