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Everything posted by Copita

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura there really ought to be marriage laws preventing people under 21 from getting married. . LOOOOOOOOOOOL, Maura!!!!!!! So true! Sarah, this story is crazy! Maybe your sister did it because your parents and fam were so against the guy, you know? Kids/younger people always want to do what they can't so maybe she acted out in anger? It was a bad choice on her part and she is prob just realizing it now. It will all work out though. Aw, I feel bad for your Dad, but it's not his fault.
  2. Has anyone stayed here before? Jorge and I are going down to PC to finalize our wedding contract and talk to the chef and our WC about the menu, flowers, decorations, the band, dj, photographer, etc. and we're staying at this resort instead of the one we're getting married at due to him booking crazily like a madman so fast! I guess it goes by the name of VIK as well. I'm getting so excited. Just two months, a week, and some change left! Also, how do we post pics on this site? I have never figured out how!!!
  3. I've stayed at many resorts and never seen two weddings in a day. I think it's more common for weddings to happen day, at different resorts, which is why the judge is so busy, running around to all the different hotels, etc. Plus, I doubt the WC would ever book a wedding at the same time as another one. It will def be your special day--do not worry!
  4. Saraece, I have stayed at this RIU complex several times, at both the Merengue and the Bachata. (The bachata has a nicer pool, the Merengue has nicer hotel rooms). It's a lovely complex. The only thing I will tell you offhand is that if your guests stay at a different RIU within (eventhough, you can use all 3 different resorts), i.e. The wedding is at the Bachata and they are staying at the Bambu or Merengue, you still have to pay "day passes" for them to be at your resort PER PERSON to be at your wedding. So make sure everyone stays at your resort because you will have to pay. I have a ton of pics if you'd like to see them.
  5. You could ask the wedding coordinator to email you a list of what songs they play. We are also going with the trio for our ceremony (in lieu of hte pianist). I have seen them before at the DR resorts and I just would prefer them over the piano. Seems more tropical
  6. She seems kind of anti-social and maybe she doesn't want to go to a DW where she would prob not know a lot of people. She kind of sounds like a downer, too, so I wouldn't sweat it too much. Don't ask her. If she brings it up, then say something but maybe she doesn't want to talk about it or is going through a rough time. Sorry.
  7. Have any of you encountered this? This has happened to me twice now. I invited my good family's friend, who instead of brinigng her two sons (like I thought she would) invited a lady I met once last year for about an hour. Needless to say I was shocked but didn't really say anything. I just said, Oh well. The more, the merrier. Well, my cousin just called me. She is coming with my aunt (her mother), who invited a person I have never met before in my life, to my wedding (who already bought her ticket). And my cousin just said, this friend (the one I've never met) has a friend w ho wants to come because she's never visited the island so if you have room, is it okay? I find this really strange. Why would anyone just basically think this is okay to do? I didn't know what to say to her. Granted, I know it's a resort, where people go on vacation, but it's also my wedding. I guess I'm just wondering if you guys have dealt with this or how you would deal with this? Thanks.
  8. I have always purchased it while booking and didn't this time (not sure why...crazy, I guess) and then thought to myself, WHAT AM I DOING It's my wedding and if something happens and all of our guests there and we're not, that would be insane! Also, one year we got stranded in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic for a few extra days due to Hurricane Katrina so the insurance came in REALLLLLLLLLLLY handy!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Not to laugh, but this has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I have read so far. She is pissed because she wants YOU to pay for HER boyfriend. If this were my sister, I'd let her have some time to rant. THen once she calmed down a bit, I would repeat all of the stupid crap she just said- so she knows truly how ridiculous she sounds. Next time she goes on a vacation, make sure you whine and cry to her- oh ya, don't forget call her selfish- if she doesn't pay for your FI to go. I KNOW! It IS ridiculous! Sigh! She has no idea what a ding dong she sounded like! Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I bet he ends up finding the money to go. You will have to keep us posted! Will def do! Quote: Originally Posted by Debs Sunday!! AAAAHHH!!! AHH!! How exciting! Where in PC are you getting married? Am a PC bride myself! Quote: Originally Posted by happyone Yeah, I guess Deb is right and you should just laugh at her. That makes the situation so much easier to take. I was pissed after reading your post but now, I'm just laughing like, "What a silly little child she is". Now that I think about it, it is funny, after all. Funny that someone would say such ridiculous things! In hindsight, I suppose I am laughing about it all. She will come around but wow, she really has lost it, guys!
  10. I'm not a big fan of those "consolidate your debt" companies. Most of them lure you into spending more money, sometimes. If he continues to make payments on time, everything, he can call to ask to lower the interest rate (most credit card companies will do it, believe it or not). Good luck!
  11. ^^ I haven't been but this is DEF on my list of things to do when we go down for our wedding! I have been dying to go to Saona Island for awhile now! YAY! And gosh, your wedding is so soon, Lexiee! You getting excited!?!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Never have I been paid for s*x. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Okay now we're waiting for a hooker to sign up and read this thread...lol Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB ROFL,, what it's possible. I have a friend that used to sleep with guys for the things he purchased for her, so it's possible.. :-) Ah, you guys crack me up! TGIF, everyone!
  13. Leticia, I am really sorry about this!!! David's Bridal orders take between 8-10 weeks. Could they maybe hit up a department store so they can try everything on at the store and decide for themselves there (with you there/your approval, of course)? Because if they order online and they don't fit, it will create more problems and alterations take time. Again, so sorry! Good luck!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lscilley Never have I ever..been on a train. You have got to do this sometime! I don't know why but I've always thought they're romantic Very James Bond-esque! LOL
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by soontobeamrs My advice is to call the manager of the resort and tell them that they are in jepordy of losing your business if you do not hear from the WC soon. I'm pretty sure you will get a response then. Especially because there are DOZENS of resorts that would love to host your wedding in Cancun. I agree. Just call and ask to speak with the manager if they say she's busy again. Tell them you are a bride who is getting married there in FIVE weeks and have gotten ZERO responses within the last two weeks. That's just poor customer service. Sometimes my WC takes a few days to get back but never weeks. I bet once you have the manager, all of that will change. You are right to feel a little nervous but maybe the WC doesn't think it's as big of a deal (eventhough that is INSANE). Go straight to the manager! Good luck!
  16. That sounds like an amazing time! Have a blast!
  17. Never have I ever had a one-night stand.
  18. Hey guys. When I booked my trip I didn't get the insurance, which is a first for me. We're flying American Airlines and this is the same week they cancelled 10,000 flights. Our travel agent said we were not allowed to get the insurance AFTER booking so he advised I look on my own. He was charging us over $100 each. I'm so glad this happened. Because I searched on my own and found an indepdent travel insurance company where I only paid $59 a person!!! It covers everything! Trip cancellations, delays, interruptions, medical, baggage loss, inclement weather, the works. So I just wanted to share this link with you. You may find it helpful! I emailed it to all my guests! Travel Guard: Travel Insurance
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I have had 6 people in the last week suddenly decide that they are coming to Jamaica. These are people that never sent their response cards back (which were due more than a month ago) and never gave an indication that they wanted to come. This made me laugh. Only because they always say, the people you least edxpect to come to your wedding do and will! And the ones you most expect, don't! I am with those who said to go with a 'scaled down version' of the OOT bags. It's too late to order everything anyway so just do what you can. Don't stress over it! Omgosh 83 guests! Aesome! How many did you invite total? Girl, your day is getting SO CLOSE! You must be so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Cole5worm Sorry Cmmdee.. i am not making a program.. hope that isn't tacky.. just one less thing i have to worry about! Cole, I have decided I'm not going to either! Hooray for less to do! HAHA
  21. Playa Minitas in the Dominican Republic. It's a private beach with the most insanely crystal blue water ever. Like a movie. I remember looking both ways, hearing ocean waves, and not seeing anyone for miles. The memory always makes me nostalgic. Sigh.
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