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Everything posted by Copita

  2. These are all great, Twinkletoes!!!! Everytime I go to DR I always bring back Cohibas, coffee, and rum! The only thing I missed out on last time was the faceless doll which I will def be doing this time!
  3. Yeah I agree with the above posters. He probably isn't booking anything this early. But no worries. I'm sure you will be able to book for your date as soon as he's ready since you're on the ball with it!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I bought mine on ebay. In fact I bought 3 on ebay, lol! They were all decent quality for what I paid for them. The funny thing is that I never ended up wearing a veil because it was too windy at my resort, I really loved my veil, its so pretty, and now its hanging in my closet until I sell it. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy I bought my veil on EBAY it was $10 for the veil and $10 for shipping - the seller was veils by lana - if you want to check it out - I love it! Ah! I'm so glad to know I'm not alone here! I have been cruising ebay a lot lately to find one. I've got to find an ivory one, elbow length or shorter, just plain, because my dress has insane amounts of embroidery on it. Hooray. I will def check out that Veils by Lana!
  5. Underwear, deodorant, sunscreen, razor!
  6. I couldn't even IMAGINE wearing pantyhose or any type of hosiery. The way the heat is in Punta Cana, I keep imagining melting in my wedding dress on a daily basis!
  7. Haha I subscribe to these and am sometimes amazed by some of the stuff they say! HAHA
  8. Each resort is different. Our AI is offering us to pay one lump sump to block off a restaurant to host our reception privately, with all the food and drinks included in that price. The only thing extra beyond that is the cake. (Because we have about 150 guests). I stayed at another AI last summer and a couple was married and had their reception on the other side of where guests were having dinner and had absolutely ZERO privacy. I felt realy bad for them because i was certain they couldn't hear their music or themselves over the chatter and talking of the resorts guests. Talk to your WC about it. It's up to you.
  9. Don't listen to the naysayers. Have your wedding where you want it. Of course there will be wind, it's the beach, and ocean waves, too, but don't let it deter you... it comes with the territory! I think that is the whole point of going to the Caribbean or Hawaii to get married... to wed on the beach! So do it however you want! Don't let people bring you down. It's your day. Do it how you want!
  10. First of all, congrats on many years of marriage! My friends just had their 40th year of marriage/vow renewal and didn't exchange rings. Maybe you could just gift him with something he really likes. Congrats again! That is a blessing you guys have remained together all those years and a beautiful example for the rest of us just starting out!
  11. Hi there. I say start emailing/researching different resort wedding packages now and see which ones offer things that are conducive with what price range you are in and offer what kind things ( activites, all-inclusive deals, etc) you want. That way, you have a clear picture of what's on the table. Then email the wedding coordinators to set a date and time to meet. That's what we did and it was SO much better than being shellshocked with pricing and bad resorts!
  12. ^^ Twinkletoes, I love your dancing bunnies! They are getting me revved up for all of our weddings!!! :)
  13. ^^ That's true. And now I don't feel as bad because I have basically all of those things to do. I still have to get J a ring!!! We're supposed to go to Punta Cana next month to finalize the contract with the WC and discuss how we want things decorated before we fly down officially. We'll already be married here legally so we'll just be doing the 'symbolic' ceremony there. Yipee! The groomsmen still need to order their suits and I'm glad to say that most of the stuff I need done, I can do at the resort (cake, band, flowers, etc). Whew! AHH! Exactly 3 months and 1 week! I am getting really really excited!
  14. Last night I focused mainly on my arms so I did some lifting for 20 minutes or so and then cardio for 45 minutes.
  15. BrittneyD, Well it sounds like she showed up after all! I am glad to see thsi worked out for you! One of my best friends and bridesmaids just told me last week that she cannot come at all to my wedding due to expenses (wedding is 3 months) but I just told her it was Okay and not to worry> I was hurt but what can I do, you know? I will def film it and am glad she told me WHEN she told me instead of a week before! I am glad everything worked out for you!
  16. Congratulations and to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. When I requested the date, I also requested the time of the ceremony and reception. I email my wedding coordinator pretty frequently and have already met her once when I flew down there last summer to check out the place. I will meet with her one more time, prob next month of early June before the wedding to sign a final contract on pricing and discuss how we want everything to go so there are no surprises. Talk to her
  18. Carly, I loooove your shoes!!!! I really think I am just wearing regular flip flops at our beach ceremony because any heels are going to sink right in! And I'm 90% sure our reception is at a restaurant in the sand, too, so heels are pretty much out for that again! Does anyone know how to post pics on this site?
  19. ^^ Hey there, Addison!! We are date twins!! 5 July!!! :)
  20. I go after work. Last night I went for 1.5 hr. 30 minutes of strength training and then 45 minutes of cardio/treadmill.
  21. I have a Maggie dress but it's "light gold" I honestly don't even know what "diamond white" is. Sorry!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura how did you get travel insurance? like what company did you go through erin? i am so ignorant about travel/wedding insurance but after what just happened to alyssa with the ranch shutting down permanently, i think we should get it. Maura, Just ask your travel agent. Each one will offer them individually per the agency. Good luck!
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